Which Is The Best AI Detection Tool? (BIG Surprise!)

Last updated: Jun 27, 2023

This video is about Jason West testing different AI detection tools to see which one is the best, using ChatGPT to generate content and trick the tools, and discussing the recent trends and interest in AI detection.

This video by Jason West was published on May 16, 2023.
Video length: 11:17.

In this video, Jason West tests various AI detection tools to determine which one is the best at the time of the video.

He aims to trick the tools by generating content with ChatGPT and using all the tricks suggested by viewers in the comments. Jason also discusses the recent developments in AI detection tools and their popularity, as well as the rise in interest in detecting AI-generated content.

He then showcases the output of ChatGPT's article and proceeds to scan it using different AI detection tools to see if they can detect any issues.

  • Jason is testing different AI detection tools to determine the best one.
  • Interest in AI detection tools has increased over the past four months, with certain countries showing high interest.
  • The ChatGPT-generated article on AI-generated content for small business growth is well-written and human-like.
  • Jason plans to test the ChatGPT-generated article with various AI detection tools.
  • Winston AI is fast and confident in detecting AI-generated content.
  • AI Detector Pro requires a paid plan to use, so Jason cannot test it.
  • GPT-0 determines that the content is likely written by a human, but there is evidence that it may not be as good as claimed.
  • Cross Plag determines that the text is mainly written by a human, but Jason tricks it using certain techniques.

Which Is The Best AI Detection Tool? (BIG Surprise!) - YouTube

Which Is The Best AI Detection Tool? (BIG Surprise!) 001


  • Jason is testing different AI detection tools to determine the best one.
  • He plans to trick the tools by generating content with ChatGPT.
  • He will use GPT4 and various tricks suggested by viewers.
  • Jason starts by having ChatGPT write a 500-word article on AI-generated content for small business growth.
  • He discusses the recent trends and interest in AI detection tools.
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Interest in AI Detection Tools

  • Google Trends shows a significant increase in interest in AI detection over the past four months.
  • Kenya, Tunisia, Pakistan, Singapore, China, and the Philippines show high interest in AI detection.
  • Turnitin is a popular tool for detecting AI-generated content, especially in educational institutions.
  • Interest in detecting AI-generated content is on the rise.
  • Jason highlights the importance of detecting AI-generated content and its impact on various industries.
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Assessing the ChatGPT-Generated Article

  • The ChatGPT-generated article on AI-generated content for small business growth is upbeat and human-like.
  • It includes occasional humor and analogies.
  • Jason notes that the article may have added more humor and analogies than he intended.
  • He believes the article is well-written and demonstrates the capabilities of ChatGPT.
  • Jason emphasizes the importance of making AI-generated content seem more human-like.
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Which Is The Best AI Detection Tool? (BIG Surprise!) - YouTube

Testing AI Detection Tools

  • Jason copies the ChatGPT-generated article and plans to test it with various AI detection tools.
  • He provides a link to a website where viewers can access different AI detection tools.
  • Jason intends to test the most common and reputable AI detection tools.
  • He expresses confidence that the article won't be flagged for plagiarism.
  • Jason proceeds to scan the text using an AI detection tool to determine its effectiveness.
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Winston AI

  • Jason tests Winston AI as an AI detection tool.
  • Winston AI is fast and confident in detecting AI-generated content.
  • Winston AI detects that the content has been written by an AI generator.
Which Is The Best AI Detection Tool? (BIG Surprise!) 007

AI Detector Pro

  • Jason tests AI Detector Pro as an AI detection tool.
  • AI Detector Pro requires a paid plan to use, so Jason cannot use it.
Which Is The Best AI Detection Tool? (BIG Surprise!) 008


  • Jason tests GPT-0 as an AI detection tool.
  • GPT-0 determines that the content is likely written entirely by a human.
  • There is evidence that GPT-0 is not as good as it is claimed to be.
Which Is The Best AI Detection Tool? (BIG Surprise!) 009

Cross Plag

  • Jason tests Cross Plag as an AI detection tool.
  • Cross Plag determines that the text is mainly written by a human.
  • Jason tricks Cross Plag by using certain techniques.
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  • Jason West tests different AI detection tools to find the best one.
  • He uses ChatGPT to generate content and trick the tools.
  • He discusses recent trends and interest in AI detection.
  • He mentions the website scanner tool called Winston.
  • He mentions the AI detection tool called Originality.
  • He provides a link to a website where viewers can test different AI detection tools.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Which Is The Best AI Detection Tool? (BIG Surprise!) - YouTube

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