🔥Bypass Originality.ai: Ultimate GPT-4 & GPT-3.5 Guide

Last updated: Jun 28, 2023

This video is a guide on how to bypass the AI content detection of Originality.ai by using AI tools like Agility Writer and manipulating the parameters of Open AI Playground, with the experiment results showing the relationship between originality, readability, and frequency penalty.

This video by WordsAtScale was published on Apr 16, 2023.
Video length: 10:59.

This video from the WordsAtScale YouTube channel addresses the recent changes made by Originality.ai to their algorithm, which now includes more AI-generated content.

The video provides a guide on how to bypass the AI content detection and maintain high-quality readable content that ranks on Google. The creator shares their testing and experimentation with different parameters, such as temperature and frequency penalty, to achieve the best results.

The video also suggests using AI tools like Agility Writer or the Open AI playground to manipulate these parameters effectively.

  • Originality.ai algorithm change leads to 100% AI-generated content.
  • Accuracy of Originality.ai is subjective.
  • No chargeability prompt works to bypass AI detection.
  • AI tools and parameter manipulation can help bypass AI detection.
  • 21 combinations of temperature and frequency penalty variations were tested.
  • Higher frequency penalty settings result in more original text.
  • Optimal settings for bypassing Originality.ai are temperature 1, frequency penalty 0.6, and presence penalty 0.6.

🔥Bypass Originality.ai: Ultimate GPT-4 & GPT-3.5 Guide - YouTube

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  • Originality.ai has changed their algorithm, causing many content pieces to be 100% AI-generated.
  • Reports of false positives have been circulating, but the accuracy of Originality.ai is subjective.
  • AI content detection may not be relevant for all businesses.
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Cracking the Code

  • No chargeability prompt works anymore to bypass AI detection.
  • AI tools like Agility Writer and manipulating parameters in Open AI Playground can help bypass AI detection.
  • Combining AI tools and manipulating parameters is necessary for successful bypassing.
  • Rigorous testing has been done to find the best solution.
  • Temperature, frequency penalty, and presence penalty parameters need to be manipulated.
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Experiment Results

  • 21 combinations of temperature and frequency penalty variations were tested.
  • Frequency penalty has a significant impact on AI detection score.
  • Originality.ai's algorithm may be based on frequency rather than styling.
  • Median values were used to determine the best combination.
  • Hemingway and Grammarly visibility scores were also tracked.
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🔥Bypass Originality.ai: Ultimate GPT-4 & GPT-3.5 Guide - YouTube

Relationship between Originality, Readability, and Frequency Penalty

  • Graph illustrates the relationship between originality, readability, and frequency penalty.
  • Higher frequency penalty settings result in more original text.
  • Originality increases as frequency penalty setting increases.
  • Frequency penalty setting of 2 yields the highest originality.
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Relationship between originality, readability, and frequency penalty

  • Average originality scores ranged from 99 to 51, showing a non-linear relationship.
  • Less frequency penalty leads to higher AI detectability and lower readability.
  • Higher frequency penalty settings result in lower readability but higher originality.
  • Using a frequency penalty setting between 1 and 0.5 is advised for best results.
  • Once the lines of originality and readability cross, there is a visibility boost.
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Optimal settings for bypassing Originality.ai

  • The ideal settings are temperature 1, frequency penalty 0.6, and presence penalty 0.6.
  • Jupiter 3.5 performs better than GPT-4 in bypassing AI content detection.
  • With these settings, average originality scores were 40% with GPT-4 and 62% with Jupiter 3.5.
  • Results may vary depending on the niche.
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Testing different prompts to improve AI detection scores

  • Using additional prompts in the Open AI Playground can improve average originality scores.
  • A simple prompt about writing an article on a specific topic can improve scores by 70%.
  • Using the prompt to be engaging can improve AI detection scores by 20%.
  • Other prompts, such as burstence and perplexity, did not yield significant improvements.
  • A prompt from trickminole.ai resulted in high-scoring articles and an 80% improvement in originality scores.
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Final thoughts and recommendations

  • The ideal temperature setting is 1, frequency penalty is 0.6, and presence penalty is 0.6.
  • Jupiter 3.5 performs better than GPT-4 in bypassing AI content detection.
  • The simple engaging prompt, engagement prompt, and hybrid prompt work best for improving AI detection scores.
  • Originality scores range from 50 to 74 with these settings.
  • All the prompts used in the experiments can be found in the prompts Library.

Watch the video on YouTube:
🔥Bypass Originality.ai: Ultimate GPT-4 & GPT-3.5 Guide - YouTube

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