Learn to Use Background Information with Magic Commands in ZimmWriter

Last updated: Jun 22, 2023

The video is about the new update to Magic Commands inside of ZimmWriter, which allows users to input background information to make writing tasks more efficient.

The video is about the new update to Magic Commands inside of ZimmWriter, a software that runs on a Windows computer and allows users to use AI to tap into AI basically anywhere on their desktop or in their browser on a Windows computer. The update delivers more power to users, allowing them to put background information into the software, which affects how the magic command works. This feature is useful for those who frequently write about a particular company or handle different clients' social media, as it saves time and makes the process less cumbersome. The video demonstrates how to use this feature and encourages viewers to share their different use cases for it.

  • ZimmWriter is software that allows users to use AI to tap into AI on their Windows computer.
  • The version 6.0 update in ZimmWriter delivers more power to users.
  • The Advanced trigger menu is a powerful tool that allows users to put background information into their magic commands.
  • Users can use continue writing triggers to write a sentence and then have the AI continue writing the rest of the paragraph or article.
  • Users can use rewriting triggers to rewrite a sentence or paragraph in a different way.
  • Background information can be filled out to make writing tasks more efficient and can be saved and stored for future use.
  • Magic commands can be tweaked and abstracted out from the details of the business or product.
  • Using background information and magic commands can unlock new opportunities for efficient writing.
  • Magic commands can be assigned to keyboard triggers and used with literary devices on highlighted text to achieve professional writing.

Learn to Use Background Information with Magic Commands in ZimmWriter - YouTube

Learn to Use Background Information with Magic Commands in ZimmWriter 001


  • The video is about the new update to Magic Commands inside of ZimmWriter.
  • ZimmWriter is software that runs on a Windows computer and allows users to use AI to tap into AI basically anywhere on their desktop or in their browser on a Windows computer.
  • Previous to this version 6.0 update in ZimmWriter, users could just type a command and get a result out, but users wanted more power and that's what this update delivers.
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Advanced Trigger Menu

  • When users first start 6.0 up, they'll see some new options in here but we're going to focus on this Advanced trigger menu down here.
  • There's a lot going on in here, and it is crazy powerful.
  • Users can put some background information into this, and it will affect how the magic command works.
  • Users can delete all the text and have their magic command write a Facebook post about a company and the services that they offer in regards to carpet cleaning.
  • Users can load their background information inside of ZimmWriter and minimize the whole program and go about their day, and when they need to make a post or write about a particular company, it's going to use that background information.
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Continue Writing Triggers

  • Users can use continue writing triggers to write a sentence and then have the AI continue writing the rest of the paragraph or article.
  • Users can use continue writing triggers to write a sentence and then have the AI continue writing the rest of the paragraph or article.
  • Users can use continue writing triggers to write a sentence and then have the AI continue writing the rest of the paragraph or article.
  • Users can use continue writing triggers to write a sentence and then have the AI continue writing the rest of the paragraph or article.
  • Users can use continue writing triggers to write a sentence and then have the AI continue writing the rest of the paragraph or article.
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Learn to Use Background Information with Magic Commands in ZimmWriter - YouTube

Rewriting Triggers

  • Users can use rewriting triggers to rewrite a sentence or paragraph in a different way.
  • Users can use rewriting triggers to rewrite a sentence or paragraph in a different way.
  • Users can use rewriting triggers to rewrite a sentence or paragraph in a different way.
  • Users can use rewriting triggers to rewrite a sentence or paragraph in a different way.
  • Users can use rewriting triggers to rewrite a sentence or paragraph in a different way.
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Using Background Information

  • Background information can be filled out to make writing tasks more efficient.
  • It only affects the magic commands to continue writing and the rewriting traders.
  • Background information can be saved and stored for future use.
  • Information can be updated and renamed.
  • Settings can be changed to include literary devices and increase detection as real.
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Editing Background Information

  • Background information can be deleted or unchecked to stop affecting writing tasks.
  • Advanced triggers can be disabled to stop affecting writing tasks.
  • Multiple background information can be stored for different products or purposes.
  • Providing more background information can improve the output of magic commands.
  • Lists and other settings can be enabled or disabled.
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Magic Command Power

  • Magic commands can be tweaked and abstracted out from the details of the business or product.
  • A repository of magic commands can be created for future use.
  • Magic commands can be used to write product reviews, incorporate opinions, and list pros and cons.
  • Markdown bullet points can be used to format the output of magic commands.
  • Magic commands can be used to write Facebook posts and other types of content.
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Unlocking New Opportunities

  • Using background information and magic commands can unlock new opportunities for efficient writing.
  • Multiple background information can be stored for different products or purposes.
  • Magic commands can be used to write different types of content.
  • Lists, opinions, and pros and cons can be incorporated into the output of magic commands.
  • Markdown bullet points can be used to format the output of magic commands.
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Saving Magic Commands

  • Magic commands can be saved by clicking the save button.
  • Multiple magic commands can be saved.
  • Magic commands can be edited and updated.
  • ZimmWriter can be closed and reopened, and the saved magic commands will still be there.
  • Magic commands can be copied and pasted into the writing area.
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Assigning Magic Commands to Keyboard Triggers

  • Custom magic commands can be assigned to keyboard triggers.
  • Triggers can be changed in the ZimmWriter settings.
  • Highlighting text and pressing the assigned keyboard trigger will perform the magic command on the highlighted text.
  • Magic commands can be crafted to be in-depth and detailed.
  • Multiple magic commands can be assigned to different keyboard triggers.
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Using Magic Commands with Background Information

  • Magic commands can be used with background information to make writing tasks more efficient.
  • Background information can be filled out and used in the magic command.
  • Options for magic commands are endless.
  • Magic commands can be assigned to keyboard triggers and used on highlighted text.
  • Multiple magic commands can be saved and used in the writing area.
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Enabling Literary Devices and Professional Writing

  • Literary devices can be enabled in ZimmWriter.
  • Professional writing can be achieved by using literary devices.
  • Background information can be used with literary devices to create professional writing.
  • Magic commands can be assigned to keyboard triggers and used with literary devices on highlighted text.
  • Multiple magic commands can be saved and used with literary devices in the writing area.
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Using Magic Commands in Facebook Posts

  • Hit control control five to write a Facebook post.
  • Write about a service using the magic command in the background.
  • Highlight text and hit control five to write a Facebook post about a specific service.
  • Use emojis and hashtags in the Facebook post.
  • Assign different services to different control commands.
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Using Magic Commands for Product Reviews

  • Use Advanced triggers to paste background information for product reviews.
  • Assign a magic command to control four for product reviews.
  • Highlight the title of the product and hit control four to generate a product review.
  • Use literary devices in the product review.
  • Hit control five to generate a Facebook post about the product.
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Using Magic Commands for Other Platforms

  • Use background information to generate content for different platforms.
  • Hit control five to generate a Facebook post about a specific topic.
  • Be careful when inputting background information with quotes and commas.
  • Use control four to generate a product review.
  • Use different literary devices in the product review.
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Using Magic Commands for Car Reviews

  • Use background information to generate content for car reviews.
  • Hit control four to generate a car review.
  • Use different literary devices in the car review.
  • Hit control five to generate a Facebook post about the car.
  • Use different background information for different car models.
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Background Information in ZimmWriter

  • Magic Commands in ZimmWriter allow users to input background information to make writing tasks more efficient.
  • Users can save background information in a separate section and access it later.
  • Users can assign a control key to different types of writing tasks, such as Facebook posts or tweets.
  • Users can customize their writing style, including voice and personality.
  • Users can use literary devices to enhance their writing.
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Using Advanced Triggers in ZimmWriter

  • Advanced Triggers in ZimmWriter allow users to input specific information for different writing tasks.
  • Users can save background information for different products or topics in separate sections.
  • Users can assign a control key to different types of writing tasks, such as Facebook posts or tweets.
  • Users can use background information to write product reviews or promotional content.
  • Users can customize their writing style, including voice and personality.
  • Advanced Triggers in ZimmWriter unlock the true potential of using AI for writing tasks.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Learn to Use Background Information with Magic Commands in ZimmWriter - YouTube

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