Master Prompt Engineering With These 3 Expert Tips

Last updated: Jun 27, 2023

This video is about prompt engineering and provides tips on how to create effective prompts for AI language models like ChatGPT and Google bard to generate accurate and relevant responses.

This video by Jason West was published on Apr 27, 2023.
Video length: 16:42.

In this video, Jason West provides training on prompt engineering and shares tips on how to create effective prompts for AI language models like ChatGPT and Google Bard.

He discusses the growing demand for prompt engineers and the potential job opportunities in the field. Jason emphasizes the importance of specificity, context, and clarity in prompt engineering and provides examples of ambiguous prompts and how they can be improved.

He demonstrates the process of iterating and refining prompts to generate more accurate and relevant responses from AI models.

  • Prompt engineering is a popular field with job opportunities worldwide.
  • Prompt engineers specialize in developing and optimizing AI-generated text prompts.
  • Well-paid positions are available for prompt engineers.
  • Becoming a prompt engineer is not difficult and can be rewarding.
  • Prompt engineering involves crafting specific prompts to guide AI language models.
  • Effective prompts are specific, provide context, and are unambiguous.
  • Ambiguous prompts can lead to less accurate responses.
  • Prompt engineering is crucial for generating accurate and relevant responses.
  • Prompt engineers play a vital role in optimizing AI systems.

Master Prompt Engineering With These 3 Expert Tips - YouTube

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Section 1: The State of Play with Prompt Engineering

  • Prompt engineering is becoming a popular field with job opportunities available worldwide.
  • Prompt engineers specialize in developing, refining, and optimizing AI-generated text prompts.
  • They collaborate with different teams to improve the prompt generation process and overall AI system performance.
  • There are well-paid positions available for prompt engineers, ranging from contracted remote work to full-time positions.
  • Becoming a prompt engineer is not difficult and can be a rewarding career choice.
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Section 2: What is Prompt Engineering?

  • Prompt engineering is the process of crafting specific input prompts or questions to guide AI language models.
  • The goal is to generate more accurate, relevant, and useful responses.
  • Three important criteria for creating effective prompts are specificity, context, and unambiguity.
  • Specificity involves being clear and precise in the prompt to avoid ambiguity.
  • Providing context helps the AI model understand the desired outcome better.
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Section 3: Examples of Ambiguous and Improved Prompts

  • An example of an ambiguous prompt is "Write an article about electric vehicles."
  • An improved prompt could be "Write a 1000-word informative article about the benefits of electric vehicles."
  • The improved prompt provides more specificity and context, resulting in a better response.
  • Ambiguous prompts can lead to less accurate or relevant responses from AI language models.
  • By iterating and improving prompts, prompt engineers can enhance the performance of AI systems.
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Master Prompt Engineering With These 3 Expert Tips - YouTube

Section 4: Importance and Impact of Prompt Engineering

  • Prompt engineering is crucial for generating accurate and relevant responses from AI language models.
  • Effective prompts save time and make companies more productive.
  • Prompt engineers play a vital role in optimizing AI systems and improving overall performance.
  • Companies are actively seeking prompt engineers to meet the growing demand for prompt engineering expertise.
  • Prompt engineering offers a well-paid career opportunity with potential for growth and advancement.
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Section 1: Introduction

  • Jason West covers topics such as AI, maximizing the use of ChatGPT, the dynamic world of digital marketing, and sales funnels.
  • This video is about prompt engineering and provides tips on how to create effective prompts for AI language models like ChatGPT and Google bard to generate accurate and relevant responses.
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Section 2: Example of Prompt Engineering

  • An example is given of an article prompt that focuses on environmental impact, cost savings, and technological advancements.
  • The prompt is improved by including an introduction, three main sections for each benefit, and a conclusion summarizing the key points.
  • A specific prompt about electric vehicles is used as an example, showing how to structure the prompt to get a better output.
  • The prompt is completed by typing "continue" to generate a conclusion for the article.
  • This example demonstrates how a novice might create a prompt compared to someone who understands prompt engineering and achieves better results.
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Section 3: Tip 1 - Specificity

  • The importance of using specific prompts is discussed.
  • An ambiguous prompt about a famous scientist is given as an example.
  • A more specific prompt is provided, asking for a brief overview of Albert Einstein's life and his significant contributions to physics, written in an easy-to-understand style for 10-year-olds.
  • The output generated from the specific prompt is compared to the output from the ambiguous prompt, showing the improvement in readability and relevance.
  • This tip highlights the value of asking for specific information and tailoring the prompt to the desired audience.
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Section 4: Tip 2 - Context

  • The importance of providing context in prompts is explained.
  • An example is given of a prompt asking to rewrite a description of Albert Einstein for a class of six-year-olds.
  • The output generated from the prompt with context is shown, providing a more suitable and age-appropriate description of Einstein.
  • This tip emphasizes the impact of context on the generated response and how it can be used to tailor the output to specific needs.
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Common Mistakes in Prompting

  • Trying to include too many irrelevant things in the prompt.
  • Getting better responses by focusing on one thing at a time.
  • Using ambiguous or confusing instructions.
  • Starting a new chat for different topics to keep everything on topic.
  • Providing clear and specific prompts for better results.
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Improving Prompts for AI Language Models

  • Creating a prompt that is more specific and relevant to the desired purpose.
  • Avoiding general prompts and providing clear instructions.
  • Using a narrative style and adding humor to make the prompt engaging.
  • Highlighting the impact of a specific topic, such as social media on mental health among teenagers.
  • Using first-person perspective to make the prompt relatable.
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Importance of Prompt Engineering

  • Explaining the significance of prompt engineering for AI language models like ChatGPT and Google bard.
  • Maximizing the use of ChatGPT by creating effective prompts.
  • Discussing the dynamic world of digital marketing and sales funnels.
  • Providing tips on how to generate accurate and relevant responses from AI language models.
  • Highlighting the impact of prompt clarity and specificity on the quality of AI-generated content.
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Trial and Error in Prompting

  • Emphasizing the need for trial and error in prompt engineering.
  • Understanding that ChatGPT does not have pre-written answers and generates responses word by word.
  • Encouraging persistence and effort in refining prompts for better results.
  • Highlighting the importance of context, specificity, and unambiguous instructions in prompts.
  • Explaining that different results can be expected with each prompt due to the nature of AI language models.
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  • Jason West covers topics such as AI, maximizing the use of ChatGPT, the dynamic world of digital marketing, and sales funnels.
  • This transcript is from a video on prompt engineering, providing tips on creating effective prompts for AI language models like ChatGPT and Google bard.
  • By trial and error, you can find a prompt that generates accurate and relevant responses, which can be copied and used for similar tasks in the future.
  • Jason West invites viewers to join his free group with over 4,000 members, discussing AI, ChatGPT, prompt engineering, and sharing example prompts.
  • The group consists of generous and knowledgeable individuals who contribute intelligent insights and ideas to improve AI skills.
  • Jason West encourages viewers to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more videos on these topics.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Master Prompt Engineering With These 3 Expert Tips - YouTube

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