Essential Blogging Tools To Grow and Manage a Successful Blog (2023)

Last updated: Jun 29, 2023

This video is about essential blogging tools that every blogger should use, including web hosting, domain name search, keyword research, SEO, web design, analytics, content creation, graphic creation, email marketing, and more.

This video by Rank Math SEO was published on Feb 16, 2023.
Video length: 31:18.

This video is about essential blogging tools that every blogger should use to grow and manage a successful blog.

The video discusses various categories of tools such as web hosting, domain name search, keyword research, SEO, web design, analytics, content creation, graphic creation, email marketing, and more. The video aims to streamline the essential tools and save viewers time and research.

Most of the recommended tools are free to use.

  • Rank Math SEO provides SEO tools for WordPress and focuses on on-page SEO.
  • The video is part of a series on essential blogging tools and aims to streamline the tools needed for a successful blog.
  • The video covers tools for web hosting, domain name search, keyword research, SEO, web design, analytics, content creation, graphic creation, email marketing, and more.
  • Tools are categorized into different areas of blogging to save viewers time and help them avoid unnecessary purchases.
  • NameLix and Luca are recommended as domain name generator tools.
  • Namecheap is recommended as a domain name registrar for its non-salesy approach.
  • Tips for choosing a domain name include managing all domain names in one place, checking for conflicts with existing trademarks, keeping the name short and easy to remember, and allowing for future expansion.
  • Factors to consider when choosing web hosting include speed, bandwidth, server processing, storage capacity, uptime history, and built-in security features.
  • WordPress is recommended as a content management system for its simplicity, wide range of plugins and themes, and support from big brands.
  • Tips for choosing WordPress themes include looking for customizability and lightweightness, with options like GeneratePress, Astra, Me, Cadence, Block C, and Schema Theme.
  • Keyword research can be done using Google's Auto Suggest, "People Also Ask" section, related searches, Keyword Planner, competitor analysis, and other tools like, Answer the Public, Ahrefs Keyword Generator, and Chat GPT.
  • Rank Math is recommended as a comprehensive SEO tool with both free and pro versions.

Essential Blogging Tools To Grow and Manage a Successful Blog (2023) - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction

  • Rank Math SEO is a YouTube channel that provides SEO tools for WordPress.
  • The channel focuses on on-page SEO and offers complete control over a website's SEO.
  • The video is part of a series on essential blogging tools.
  • The video aims to streamline the essential tools needed for a successful blog.
  • Most of the recommended tools are free.
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Section 2: Essential Blogging Tools

  • The video covers tools for web hosting, domain name search, keyword research, SEO, web design, analytics, content creation, graphic creation, email marketing, and more.
  • These tools are categorized into different areas of blogging.
  • The video aims to save viewers time and help them avoid purchasing unnecessary products.
  • Many of the recommended tools are free to use.
  • The video encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel for up-to-date SEO knowledge.
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Section 3: Finding a Domain Name

  • The video recommends using NameLix as a domain name generator tool.
  • NameLix allows users to input keywords related to their niche and generates domain name options.
  • Another tool mentioned is Luca, a business name generator that can also generate domain name ideas.
  • Both tools provide options for brandable names or more creative results.
  • Users can check the availability of domain names directly through the tools.
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Essential Blogging Tools To Grow and Manage a Successful Blog (2023) - YouTube

Section 4: Buying a Domain Name

  • Namecheap is recommended as a domain name registrar.
  • While there are other options like GoDaddy, the video presenter prefers Namecheap for its non-salesy approach.
  • Namecheap allows users to search for domain availability and purchase domains directly through their platform.
  • The video suggests buying domains from a reputable registrar like Namecheap rather than through a web hosting company.
  • Some web hosting companies may offer free domains, but the presenter recommends using a dedicated domain registrar.
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Choosing a Domain Name

  • Manage all your domain names at one place.
  • Use a tool called Trademark Electronic Search System to check for conflicts with existing trademarks.
  • Choose a domain name with below 15 characters.
  • Avoid using hyphens, numbers, or underscores in the domain name.
  • Ensure the domain name is easy to spell and remember.
  • Choose a domain name that allows for future expansion.
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Web Hosting

  • Consider factors like speed, bandwidth, server processing, and storage capacity.
  • Look for a web host with a good uptime history and built-in security features.
  • A2 Hosting, DreamHost, and Bluehost are good options for shared hosting.
  • Cloudways is a good option for cloud hosting.
  • Digital Ocean and Linode are good options for customized cloud hosting.
  • Recommended hosting option: A2 Hosting.
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Choosing a Content Management System

  • WordPress is recommended for its simplicity and ease of use.
  • WordPress has a wide range of plugins and themes for web design and functionality.
  • Big brands like Sony, TechCrunch, and Time Magazine use WordPress for their blogs.
  • WordPress offers a vast library of plugins and themes for customization.
  • WordPress is constantly evolving and has excellent development support.
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WordPress Themes

  • Look for themes with customizability and lightweightness.
  • GeneratePress is the most lightweight theme, but requires technical knowledge for customization.
  • Astra theme offers customization options and custom layouts in the pro version.
  • Me by Theme House and Cadence and Block C themes are also contenders with custom design layouts.
  • Cadence and Bloxy themes are good options for free themes with customization options.
  • Schema Theme by MyThemeShop is lightweight and SEO-driven.
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Keyword Research

  • Use Google's Auto Suggest for keyword suggestions.
  • Use the "People Also Ask" section and related searches for more keyword ideas.
  • Use Google's Keyword Planner for more keyword ideas.
  • Use the site colon method to discover keywords your competitors are targeting.
  • Visit competitor sites and check their sitemaps for keyword ideas.
  • Other keyword research tools include, Answer the Public, Ahrefs Keyword Generator, and Chat GPT.
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SEO with Rank Math

  • Rank Math is recommended as a comprehensive SEO tool.
  • The free version offers features like 404 monitor and content AI.
  • The pro version offers additional options like image SEO and find and replace text.
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Rank Math SEO

  • Complete control over your entire website's on-page SEO.
  • Local SEO module for local businesses to show up on local searches.
  • Redirection tool to easily create and manage all the redirections on your site.
  • Predefined schema markups for better search engine understanding.
  • Integration with WooCommerce for optimizing product pages.
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  • Free Chrome extension for grammar suggestions.
  • Ensures proper English and high-quality content.
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Cadence Blocks

  • 21 Gutenberg blocks for designing pages.
  • Design settings for promotional sections and email capture forms.
  • Pro version offers more design options and dynamic content.
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Stackable Blocks

  • 39 block options for free.
  • Premium version offers more design flexibility and templates.
  • Dynamic content, transform, transition effects, and motion effects.
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Design Tools

  • Stackable blocks are recommended for design block plugins.
  • Two design tools mentioned are Photoshop and Canva.
  • Photopea is a free alternative to Photoshop.
  • Canva offers free design templates and customization options.
  • These tools allow you to create unique images for your blog posts.
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Email Marketing

  • Zoho Mail is recommended for a free custom domain email.
  • It offers a simple business email address with your domain name.
  • Sign up for a free account and follow the steps to create a custom domain email.
  • Google Analytics is essential for tracking your blog's progress.
  • Create an account and set up a property to track site visitors and interactions.
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Analytics and SEO

  • Google Analytics provides insights into site performance, popular pages, and visitor behavior.
  • Rank Math SEO's analytics module complements Google Analytics.
  • Rank Math's analytics dashboard shows site performance, winning and losing posts, and SEO scores.
  • It also provides information on Google algorithm updates and keyword rankings.
  • Track up to 500 keywords with the Rank Tracker feature.
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AdSense and Ad Placement

  • Once your blog has 15-20 niche-related long-form articles, you can consider applying for Google AdSense.
  • Quick AdSense is a WordPress plugin that allows you to place ads on your site without manual placement.
  • Determine the number of ads to place on each page using the Quick AdSense plugin.
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Ad Management

  • Rank Math SEO is a YouTube channel that provides complete control over your website's on-page SEO.
  • The channel offers tutorials on how to manage ads on your site using the Quick AdSense plugin.
  • The plugin allows you to display ads on posts, pages, home page, categories, archives, etc.
  • You can assign ad positions for each post or page and easily copy and place ad codes from Google AdSense.
  • The Quick AdSense plugin is beginner-friendly and provides convenient controls for ad placement.
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Translation and Multilingual Sites

  • Wiglots and Translate Press are WordPress plugins that help translate your entire site into different languages.
  • These tools are useful for creating multilingual sites and reaching a wider audience.
  • If you have experience with other tools in this category, you can share your insights in the comments.
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Caching and Speed Optimization

  • Caching is essential for speeding up your blog, and the Lightspeed Cache plugin is recommended for sites hosted on Lightspeed servers.
  • The plugin offers optimization options, cache version control, content delivery network integration, image optimization, and more.
  • If your site is not on a Lightspeed server, WP Rocket is a premium plugin suitable for any server type.
  • WP Rocket provides similar caching and speed optimization features as the Lightspeed Cache plugin.
  • Both plugins help optimize CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and database to improve site performance.
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Web Security and Content Delivery Network

  • Cloudflare is a web security tool and content delivery network that adds an additional layer of security to your site.
  • By pointing your domain name to Cloudflare, it checks incoming traffic requests and removes security threats.
  • Cloudflare also acts as a content delivery network, improving site loading speed for international visitors.
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Email Marketing

  • Email marketing can be effective for building loyalty and trust with site visitors.
  • Recommended email marketing tools include MailerLite, SendinBlue, and Fluent CRM.
  • These tools offer free plans to grow your subscriber base and have email automation features.
  • Fluent CRM stands out with its Pro version, which has no limitations on subscribers and outgoing emails.
  • Integration with form blocks allows easy design of contact forms and automatic email backends.
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Essential Blogging Tools

  • These are the tools recommended in the video for starting and maintaining a blog.
  • These tools help with web hosting, domain name search, keyword research, SEO, web design, analytics, content creation, graphic creation, and email marketing.
  • Using these tools can save time and eliminate the need for extensive research.
  • It is important to focus on what is important for growing a successful blog.
  • Viewers are encouraged to leave comments with any additional tools worth mentioning.
  • Subscribing to the YouTube channel will provide access to the most up-to-date SEO tools.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Essential Blogging Tools To Grow and Manage a Successful Blog (2023) - YouTube

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