ChatGPT for Content Ideas: Generate 50+ Awesome Content Ideas In Under 10 Minutes

Last updated: Jun 28, 2023

This video is about how to use ChatGPT to generate over 50 content ideas for a blog in under 10 minutes.

This video by Surfside PPC was published on Mar 15, 2023.
Video length: 11:05.

This video from the Surfside PPC YouTube channel is about using ChatGPT to generate content ideas for a blog.

The video demonstrates how to use ChatGPT to quickly and effectively come up with content ideas for a mattress website. The presenter shows how to use ChatGPT and Answer the Public to generate a list of questions and keywords related to mattresses, and then uses these to come up with blog post titles and content ideas.

The video provides step-by-step instructions and examples to help viewers generate over 50 content ideas in under 10 minutes.

  • ChatGPT can be used to quickly and effectively come up with content ideas for blogs, videos, and other types of content.
  • Answer the Public is a tool that can be used in conjunction with ChatGPT to generate even more content ideas.
  • You can copy and paste the keywords from Answer the Public into a spreadsheet and filter out irrelevant keywords.
  • After using Answer the Public to generate a list of questions, you can input these questions into ChatGPT to generate blog post titles.
  • If you have an SEO keyword list, you can use it to generate additional content ideas.
  • Start by doing 20 keywords at a time to generate content ideas.
  • Use the keywords from Answer the Public or other keyword research tools as prompts in ChatGPT to generate blog post ideas.

ChatGPT for Content Ideas: Generate 50+ Awesome Content Ideas In Under 10 Minutes - YouTube

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Using ChatGPT to Generate Content Ideas

  • ChatGPT can be used to quickly and effectively come up with content ideas for blogs, videos, and other types of content.
  • By inputting prompts related to your niche, you can generate a list of content ideas in a short amount of time.
  • Answer the Public is a tool that can be used in conjunction with ChatGPT to generate even more content ideas.
  • Answer the Public provides a list of questions, prepositions, comparisons, and related keywords based on a specific keyword.
  • You can copy and paste the keywords from Answer the Public into a spreadsheet and filter out irrelevant keywords.
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Using Answer the Public to Generate Content Ideas

  • Answer the Public provides a list of questions, prepositions, comparisons, and related keywords based on a specific keyword.
  • You can download up to 30 keywords for free, but copying and pasting the keywords into a spreadsheet allows you to bypass this limit.
  • Filtering the keywords in the spreadsheet allows you to focus on specific types of keywords, such as questions.
  • You can go through the keywords and remove any that are not relevant to your blog or content.
  • By selecting 20 relevant questions at a time, you can generate a list of content ideas.
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Using ChatGPT with Answer the Public Results

  • After using Answer the Public to generate a list of questions, you can input these questions into ChatGPT to generate blog post titles.
  • Copying and pasting the questions from ChatGPT into a spreadsheet allows you to organize and correlate them with the original questions.
  • While not all of the questions provided by Answer the Public may be perfect, you can still use them as inspiration for blog post titles.
  • By using ChatGPT with Answer the Public results, you can quickly generate a large number of content ideas.
  • Within a few minutes, you can have over 30 content ideas by combining the results from Answer the Public and ChatGPT.
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ChatGPT for Content Ideas: Generate 50+ Awesome Content Ideas In Under 10 Minutes - YouTube

Using SEO Keyword List to Generate Content Ideas

  • If you have an SEO keyword list, you can use it to generate additional content ideas.
  • Starting from the top of the keyword list, you can input each keyword into ChatGPT to generate blog post titles.
  • Copying and pasting the blog post titles into a spreadsheet allows you to keep track of the content ideas.
  • By combining the content ideas from the SEO keyword list with the ones generated from Answer the Public and ChatGPT, you can have a comprehensive list of content ideas.
  • Within a short amount of time, you can generate a large number of content ideas using these methods.
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Using ChatGPT to Generate Content Ideas

  • Start by doing 20 keywords at a time to generate content ideas.
  • Use specific keywords related to your blog topic, such as "best mattress" or "mattress for back pain".
  • Copy the keywords and use them as a prompt in ChatGPT to generate content ideas.
  • You can also ask ChatGPT to provide search volume and keyword difficulty for the keywords.
  • By using tools like Answer the Public or Keywords Everywhere, you can gather more long-tail keywords for content ideas.
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Generating Blog Post Ideas

  • Use the keywords from Answer the Public or other keyword research tools as prompts in ChatGPT to generate blog post ideas.
  • Ask ChatGPT to provide blog post ideas for specific questions related to the keywords.
  • Consider using ChatGPT to answer the questions directly in your blog posts.
  • Even for niche topics like mattresses, there are still plenty of content ideas to explore.
  • Target keywords with your blog posts to attract relevant traffic.
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Expanding Keyword Research

  • Use ChatGPT for keyword research and then use the generated keywords to come up with content ideas.
  • Utilize tools like Answer the Public or Keywords Everywhere to gather more long-tail keywords.
  • Export the keyword data and use it as prompts in ChatGPT to generate content ideas.
  • Ensure that you are targeting high search volume keywords to maximize your blog's visibility.
  • Use Excel or CSV files to organize and manage your keyword data.
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  • ChatGPT is a powerful tool for generating content ideas quickly and efficiently.
  • By using specific keywords and prompts, you can generate a wide range of content ideas for your blog.
  • Combine ChatGPT with keyword research tools to expand your keyword list and generate even more content ideas.
  • Target high search volume keywords to attract relevant traffic to your blog.
  • Experiment with different prompts and keywords to discover new and unique content ideas.
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Using ChatGPT to Generate Content Ideas

  • Search is a free tool that provides search volume data from Google Keyword Planner for up to 800 keywords per day.
  • Enter the high search volume keywords into ChatGPT and ask for a blog post idea for each keyword.
  • This method allows you to quickly come up with a variety of content ideas.
  • Ensure that your content is unique and avoid duplicates.
  • ChatGPT can also assist in writing the blog post or creating an outline.
  • For more information or questions, leave a comment on the video or subscribe to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel.

Watch the video on YouTube:
ChatGPT for Content Ideas: Generate 50+ Awesome Content Ideas In Under 10 Minutes - YouTube

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