Should Bloggers Use GPT-4? Google Core Update Announced! & 3 "Weird" Niche Sites Reviewed

Last updated: Jun 30, 2023

This video discusses the release of GPT-4, a new technology that is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5, as well as its capabilities such as passing the bar exam and analyzing images, and the potential implications for bloggers and online businesses.

This video by Niche Pursuits was published on Mar 17, 2023.
Video length: 01:04:54.

This video is about the hosts discussing recent news and happenings in the digital marketing and SEO world.

They introduce different segments, including "Niche Niche News" where they discuss industry news, "Now That's Impressive" where they share success stories, "Shiny Object Shenanigans" where they talk about side projects they are working on, and "One Weird Niche" where they share interesting and unique niche websites or businesses.

They also discuss the release of GPT-4, a new technology that has advanced capabilities in language processing and image recognition.

  • GPT-4 is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5 and has the capability to pass the bar exam and analyze images.
  • There are potential implications for bloggers and online businesses, such as using GPT-4 for web design projects and tutoring purposes.
  • Bloggers can use GPT-4 to generate content, but fact-checking is still necessary.
  • Google announced the March 2023 Google core update, which affects every single query on the internet.
  • The introduction of the experience component in EAT is a significant development in Google's algorithms.
  • Website owners should monitor their rankings and traffic for any changes due to the core update.
  • Google is constantly changing and updating its algorithms, with recent updates targeting specific areas such as spam and product reviews.
  • Monitoring and analyzing website performance is important to identify changes and adapt strategies based on the latest updates.
  • Website owners can compare their traffic and rankings week over week and monitor social media platforms for insights into the impact of updates on other websites.

Should Bloggers Use GPT-4? Google Core Update Announced! & 3 "Weird" Niche Sites Reviewed - YouTube

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Niche Niche News

  • GPT-4 has been released, which is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5.
  • GPT-4 can pass the bar exam in the top 10% of all people or AI that pass.
  • GPT-4 can analyze images and write articles based on them.
  • GPT-4 can take larger inputs and produce larger outputs, up to 25,000 words.
  • GPT-4 has other potential capabilities that have not been fully disclosed.
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Now That's Impressive

  • This segment will feature success stories and interesting recaps from the industry.
  • Both hosts will bring a couple of stories to discuss.
  • The stories will highlight impressive achievements and noteworthy events.
  • This segment aims to inspire and inform listeners with real-life examples.
  • The stories will cover a range of topics within the digital marketing world.
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Shiny Object Shenanigans

  • This segment will focus on side projects and experiments outside of the hosts' main businesses.
  • Both hosts will share their current shiny object projects.
  • The projects may not be the main focus but are still fun and interesting.
  • The hosts will discuss their experiences and findings with these projects.
  • This segment aims to provide insights and entertainment for the audience.
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Should Bloggers Use GPT-4? Google Core Update Announced! & 3 "Weird" Niche Sites Reviewed - YouTube

One Weird Niche

  • In this segment, each host will share one or two interesting and unique niche sites or businesses.
  • The showcased niches will be different and spark new ideas for the audience.
  • The hosts will discuss the peculiarities and potential of these niche sites.
  • This segment aims to inspire listeners to explore unconventional niches.
  • If time permits, the hosts will also invite audience participation and suggestions.
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GPT-4 Capabilities

  • GPT-4 is available to paid users for $20 a month.
  • It provides more detailed answers compared to GPT-3.5.
  • Although it is still slow, it has the ability to generate a 2500-word blog post.
  • GPT-4 can turn sketches into functional websites.
  • It can assist with homework, providing step-by-step explanations.
  • GPT-4 can analyze images and provide information based on them.
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Implications for Bloggers and Online Businesses

  • GPT-4 can make web design projects easier by turning sketches into websites.
  • It can be used for tutoring purposes, such as math tutoring.
  • Bloggers can use GPT-4 to generate content, but fact-checking is still necessary.
  • GPT-4 can help website builders blend video and written content more effectively.
  • There are creative ways bloggers and niche site creators can utilize GPT-4.
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GPT-4 and its capabilities

  • GPT-4 is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5.
  • GPT-4 has the capability to pass the bar exam and analyze images.
  • There are potential implications for bloggers and online businesses.
  • AI-generated content may not be future-proofed and may need to be human-edited.
  • Using GPT-4 alongside personal experience, unique takes, and imagery is recommended.
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Google Core Update Announcement

  • Google announced the March 2023 Google core update.
  • Core updates affect every single query on the internet.
  • This is the first core update after the introduction of the experience component in EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness).
  • It is unclear how the experience component will be implemented in the algorithm.
  • Website owners should monitor their rankings and traffic for any changes due to the core update.
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Google's Ever-Changing Nature

  • Google is constantly changing and updating its algorithms.
  • There have been recent updates targeting specific areas such as spam and product reviews.
  • Core updates, like the March 2023 update, affect everything.
  • Understanding Google's intentions and the actual impact of updates is complex.
  • The introduction of the experience component in EAT is a significant development.
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Monitoring and Analyzing Website Performance

  • Website owners should compare their traffic and rankings week over week to identify any changes.
  • Changes in rankings or traffic may be due to Google's core update.
  • Monitoring social media platforms like Twitter can provide insights into the impact of updates on other websites.
  • It is important to stay informed and adapt strategies based on the latest updates.
  • Analyzing website performance can help identify areas for improvement and optimization.
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Google Core Update

  • Chatter and changes in rankings
  • Recommends not checking rankings every day
  • Focus on creating content and publishing consistently
  • Wait until the update is over to assess the impact on your website
  • Recovery from a helpful content update may not be possible
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Gary Eels on Recovering from a Google Helpful Content Update

  • Gary Eels, Google webmaster Trend analyst, quoted on recovering from a helpful content update
  • Recovery may not be possible due to changes in Google's value on certain topics
  • Recovery is not the same as core updates
  • Emphasizes the importance of getting content right from the start
  • Content strategy of improving posts after they start getting traffic may not be effective
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Ever-changing Landscape of SERPs

  • Even if you recover from a helpful content update, competitors may have done a better job
  • Rankings are always changing, and being number one in the past doesn't guarantee future success
  • Loss of rankings for keywords that weren't relevant to your content in the first place
  • Helpful content updates can change the ranking landscape
  • Important to assess content from Google's perspective and be honest about its relevance
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Now That's Impressive Segment

  • Segment featuring impressive stories or examples
  • Highlights interesting and noteworthy achievements
  • Stories shared in this segment are not mentioned in the provided text
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Adding SMS Text to Abandoned Cart Emails

  • A case study showed that adding a single SMS text to an abandoned cart email chain increased year-over-year revenue by 242%.
  • The text was sent 25 minutes after the cart was abandoned, encouraging the customer to come back and make a purchase.
  • This strategy can be effective in recovering lost revenue and converting hot leads.
  • Text messages have higher open and view rates compared to emails.
  • Affiliate marketers can consider incorporating text messages into their strategies to increase conversions.
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Applying SMS Text to Affiliate Marketing

  • One possible application is using push notifications to send your best content to an engaged audience.
  • If you have an email list, you can also use text notifications to inform subscribers about new emails or promotions.
  • For affiliate marketers without their own products, it may be more challenging to collect email addresses for text notifications.
  • However, some websites offer pop-ups for text notifications instead of email sign-ups.
  • There are services available for affiliate marketers to pay for SMS notification capabilities.
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  • This video discusses the release of GPT-4, a new technology that is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5.
  • GPT-4 has capabilities such as passing the bar exam and analyzing images.
  • There are potential implications for bloggers and online businesses.
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GPT-4 Capabilities

  • GPT-4 is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5.
  • It has the ability to pass the bar exam, which is a major achievement in natural language processing.
  • GPT-4 can also analyze images and provide detailed descriptions and analysis.
  • It has improved language understanding and can generate more accurate and coherent responses.
  • GPT-4 has the potential to revolutionize content creation and automation in various industries.
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Implications for Bloggers and Online Businesses

  • GPT-4 can be a valuable tool for bloggers and online businesses to generate high-quality content quickly.
  • It can help in automating content creation processes and saving time and effort.
  • Bloggers can use GPT-4 to generate ideas, outlines, and drafts for their blog posts.
  • Online businesses can use GPT-4 to create product descriptions, marketing copy, and social media posts.
  • However, it is important to use GPT-4 as a tool and not rely solely on it for content creation.
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  • GPT-4 is a significant advancement in natural language processing and has the potential to revolutionize content creation and automation.
  • Bloggers and online businesses can benefit from using GPT-4 to generate high-quality content quickly.
  • However, it is important to use GPT-4 as a tool and not rely solely on it for content creation.
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GPT-4: A Significant Advancement

  • GPT-4 is a new technology that is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5.
  • GPT-4 has the capability to pass the bar exam and analyze images.
  • It has the potential to be a game-changer for bloggers and online businesses.
  • It can generate high-quality content and improve productivity for content creators.
  • GPT-4 could potentially automate certain tasks and save time for bloggers.
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Building an Email List

  • Building an email list is a smart move for website owners.
  • An email list is a valuable asset that allows for repeated sales.
  • Investing in building an email list can be more effective than focusing solely on SEO and affiliate marketing.
  • There are businesses that solely rely on an email list for their success.
  • Having an email list provides a backup in case of algorithm updates or changes in search engine rankings.
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Shiny Object Shenanigans

  • Shiny object businesses are ventures that are not part of the core business.
  • Both hosts have multiple shiny object businesses they are excited about.
  • These ventures are separate from their main focus but still hold potential.
  • They are open to exploring new ideas and opportunities.
  • Shiny object businesses can be a fun and creative outlet.
Should Bloggers Use GPT-4? Google Core Update Announced! & 3 "Weird" Niche Sites Reviewed 038 email list

  • Started an email list on
  • Sent out two emails so far
  • Case study took a lot of time to put together
  • Goal is to send an email every week for three months
  • Evaluating success based on list growth and engagement
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Outsourcing a YouTube channel

  • Partnered with someone to create a faceless YouTube channel
  • Invested money and hired freelancers for editing and voiceover
  • Channel has 330 subscribers and 50,000 views
  • Aiming to reach 1,000 subscribers to monetize the channel
  • Engagement has been growing at a rate of 45% in the last five days
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GPT-4: A Significant Advancement

  • GPT-4 is a new technology that is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5.
  • GPT-4 has the capability to pass the bar exam and analyze images.
  • It has potential implications for bloggers and online businesses.
  • GPT-4 can generate high-quality content and improve productivity.
  • It can help bloggers create engaging and informative articles.
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Engagement and Statistics on YouTube Channel

  • Engagement on YouTube can be measured by average view duration and average percentage viewed.
  • Average view duration of 31 is considered decent.
  • Number of likes versus dislikes can also indicate engagement.
  • A video with likes above 90 is considered good.
  • Niche Pursuits YouTube channel has high engagement with likes ranging from 97 to 100.
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Results of Niche Website YouTube Channel

  • A YouTube channel for a niche website has an average view duration of 27 to 31.
  • Results may vary depending on the content and style of the videos.
  • The channel receives around 6,000 views per day.
  • It is growing steadily and has the potential to generate income.
  • Qualifying for monetization requires reaching 4,000 public watch hours and a certain number of subscribers.
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Potential Service: Building YouTube Channels

  • Building YouTube channels for websites can be a potential service.
  • Investing in faceless videos can drive traffic and increase engagement.
  • Monetizing the channel can generate additional income for the website.
  • Creating a service to build YouTube channels can be a profitable venture.
  • It is an interesting opportunity to explore for online businesses.
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Creating a Storefront on Amazon

  • You can create a storefront on Amazon and have your videos right there on your storefront.
  • You can share the link to your videos on social media with your affiliate link, which is different from the Amazon Associates program.
  • You can create product review videos that get placed on the product pages of Amazon.
  • Product review videos can be listed at the top of the product page if you watch a certain percentage of the video and then someone buys the product.
  • Influencers can earn a commission if someone watches their video and buys the product.
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Examples of Videos on Amazon Product Pages

  • Product review videos can be found on Amazon product pages.
  • These videos are placed below the product images and can be clicked to watch.
  • There can be related videos listed as well.
  • Some videos are created by Amazon influencers, while others are created by sellers.
  • Watching a certain percentage of an influencer's video can earn them a commission if you buy the product.
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Making Commissions on Amazon Without a Website

  • You can make commissions directly on Amazon without a website or social media.
  • By recording a one-minute video and having it listed on the product page, you can earn commissions.
  • Even with a small number of views, you can start making money from your videos.
  • Outsourcing video creation and posting can be a way to scale this strategy.
  • Even if it costs money to outsource videos, the potential for earning commissions makes it worthwhile.
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Outsourcing Video Creation and Posting

  • You can hire video influencers to record and post videos under your Amazon influencer account.
  • By outsourcing video creation, you can scale the number of videos and potentially increase your earnings.
  • Even if it costs money to outsource videos, the potential for earning commissions makes it worthwhile.
  • With a large number of videos, the potential for earning commissions increases significantly.
  • Outsourcing video creation allows you to focus on other aspects of your business.
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GPT-4: A Significant Advancement

  • GPT-4 is a new technology that is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5.
  • GPT-4 has the capability to pass the bar exam and analyze images.
  • There are potential implications for bloggers and online businesses with the release of GPT-4.
  • Bloggers may be able to use GPT-4 to generate content more efficiently.
  • GPT-4 could potentially automate certain tasks for online businesses.
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Weird Niche Site:

  • is a Starbucks news and gossip site.
  • The website ranks for 30,000 keywords with over 2,000 keywords on page one of Google.
  • The site is monetized through ad Thrive with one ad per page.
  • There are no affiliate offers or email list associated with the site.
  • The site receives an estimated monthly traffic of 15,000 visitors.
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Website not frequently updated

  • The website hasn't been updated since 2019.
  • There are only 10 articles on the homepage.
  • However, the website's traffic has remained consistent since 2019.
  • There may have been more articles in the past.
  • The website covers the niche of coffee.
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"Weeks Until" Niche Website

  • The website is called
  • It allows users to calculate the number of weeks until a specific date.
  • The website has a simple and outdated design.
  • It ranks well on Google and receives a significant amount of organic traffic.
  • The website is heavily reliant on Google for traffic.
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Countdown Website

  • The website is called
  • It is used by the agency for project management purposes.
  • The website helps determine the length of time until a specific date.
  • It is useful for managing content production and deadlines.
  • The website is regularly used by the agency's team members.
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Introduction to GPT-4

  • GPT-4 is a new technology that is a significant advancement from GPT-3.5.
  • GPT-4 has the capability to pass the bar exam and analyze images.
  • There are potential implications for bloggers and online businesses with the release of GPT-4.
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Benefits of GPT-4 for Bloggers and Online Businesses

  • GPT-4 can be used to generate titles and headers for blog posts, saving time for bloggers.
  • Bloggers can use GPT-4 to capitalize titles and headers in a consistent and professional manner.
  • GPT-4 can be used to create headers from FAQ research, improving the organization of content.
  • GPT-4 has the potential to generate traffic and revenue for niche websites by solving specific problems and providing valuable information.
  • Using GPT-4 can help bloggers stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends in their industry.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Should Bloggers Use GPT-4? Google Core Update Announced! & 3 "Weird" Niche Sites Reviewed - YouTube

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