How To Make An Affiliate Marketing Blog in 2023 (Step by Step Tutorial)

Last updated: Jun 5, 2023

This video by Santrel Media is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create an affiliate marketing blog using WordPress, including setting up the website, affiliate programs, and optimization.

The video is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create an affiliate marketing blog using WordPress.

The presenter, Mike, explains that creating a blog for affiliate marketing is easy and has a low barrier of entry. He shows how to make a website using WordPress, how to set up the affiliate part of it, negotiate commissions, and optimize and automate the blog for better ranking and traffic.

Mike recommends using Hostinger for hosting and suggests the WordPress starter plan for beginners. He emphasizes that the video is free and contains all the information needed to build an affiliate marketing blog.

  • An affiliate marketing blog is a low barrier entry to starting a business.
  • No coding, computer or writing background is required.
  • The tutorial covers website creation, affiliate program setup, optimization, and automation.
  • All information is free, and no courses will be sold.
  • It is recommended to take notes or watch the video on one device and build the website on another device side by side.
  • Use, not, for website creation.
  • Choose relevant affiliate programs, negotiate commissions, and track clicks and conversions.
  • Optimize and automate to improve website performance and efficiency.
  • Add affiliate programs and monetize the website through content promotion and audience engagement.

How To Make An Affiliate Marketing Blog in 2023 (Step by Step Tutorial) - YouTube

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  • Affiliate marketing blog is a great way to get started with a relatively low barrier of entry.
  • No coding, computer or writing background is required.
  • The tutorial will cover how to make the website, set up the affiliate part, optimize and automate things in the long term.
  • No course will be sold, and all information will be free.
  • It is recommended to take notes or watch the video on one device and build the website on another device side by side.
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Making the Website

  • Use, not
  • WordPress is the way most big blogs make their website.
  • WordPress is affordable, customizable, and scalable.
  • Go to and click on hosting, then WordPress hosting, and start now.
  • The most popular plan is the WordPress starter, which costs $3 per month.
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Setting Up the Affiliate Part

  • Choose affiliate programs that are relevant to your niche.
  • Join affiliate programs and get the affiliate links.
  • Place the affiliate links in your blog posts and promote them on social media.
  • Negotiate the commissions and have the best rates possible.
  • Track the clicks and conversions using tools like Google Analytics.
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How To Make An Affiliate Marketing Blog in 2023 (Step by Step Tutorial) - YouTube

Optimizing and Automating

  • Rank better in Google by using keywords, backlinks, and quality content.
  • Get more traffic with less effort by automating things like social media posting and email marketing.
  • Hire writers to write for you or write for yourself.
  • Use plugins and integrations to make your website more efficient.
  • Continuously optimize and automate to improve your website's performance.
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Setting up the Website

  • Choose a hosting provider and select a plan.
  • Create a WordPress account.
  • Choose a domain name and claim a free domain.
  • Ensure the server location is close to your target demographic.
  • Enter your contact information and complete the payment.
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Enabling SSL and Daily Backups

  • Ensure SSL is enabled for a safe and secure website.
  • Set up daily backups to easily recover your website in case of errors.
  • Backups cost $2.09 per month and are worth the investment.
  • Complete the payment to enable daily backups.
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Choosing a Relevant Template

  • Choose a relevant template for your affiliate marketing blog.
  • Use a template that is easy to use and customize.
  • Do not select a template during the initial setup process.
  • Wait until later in the process to choose a template.
  • Use a template that is relevant to your niche and audience.
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Optimizing Your Affiliate Marketing Blog

  • Choose relevant affiliate programs to promote on your blog.
  • Write high-quality content that is relevant to your niche and audience.
  • Use SEO techniques to optimize your blog for search engines.
  • Promote your blog on social media and other platforms.
  • Engage with your audience and build a community around your blog.
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Enabling SSL and Logging in to WordPress

  • Enabling SSL is important for website security and best practice.
  • SSL activation may take a few hours to complete.
  • Logging in to WordPress is done through the wp-admin page.
  • WordPress dashboard can be overwhelming, but it can be cleaned up by removing unnecessary posts and plugins.
  • Plugins are like apps on WordPress, and having too many can cause issues with website maintenance and security.
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Customizing Website Settings

  • Site title and tagline can be edited to make the website look more professional.
  • SSL activation may take some time, so it's best to wait before changing the website URL to HTTPS.
  • Permalinks should be set to post name for better readability and SEO.
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Choosing a Theme and Designing the Website

  • Choosing a theme is important for website design and functionality.
  • There are many free and paid themes available on WordPress.
  • Elementor is a popular page builder plugin that can be used to design the website without coding.
  • Designing the website involves creating pages, adding content, and customizing the layout and design.
  • Website optimization is important for SEO and user experience.
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Adding Affiliate Programs and Monetizing the Website

  • Affiliate programs can be added to the website to earn commissions from sales.
  • Amazon Associates is a popular affiliate program for bloggers.
  • Monetizing the website involves creating content that promotes affiliate products and services.
  • Website traffic and audience engagement are important for successful affiliate marketing.
  • Website analytics can be used to track website performance and optimize for better results.
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Choosing and Installing a Theme

  • Go to Appearance and click on Themes.
  • Click on Add New and search for Astra.
  • Install and activate Astra.
  • Install Importer Plugin.
  • Choose a starter template that has a similar layout to what you want.
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Customizing the Theme

  • Choose a color scheme and font that fits your blog's theme.
  • Select the plugins you want to use.
  • Edit the text and images to your own content.
  • View your website and start editing with Elementor.
  • Use Elementor's section layout to edit your website.
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Creating and Adding Affiliate Links

  • Sign up for affiliate programs that fit your blog's niche.
  • Choose products to promote and generate affiliate links.
  • Add affiliate links to your blog posts and pages.
  • Use plugins like ThirstyAffiliates to manage and track your affiliate links.
  • Disclose your affiliate relationships to your audience.
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Optimizing Your Blog for SEO

  • Research and use relevant keywords in your blog posts and pages.
  • Optimize your blog's meta descriptions and titles.
  • Use internal linking to improve your blog's structure and navigation.
  • Use plugins like Yoast SEO to improve your blog's SEO.
  • Create high-quality content that provides value to your audience.
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Setting up the Website

  • Click on the six dots to access the editor for each section of the website.
  • Change the background image by deleting the current one and uploading a new one.
  • Adjust the background overlay color and opacity to make the text more readable.
  • Edit the text by double-clicking on it and changing the content and alignment.
  • Add a button and customize it by accessing the content, style, and advanced tabs.
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Affiliate Programs

  • Research and choose affiliate programs that align with your niche and audience.
  • Sign up for the affiliate programs and obtain your unique affiliate links.
  • Insert the affiliate links into your blog posts and promote the products to your audience.
  • Track your affiliate earnings and adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Disclose your affiliate relationships to your audience to maintain transparency.
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  • Use keyword research to optimize your blog posts for search engines.
  • Include internal and external links to improve your website's authority and relevance.
  • Optimize your website's speed and performance to improve user experience.
  • Use social media and email marketing to drive traffic to your website and increase conversions.
  • Continuously analyze and adjust your strategy based on data and feedback.
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  • Explore different monetization strategies such as display ads, sponsored content, and digital products.
  • Experiment with different pricing models and promotional tactics to maximize revenue.
  • Continuously create valuable content and engage with your audience to build trust and loyalty.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes to adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Regularly evaluate your monetization strategy and make adjustments as needed.
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Editing Buttons and Sections

  • Change the text of a button by typing in the desired text.
  • Add a link to a button by typing in the desired link.
  • Choose the color of a button when people hover over it.
  • Add a radius to a button to make it less square.
  • Use the history button to undo mistakes.
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Advanced Settings

  • Change the margin and padding of a section.
  • Hide a section on mobile or tablet devices.
  • Use the responsive mode to view the website on different devices.
  • Hide a column or picture on mobile or tablet devices.
  • Use the advanced settings to make more detailed changes.
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Adding New Sections

  • Click on the plus icon between two sections to add a new one.
  • Add a new section from a template or starter template.
  • Choose from a variety of blocks to add to the website.
  • View a block before adding it to the website.
  • Save time by using common layouts found in the blocks section.
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Elementor Tutorial

  • There is a full tutorial available for more advanced users.
  • The tutorial covers all the details of using Elementor.
  • Recommended for users who want to learn more about Elementor.
  • Today's tutorial covers everything needed to build a website.
  • Users can get their website off the ground with today's tutorial.
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Building the Website with Elementor

  • Importing blocks is an option, but the tutorial will show how to build from scratch.
  • Clicking on the nine dots on the left side will show all the different elements that can be added.
  • There are different categories of elements, including favorites, basic, and pro.
  • Elementor Pro is a powerful tool that can be upgraded to for more customization options.
  • The free version of Elementor is sufficient for getting started.
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Adding Sections and Elements with Elementor

  • Sections can be added by clicking on the intersection element.
  • The structure of the section can be changed by clicking on the six dots and adjusting the percentages.
  • Columns can be duplicated by right-clicking on the column icon.
  • Headings and other elements can be added by clicking and dragging from the nine dots menu.
  • Plugins like WP Forms can add more functionality to the elements available.
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General Elements in Elementor

  • Under the General category, there are many elements that can be added, such as progress bars.
  • Each element can be customized to fit the design of the website.
  • Reading through the options and experimenting with them can add unique and exciting elements to the website.
  • A full tutorial on how to use the elements is available.
  • Adding fun elements like progress bars can make the website more engaging for visitors.
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Editing Posts with WordPress

  • Clicking on the regular edit button will not show anything about the page.
  • The column on the right side of the page is important for visibility and tracking options.
  • The permalink will be different for each page and can be edited.
  • Private pages can be created for pages that are not ready to be published.
  • Editing with Elementor is necessary for making changes to the design of the page.
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Setting up the Blog

  • Adding a featured image to the about us page
  • Choosing whether to allow comments on the homepage
  • Creating blog posts as the primary source of traffic
  • Optimizing blog post titles and content for search engines
  • Using affiliate links within blog posts to earn commissions
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Using Elementor to Create Blog Posts

  • Editing blog posts with Elementor
  • Adding elements such as author boxes and featured images
  • Customizing the layout of blog posts with text and images
  • Highlighting text and adding affiliate links within blog posts
  • Using Amazon affiliates as a common source for affiliate links
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Enabling Yoast SEO Plugin

  • Enabling the Yoast SEO plugin to optimize blog posts for search engines
  • Using Yoast SEO to analyze the readability and SEO of blog posts
  • Adding meta descriptions and focus keywords to blog posts
  • Using Yoast SEO to create sitemaps and optimize website structure
  • Improving website speed and performance with Yoast SEO
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Joining Affiliate Programs

  • Researching and joining affiliate programs relevant to the blog's niche
  • Choosing affiliate programs with high commission rates and good reputations
  • Using affiliate networks such as ShareASale and Commission Junction to find affiliate programs
  • Tracking affiliate links and earnings with affiliate tracking software
  • Complying with FTC guidelines for disclosing affiliate relationships to readers
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Affiliate Programs and Backlinks

  • Amazon Associates is an affiliate program with Amazon where you can find any product on Amazon and get a commission for it.
  • You can work directly with manufacturers and have sponsors commissioning as well.
  • Backlinks are links from other websites to your website, which can help you rank higher on Google.
  • Google slowly builds up trust with different websites, so when you're a new website, they don't trust you right away.
  • When a website with a high domain authority links out to you, that'll boost you a little bit and eventually Google will view you as a credible website.
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Creating an Article

  • You can use WordPress to create an article for your affiliate marketing blog.
  • You can add text, images, and links to your article.
  • You can save your article as a draft or publish it when you're ready.
  • You can go back and change other pages on your website, such as the contact, amenities, and rooms pages.
  • You can use the media tab to upload images, videos, and other files to your website.
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Comments and Templates

  • If you have comments enabled on your articles, you can interact with comments in the comments tab.
  • You can filter out spam comments using a plugin.
  • You can create a template for a blog article using the templates feature.
  • There are many plugins available for WordPress that can be super beneficial, such as Elementor.
  • Most plugins are free or freemium, where they're free to use but you can upgrade to get more functionality out of them.
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  • Creating an affiliate marketing blog using WordPress is a great way to make money online.
  • You can use affiliate programs and backlinks to increase your credibility and rank higher on Google.
  • You can create articles, upload media, and interact with comments using WordPress.
  • There are many plugins available for WordPress that can help you optimize your website and increase your functionality.
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Using Yoast SEO for Optimization

  • Yoast SEO is a popular tool with five million active installations.
  • It can audit your website and help you rank higher in Google by correctly populating your metadata.
  • It can show you what you're missing, what needs to be improved, and give you suggestions.
  • It can help you identify long run-on sentences, images without alt text, inconsistent keywords, and too many keywords.
  • It can help you with back-end stuff that typically requires an SEO expert and costs thousands of dollars.
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Optimizing Posts with Yoast SEO

  • Yoast SEO can give you a lot of tools for optimizing your posts.
  • It can show you how well you're doing with your keyphrase and readability.
  • It can give you suggestions for using your keyphrase, adding outbound and internal links, and improving your introduction.
  • It can help you change your URL slug and meta description.
  • It can make sure you're doing everything right and following the best practices to rank in Google.
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Affiliate Programs to Use

  • Amazon Associates is a popular affiliate program that many people get started with.
  • Planet Howl is another affiliate program that works with big box stores and has a higher commission.
  • Impact is a big network that partners with more brands and is more for software-y kind of stuff.
  • Impact is easy to work with and has in-depth analytics and the ability to make sub-ids for different articles.
  • Collecting data is important to keep organized so you can figure out what articles are converting well.
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  • Using Yoast SEO and affiliate programs can help you optimize your website and make money through affiliate marketing.
  • There are many affiliate programs to choose from, so it's important to find the ones that work best for your niche.
  • Collecting data and keeping it organized is important to figure out what articles are converting well.
  • Following best practices and optimizing your posts can help you rank higher in Google and make more money through affiliate marketing.
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Affiliate Programs

  • There are many affiliate networks available depending on the niche you're getting into.
  • Four popular affiliate networks are Amazon Associates, ShareASale, Impact, and CJ.
  • Each link can have a sub ID that categorizes it internally within the affiliate network.
  • Amazon Associates is a great option for promoting physical products.
  • ShareASale has a wide variety of products and services available to promote.
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Tools for Website Optimization

  • Google Search Console and Google Analytics are free tools that provide insight into website traffic and ranking on Google.
  • Google Search Console requires some setup with DNS, but Google provides step-by-step instructions.
  • MonsterInsights is a plugin that makes it easy to set up Google Analytics on a WordPress website.
  • Google Analytics provides in-depth analytics on website traffic, including audience overview, traffic source, and referrals.
  • Optimizing a website based on analytics is an entire tutorial for another day.
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Long-Term Strategy for Blogging

  • Blogging is a long game that requires slow and gradual building of a website.
  • Consistently building up a library of content and getting more backlinks can lead to more traffic and higher rankings on Google.
  • It's important to have patience and not get frustrated if progress is slow in the beginning.
  • Many people give up after a few months of no progress, but consistent effort can lead to success in the long run.
  • Building a successful affiliate marketing blog takes time and effort, but it can be a lucrative source of passive income.
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  • There are many affiliate networks available, including Amazon Associates, ShareASale, Impact, and CJ.
  • Google Search Console and Google Analytics are free tools that provide insight into website traffic and ranking on Google.
  • Blogging is a long game that requires patience and consistent effort to build a successful website.
  • Building a successful affiliate marketing blog takes time and effort, but it can be a lucrative source of passive income.
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The Long Game of Blogging

  • Blog articles require patience and persistence to see substantial growth.
  • Find a niche with high demand and low supply of quality content.
  • Don't expect immediate results, but keep pushing and creating content.
  • Patience is the biggest virtue in the industry.
  • Use tools like Google Trends to identify popular search terms and topics.
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Using Google Trends

  • is a powerful tool for identifying popular search terms and topics.
  • It shows where people are searching for specific topics and related search terms.
  • Use it to compare search terms and identify the best article titles.
  • It's useful for finding the best keywords to target in your content.
  • It's especially helpful for identifying trends and changes in search behavior over time.
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Using SEMrush

  • SEMrush is a powerful tool for analyzing competitors and identifying opportunities for growth.
  • It provides insights into what your competitors are ranking for and what backlinks they're getting.
  • It helps you identify which articles are performing well and which ones need improvement.
  • It's a data-driven tool that provides measurable results.
  • It's especially helpful for identifying gaps in your content and finding new topics to cover.
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Using Ubersuggest

  • Ubersuggest is a free keyword tool from Neil Patel.
  • It's more limited than SEMrush, but it's a good starting point for beginners.
  • It helps you identify popular search terms and related keywords.
  • It's useful for finding new topics to cover and optimizing your content for search engines.
  • It's a good way to get started with keyword research without investing in a paid tool.
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Using SEMrush to Analyze Competitors

  • Enter domain, URL, or keyword into SEMrush to analyze competitors.
  • View traffic trends and domain authority score to see how well the competitor is doing.
  • Look at the source of the competitor's traffic, including top organic keywords and where they are getting traffic from.
  • Use this information to identify which articles are performing well and which ones have affiliate links.
  • Check the rates on the affiliate links to see which ones are profitable.
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Finding Ghost Writers on Upwork

  • Upwork is a good platform to find ghost writers and other skilled individuals.
  • Read reviews and ratings to find capable people.
  • Post job listings or find people through word of mouth or referrals to build up a library of articles.
  • As your blog grows and makes more money, you can hire more people to do more writing.
  • Ultimately, the goal is to scale your blog so you can spend more time looking for new articles and ideas.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How To Make An Affiliate Marketing Blog in 2023 (Step by Step Tutorial) - YouTube

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