Google Ads Tutorial 2023 [Step-by-Step] Adwords

Last updated: Jun 2, 2023

The video by Santrel Media is a step-by-step tutorial on how to run and operate Google Ads, covering topics such as different types of conversion rates, ad styles, keywords, and setting up split testing.

The video is a step-by-step tutorial on how to run and operate Google Ads.

The tutorial is designed for beginners and those who have already run ads on different platforms.

The video covers topics such as different types of conversion rates, target conversion rates, ad styles, keywords, and split testing.

The tutorial also shows how to create a new Google Ads account and select a campaign type.

The video emphasizes the importance of understanding each type of advertisement as it significantly affects the campaign and the way ads are run.

  • The video is a step-by-step tutorial on how to run and operate Google Ads.
  • The tutorial covers different types of conversion rates, ad styles, keywords, and setting up split testing.
  • Viewers can learn about different types of conversion rates, ad styles, keywords, and split testing.
  • It's recommended to switch to expert mode when setting up a Google Ads account to save money.
  • Search ads are a good starting point for beginners.
  • There are four steps to setting up a campaign: selecting campaign settings, setting up ad groups, creating ads, and finding keywords.
  • Billing information must be entered to start running ads.
  • Conversion tracking can be set up to track website traffic and conversions.
  • Choose the ad format that best suits your campaign goals.

Google Ads Tutorial 2023 [Step-by-Step] Adwords - YouTube

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  • The video is a step-by-step tutorial on how to run and operate Google Ads.
  • The tutorial is for anyone looking to run ads through Google's services, whether they are a complete beginner or have already run ads on different platforms.
  • The goal of the video is to teach every step of the process and get viewers running their first Google ad.
  • The video covers different types of conversion rates, ad styles, keywords, and setting up split testing.
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Signing in and Creating a Google Ads Account

  • Go to and sign into your Google account.
  • Create a new Google Ads account if you don't have one.
  • Google will prompt you with questions to set up your ad, but it's recommended to switch to expert mode to skip most of it and save money.
  • Click on "switch to expert mode" and select the type of ad you want to run, such as website traffic.
  • Select the campaign type, such as Google search ads, and understand the different types of advertisements.
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Conversion Rates and Ad Styles

  • Different types of conversion rates include target conversion rates, cost per acquisition, and return on ad spend.
  • Ad styles include responsive search ads, display ads, and video ads.
  • Responsive search ads allow for multiple headlines and descriptions to be tested and optimized.
  • Display ads can be used for brand awareness and targeting specific audiences.
  • Video ads can be used for storytelling and showcasing products or services.
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Google Ads Tutorial 2023 [Step-by-Step] Adwords - YouTube

Keywords and Split Testing

  • Keyword research is important for finding the right keywords to target in ads.
  • Tools such as Google Keyword Planner can help with keyword research.
  • Split testing involves testing different versions of ads to see which performs better.
  • A/B testing is a common type of split testing where two versions of an ad are tested against each other.
  • Split testing can help optimize ads and improve conversion rates.
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Types of Ads

  • Search ads are basic text ads that appear at the top of Google search results.
  • Display ads are banner ads that appear on websites and blogs.
  • Shopping ads are ads for physical products that appear in the shopping tab of Google search results.
  • Video ads are ads that appear on YouTube and require a video to be created.
  • Discovery ads are for general advertising and can appear on Gmail and other areas.
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Starting with Search Ads

  • Search ads are a good starting point for beginners.
  • They are effective for targeting people searching for something specific.
  • Display ads and other types of ads can be added later once search ads are mastered.
  • Shopping ads are good for physical products and can appear in the shopping tab of Google search results.
  • Video ads require a video to be created and can be expensive.
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Setting Up Campaigns

  • There are four steps to setting up a campaign: selecting campaign settings, setting up ad groups, creating ads, and finding keywords.
  • Campaign settings include selecting a campaign name and deciding how much to spend.
  • Ad groups are groups of ads that target specific keywords.
  • Ads can be created with text or images.
  • Keywords are words or phrases that people might search for to find your ad.
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Billing and Conversions

  • Billing information must be entered to start running ads.
  • Conversion tracking can be set up to track website traffic and conversions.
  • Conversion rates can be measured for different types of actions, such as purchases or sign-ups.
  • Split testing can be used to test different ad styles and keywords to see which ones perform better.
  • It is important to monitor and adjust campaigns regularly to optimize performance.
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Campaign and Network

  • First campaign is for website marketing ads.
  • Focus on search network only to avoid accidental clicks.
  • Target specific terms that people are searching for.
  • Avoid display network for now.
  • Choose the network that is most relevant to your campaign.
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Targeting and Audience Segments

  • Whittling down your target audience will generally cost more money.
  • Consider the product or service you are selling when targeting ads.
  • Think about shipping costs and affordability in certain areas.
  • Enter specific locations to target or exclude.
  • As you get more specific, the price goes up.
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Languages and Budget

  • Stick with English for language targeting.
  • Consider including other highly common languages in the area.
  • Under-targeted languages may have low competition and high conversion rates.
  • Set a budget for your campaign.
  • Choose a bidding strategy that aligns with your goals.
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Ad Formats and Split Testing

  • Choose the ad format that best suits your campaign goals.
  • Use split testing to compare different ad variations.
  • Test different headlines, descriptions, and images.
  • Track conversion rates to determine the most effective ad.
  • Make adjustments to improve ad performance.
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  • Understand that it takes time to have the perfect ad, so do split testing or A/B testing.
  • Start with a small amount of money and gradually increase it.
  • Set a daily budget, for example, $40 per day.
  • Decide on the bidding strategy, such as focusing on clicks.
  • Set a maximum cost per click bid limit.
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Ad Extensions

  • Add call extensions to include a phone number in the ad.
  • Conversions can increase up to 15% with call extensions.
  • People may call instead of clicking on the ad, which can save money.
  • Other ad extensions include location, sitelinks, and callouts.
  • Explore ad extensions or come back to them later.
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Setting up Ad Groups

  • Choose keywords to target when people search on Google.
  • Decide when to show up in Google search based on what people are searching for.
  • Set up multiple ad groups.
  • Use Google's keyword planner to find relevant keywords.
  • Group similar keywords together in an ad group.
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Creating Ads

  • Choose the ad format, such as text, image, or video.
  • Write compelling ad copy that includes the targeted keywords.
  • Include a call to action in the ad.
  • Use ad preview to see how the ad will look on different devices.
  • Submit the ad for review and wait for approval.
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Keyword Types

  • There are three different options for how to type in keywords: broad match, phrase match, and exact match.
  • Broad match is a very broad keyword match and can show up for different variations of the keyword.
  • Phrase match is more specific and only shows up if the search includes the exact phrase in quotations.
  • Exact match is the most specific and only shows up if the search includes the exact phrase in brackets.
  • Using brackets for exact match can save money and avoid showing up for irrelevant searches.
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Finding Keywords

  • There are many tools available for finding new keywords, such as and Uber Suggest.
  • Google also has a keyword tool for finding new keywords.
  • Start with broad keywords and use brackets for more specific targeting.
  • Fill in a variety of keywords and test them out, then go back and tweak them for better results.
  • Make sure to choose keywords with enough search volume to be effective.
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Filling Out Keyword Fields

  • It's important to fill out the keyword fields on your own, rather than relying on Google's suggestions.
  • Delete any pre-filled keywords that are not relevant to your business.
  • Fill in a variety of keywords using different match types.
  • Create a new ad group if you want to test different keywords separately.
  • Save and continue to move on to the next step.
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Setting Up Split Testing

  • Split testing allows you to test different versions of your ads to see which performs better.
  • Choose a variable to test, such as the headline or the call-to-action.
  • Create multiple versions of your ad with different variables.
  • Set up the split test in Google Ads and let it run for a set amount of time.
  • Analyze the results and choose the best-performing ad to use going forward.
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Creating Your First Advertisement

  • Create at least two or three variations of your ad and run tests to see which performs best.
  • Delete the pre-filled information from Google and fill in your own headlines and descriptions.
  • Look for inspiration from other ads and companies, but do not copy them.
  • Use words and phrases that are relevant to your business and audience.
  • Stick to the character limits for headlines and descriptions.
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Confirming Payment Info

  • Submit your payment information to activate your account.
  • Wait for Google to review your campaign, which usually takes about an hour.
  • Explore your campaign dashboard to view clicks, impressions, and cost.
  • Add or modify campaigns and keywords as needed.
  • Use negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches.
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Understanding Conversion Rates

  • There are different types of conversion rates, such as click-through rate and conversion rate.
  • Conversion rate is the percentage of clicks that result in a desired action, such as a purchase or sign-up.
  • It is important to track and analyze conversion rates to optimize your ads and improve ROI.
  • Split testing can help you determine which ad variations perform best and improve conversion rates.
  • Use conversion tracking to measure the success of your campaigns and adjust your strategy accordingly.
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Choosing Ad Styles and Keywords

  • Choose the ad style that best fits your business and audience, such as text, image, or video ads.
  • Use relevant keywords that match the search terms of your target audience.
  • Use keyword research tools to find popular and relevant keywords.
  • Use negative keywords to exclude irrelevant searches and improve ad targeting.
  • Consider the competition and bid on keywords that are cost-effective and relevant to your business.
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Blocking Negative Keywords

  • Adding negative keywords prevents ads from showing up for certain search terms.
  • Select the campaign and add negative keywords to it.
  • Blocking certain words can help avoid irrelevant clicks.
  • Fill out negative keywords if necessary to avoid certain things.
  • Create a couple of different ads and test them.
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Using the Keyword Planner

  • The Keyword Planner helps find new keywords and shows the average cost for targeting specific keywords.
  • Discover new keywords by clicking on "Discover new keywords."
  • Look at the average bids to see how much people are paying for these advertisements.
  • Download the keywords and look for different time frames when people are searching for them.
  • Add the keywords to a new or existing ad group.
  • The Keyword Planner is a great feature to have for finding new keywords.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Google Ads Tutorial 2023 [Step-by-Step] Adwords - YouTube

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