🚨 How To Access NEW Chat GPT 4 Web Browser + Plugins!

Last updated: Jun 29, 2023

This video is about how to access the new web browser function and plugins of Chat GPT 4, with a demonstration of its features and a discussion of potential errors and limitations.

This video by Success With AI was published on May 15, 2023.
Video length: 08:03.

This video from the YouTube channel Success With AI is about how to access the new web browser function and plugins of Chat GPT 4.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to enable these features for users who have Chat GPT plus. It also demonstrates the use of the web browser function and discusses the various plugins available in the plugin store, showcasing their potential applications and benefits.

The video acknowledges that there may be some errors and delays in using these features due to the rollout process.

  • Chat GPT plus is required to access the new web browser function and plugins.
  • To enable the browsing and plugins features, go to the browser menu and checkmark the options.
  • If the options are not visible, go to settings, click on "beta features," and enable the plugins slider.
  • Web browsing is gradually being rolled out and may not be available to all users yet.
  • There have been errors and delays in using the web browser function.

🚨 How To Access NEW Chat GPT 4 Web Browser + Plugins! - YouTube

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Accessing Chat GPT's new web browser function and plugins

  • You need to have Chat GPT plus to access the new web browser function and plugins.
  • To enable the browsing and plugins features, go to the browser menu and checkmark the options.
  • If you don't see the options, go to settings, click on "beta features," and enable the plugins slider.
  • Web browsing may not be available to all users yet, but it is being rolled out gradually.
  • There have been some errors and delays in using the web browser function.
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Using the web browser function

  • You can search for specific content using the web browser function.
  • There may be click failures and delays when using the web browser function.
  • Some searches may fail to retrieve articles or content.
  • However, there are successful instances where the browsing function retrieves and displays content.
  • You can click on links within the displayed content to access individual pieces of information.
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Plugins feature

  • To access the plugins feature, enable beta features and plugins in the settings.
  • Click on the plugins option in the drop-down menu.
  • You can install plugins from the plugin store.
  • There are various plugins available, including ones for PDFs, documents, and real estate websites.
  • Plugins can be used to extract information, get ideas, and analyze data.
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🚨 How To Access NEW Chat GPT 4 Web Browser + Plugins! - YouTube

Introduction to Chat GPT 4 Web Browser and Plugins

  • The video discusses the new web browser function and plugins of Chat GPT 4.
  • The host mentions the SEO dot app plugin, which allows users to generate SEO optimized content.
  • The web browser function functions similarly to a regular web browser, allowing users to search and generate content.
  • An example is shown where the host created an SEO optimized blog post using the plugin.
  • The generated article includes the key phrase, context, and information about making money online with Chat GPT.
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Features and Benefits of the SEO Plugin

  • The SEO plugin analyzes various aspects of the content, including emotions, keywords, and subheadings.
  • It provides feedback on the primary keyword placement and usage in the article.
  • The plugin scans the title, URL, headlines, and long-tail keywords to create the optimized output.
  • Using the SEO plugin within Chat GPT simplifies the process of generating SEO optimized content.
  • The host recommends viewers to check out the web browser and SEO plugin for an exciting week of new content.

Watch the video on YouTube:
🚨 How To Access NEW Chat GPT 4 Web Browser + Plugins! - YouTube

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