Beginner AI SEO Course #1 | Meta Descriptions ChatGPT for SEO

Last updated: Jun 26, 2023

This video is a beginner's guide to using ChatGPT to create meta descriptions for SEO, saving time and money in the process.

This video by Income stream surfers was published on Apr 28, 2023.
Video length: 07:10.

This video is a beginner's guide to using ChatGPT for creating meta descriptions for SEO.

The video demonstrates how to use the platform to generate unique and relevant meta descriptions quickly and easily.

The speaker also provides tips on best practices for meta descriptions and showcases how ChatGPT can save time and effort in the SEO process.

  • The video is a beginner's guide to using ChatGPT to create meta descriptions for SEO.
  • Using ChatGPT for meta descriptions can save time and money.
  • ChatGPT can be used for free, but the premium version is recommended.
  • ChatGPT 3.5 turbo is used in the video.
  • The system prompt is set as "You are a digital marketing assistant working for"

Beginner AI SEO Course #1 | Meta Descriptions ChatGPT for SEO - YouTube

Beginner AI SEO Course #1 | Meta Descriptions ChatGPT for SEO 001


  • The video is a beginner's guide to using ChatGPT to create meta descriptions for SEO.
  • Using ChatGPT for meta descriptions can save time and money.
  • ChatGPT can be used for free, but the premium version is recommended.
  • ChatGPT 3.5 turbo is used in the video.
  • The system prompt is set as "You are a digital marketing assistant working for"
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Creating Meta Descriptions

  • Best practices for meta descriptions include creating unique descriptions, providing relevant information, and programmatically generating descriptions.
  • The meta title is taken from the product title and submitted.
  • ChatGPT generates the meta description, which can be saved.
  • Manually writing meta descriptions can be time-consuming and repetitive.
  • Automatically uploading meta descriptions to platforms like Magento may not be possible.
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Using ChatGPT for SEO

  • ChatGPT is used to create collection or category pages on Magento.
  • The goal is to achieve growth in website traffic.
  • Checking the ranking of pages and the effectiveness of the process is important.
  • ChatGPT helps in generating meta tags and maintaining consistency.
  • The system prompt in ChatGPT does not randomly change information.
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Beginner AI SEO Course #1 | Meta Descriptions ChatGPT for SEO - YouTube


  • Using ChatGPT for meta descriptions can be a time-saving and efficient process.
  • It is recommended to use the premium version of ChatGPT.
  • Manually writing meta descriptions can be tedious and repetitive.
  • ChatGPT helps in generating meta descriptions quickly and consistently.
  • Using ChatGPT for SEO can contribute to website growth and improved rankings.
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Using ChatGPT for SEO

  • ChatGPT is a platform that can be used to create meta descriptions for SEO.
  • Whatever you write in the system will not be changed, making it reliable for creating meta titles.
  • Creating unique content on your website is important for better rankings on search engines.
  • Using ChatGPT for meta descriptions can save a significant amount of time.
  • There are faster ways to create meta descriptions depending on your CMS, but ChatGPT is a user-friendly option.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Beginner AI SEO Course #1 | Meta Descriptions ChatGPT for SEO - YouTube

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