He Grew a SaaS Business Traffic 4x in 5 Months with SEO

Last updated: Jun 28, 2023

This video is about how Vasco grew a SaaS business's organic traffic by 4x in just five months using SEO strategies.

This video by Vasco's SEO Tips was published on May 22, 2023.
Video length: 15:51.

In this video, Vasco shares a case study of how he was able to increase the organic traffic for a Shopify app by 4 times in just 5 months using SEO.

He discusses the results, the business, the SEO strategy implemented, and the importance of developing a tailored strategy for each type of business. The app, called Appscribe, is a subscription management app for Shopify business owners.

Vasco emphasizes the importance of ranking money-making pages rather than just any blog pages and highlights the success of the SEO strategy in generating revenue for the app.

  • A 4x increase in organic traffic in five months for a Shopify app.
  • The app hit the 700 organic searches milestone in October 2022.
  • The app hit the 1000 organic searches milestone in November 2022.
  • The company's organic traffic is currently at around 1800 searches per month in January 2023.
  • The business is a software as a service (SaaS) company.
  • The app is a subscription management app for Shopify business owners.
  • The app offers a quick and painless way to set up subscription services.
  • The app's packages start at $300 per month.
  • A tailored SEO strategy was developed and implemented for the app.

He Grew a SaaS Business Traffic 4x in 5 Months with SEO - YouTube

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  • A 4x increase in organic traffic in five months for a Shopify app.
  • The strategy started in the summer of 2022.
  • The app hit the 700 organic searches milestone in October 2022.
  • The app hit the 1000 organic searches milestone in November 2022.
  • The company's organic traffic is currently at around 1800 searches per month in January 2023.
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  • The business is a software as a service (SaaS) company.
  • The app is a subscription management app for Shopify business owners.
  • The app offers a quick and painless way to set up subscription services.
  • The app's packages start at $300 per month.
  • The company is earning almost 2000 hits per month.
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SEO Strategy

  • A tailored SEO strategy was developed and implemented for the app.
  • The strategy included content and link building.
  • The focus was on ranking money-making pages with clear calls to action.
  • The strategy resulted in quadrupling traffic to the money-making pages in less than half a year.
  • The company focused on keywords that would generate revenue.
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He Grew a SaaS Business Traffic 4x in 5 Months with SEO - YouTube


  • The company had no SEO strategy in place.
  • They were experiencing slow and stagnant growth in website traffic.
  • Despite receiving great reviews, their traffic was not increasing.
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Identifying the Problem: No SEO Strategy

  • The company had no SEO strategy in place, resulting in stagnant traffic growth.
  • Many companies have a blog and produce content, but without a clear strategy, it often goes to waste.
  • Developing a strategy before implementing it is crucial for success.
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Collaborating to Develop an SEO Strategy

  • The first step was to collaborate with the business owners to develop a tailored SEO strategy.
  • Collaborating with the business owners ensures that the strategy is built specifically for the company's needs.
  • The SEO strategy was developed by experts who tailored it to the company's goals.
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Creating a Tailored SEO Strategy

  • The solution was to develop a comprehensive SEO strategy from scratch.
  • The first step was to compile suitable topics that were relevant to the client's niche.
  • High-performing keywords were then identified based on these topics.
  • The target audience was determined to maximize clicks, conversions, and revenue growth.
  • A link building plan was created to improve search engine rankings.
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The Importance of Link Building

  • Link building is crucial for SEO success.
  • High-quality and topically relevant links are important for improving search engine rankings.
  • Both internal and external link building strategies are necessary for fast growth.
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Section 1: Importance of Internal Links

  • Internal links are important for maximizing link juice and improving user experience.
  • Internal links help flow link juice from one blog post to another.
  • Linking to related articles improves user experience and increases time spent on the site.
  • Internal links can also be used for backlinking strategies like guest postings and link swapping.
  • Internal links should be used strategically to improve SEO and user experience.
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Section 2: Setting up a Content Calendar

  • Consistency is crucial for SEO success.
  • A content calendar helps in planning and delivering regular content.
  • Consistently delivering blog posts and backlinks helps in staying visible in a competitive market.
  • A content calendar should be based on core topics and target keywords.
  • Consistent content delivery improves conversion and revenue growth.
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Section 3: Key Takeaways

  • A detailed and effective SEO strategy is essential for staying competitive and achieving substantial traffic growth.
  • Knowing your niche and target audience is crucial for developing a tailored SEO strategy.
  • Consistency in content delivery and visibility is key for long-term success.
  • Consistent content delivery fosters reader interest and improves conversion and revenue growth.
  • Consider hiring an SEO expert to develop a tailored strategy for your business.
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Section 4: Conclusion and Call to Action

  • Organic traffic is becoming increasingly important, and developing an effective SEO strategy is crucial.
  • Consider booking a call with an SEO expert to discuss your business's potential for SEO success.
  • Factor.com offers SEO services with a guarantee of ranking on page one of Google or your money back.
  • There are various SEO experts available who can help achieve similar results to the case study mentioned.
  • Stay tuned for more case studies and informative videos on SEO strategies.

Watch the video on YouTube:
He Grew a SaaS Business Traffic 4x in 5 Months with SEO - YouTube

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