The Ezoic Heist: $9 Million Stolen From Ezoic, Ad Network Comparisons, Weird Niche Sites, & More!

Last updated: Jun 30, 2023

This video is about the recent update from Google called the "reviews update" which expands the types of content that are impacted by the algorithm update, now including generic reviews on various topics such as products, services, destinations, games, movies, and more.

This video by Niche Pursuits was published on Apr 14, 2023.
Video length: 57:03.

This video is about the latest news and updates in the niche business industry.

The hosts discuss the recent update from Google, specifically the "reviews update" which expands the scope of what is covered in algorithm updates. They also mention that they will be sharing a couple of weird niche sites later in the video.

The video is sponsored by Search Intelligence, a company that specializes in building digital PR links for clients.

  • Google has made an update called the "reviews update" to expand the types of content impacted by the algorithm update.
  • Google's recent update, the April 2023 reviews update, renames the previous "products review update" and includes a wider range of articles and content.
  • Google continues to expand the coverage of its algorithm updates to include generic reviews on various topics.
  • There is uncertainty about which sites will be affected by the update, and no specific predictions have been made.
  • Ezoic, an ad network, experienced an employee attempting to steal $9 million, leading to layoffs and criticism.
  • Freestar, a competitor of Ezoic, shared the news of the theft and linked to a Twitter thread discussing the situation.
  • Ezoic is facing criticism on Glassdoor, with former employees complaining about the executive team.
  • The CEO of Ezoic has responded to the criticism, stating that there is not a lot of basis for the complaints.
  • The video also briefly mentions weird niche sites, but no specific information is provided.

The Ezoic Heist: $9 Million Stolen From Ezoic, Ad Network Comparisons, Weird Niche Sites, & More! - YouTube

The Ezoic Heist: $9 Million Stolen From Ezoic, Ad Network Comparisons, Weird Niche Sites, & More! 001


  • Spencer Hawes and Jared are back with another episode of This Week in Niche Pursuits.
  • They have a lot of news to cover, including weird niche sites.
  • They are sponsored by Search Intelligence.
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Google's Reviews Update

  • Google has made an update called the "reviews update."
  • The update expands the types of content impacted by the algorithm update.
  • Generic reviews on various topics such as products, services, destinations, games, movies, and more are now included.
  • The update aims to tighten control on expert reviews and provide guidelines for ranking them in the search engine results pages (SERPs).
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Google's Recent Update

  • Google made another update, the April 2023 reviews update.
  • The update renames the previous "products review update" to the "reviews update."
  • The documentation for the update has changed, now including a wider range of articles and content.
  • High-quality reviews can help people learn about various topics, including products, services, destinations, games, movies, and more.
  • Google is expanding the scope of these updates to cover generic reviews across different categories.
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The Ezoic Heist: $9 Million Stolen From Ezoic, Ad Network Comparisons, Weird Niche Sites, & More! - YouTube

Google's Algorithm Updates

  • Google continues to expand the coverage of its algorithm updates.
  • They are trying to tighten control on expert reviews and provide guidelines for ranking them in the SERPs.
  • Google is expanding the types of content impacted by these updates, including generic reviews on various topics.
  • The goal is to determine who is an expert and how to rank expert reviews.
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Section 1: Introduction

  • Discussion about the recent update from Google called the "reviews update"
  • Expands the types of content impacted by the algorithm update
  • Includes generic reviews on various topics such as products, services, destinations, games, movies, and more
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Section 2: Impact on Websites

  • Uncertainty about which sites will be affected by the update
  • No specific predictions made about which sites will see a boost or a hit
  • Suggestions to check Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor traffic changes
  • Comparing traffic from the day of the update to the previous week can provide insights
  • Researching specific articles or content that may have been impacted by the update
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Section 3: The Ezoic Heist

  • Ezoic, an ad network, experienced an employee attempting to steal $9 million
  • Employee had access to Ezoic's Google AdSense account
  • Tested changing bank account information without triggering any alarms
  • Successfully changed the bank account and received $9 million from Google AdSense
  • Employee's attempt to buy physical gold triggered suspicion and led to their arrest
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Section 4: Conclusion

  • Limited information available about the Google reviews update
  • Monitoring website traffic and analyzing specific content can provide insights
  • Discussion of the Ezoic heist and the employee's attempt to steal $9 million
  • Employee's actions led to their arrest after attempting to buy gold
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The Ezoic Heist

  • An employee at Ezoic stole $9 million from the company.
  • The money has been recovered and legal actions are proceeding.
  • Layoffs have occurred at Ezoic, potentially due to cash flow issues.
  • Freestar, a competitor of Ezoic, reached out to share the news and linked to a Twitter thread discussing the situation.
  • Ezoic is facing criticism on Glassdoor, with former employees complaining about the executive team.
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Ad Network Comparisons

  • Ezoic is a programmatic ad tech company and a direct competitor of Freestar.
  • There have been changes and layoffs in the tech industry, potentially impacting ad companies.
  • Ezoic is being criticized and dragged through the ringer due to the stolen $9 million.
  • The CEO of Ezoic has responded to the criticism, stating that there is not a lot of basis for the complaints.
  • There are two sides to the story, with former employees complaining about the executive team and the CEO defending the company.
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Weird Niche Sites

  • The video transitions to discussing weird niche sites.
  • There is no specific information provided about weird niche sites in the given text.
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  • The video discusses the Ezoic Heist, ad network comparisons, and weird niche sites.
  • Ezoic had $9 million stolen by an employee, leading to layoffs and criticism.
  • Freestar, a competitor, shared the news and linked to a Twitter thread discussing the situation.
  • Ezoic is facing criticism on Glassdoor, with former employees complaining about the executive team.
  • The CEO of Ezoic has responded to the criticism, stating that there is not a lot of basis for the complaints.
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Background and Experience with Ezoic

  • The speaker was the first influencer of Ezoic and joined their program.
  • There were not many specific requirements for being an influencer.
  • The speaker tried Ezoic on a mom blog and faced some challenges.
  • They wrote a candid blog post about their experience moving from Ad Thrive to Ezoic.
  • The speaker also tried to install Ezoic on Niche Pursuits but it didn't work with their custom site setup.
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Leaving the Influencer Program

  • The speaker decided to leave the influencer program a few months ago.
  • They chose to forego the payments and no longer be an influencer due to their experiences.
  • However, they don't believe people should avoid Ezoic completely as it can work well for certain sites.
  • Ezoic may be great for starter sites without custom setups or quirks.
  • There can be difficulties with Ezoic in certain situations.
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Creation of the Ezoic Influencer Program

  • The exact date of the program's creation is unknown, but it was around three years ago.
  • The speaker was a member of the program during the time of Niche Site Project 4.
  • Leaving the program was difficult as they had been paid and featured on the Ezoic homepage.
  • Leaving the program meant saying goodbye to the featured link on the Ezoic homepage.
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Section 1: Difficulty in Monetizing with Ads

  • Ezoic did not have lowered traffic requirements in the past.
  • Monetizing through ads was not as popular back in 2017-2018.
  • After struggling with affiliate income, the speaker realized they had enough traffic from Pinterest to join an ad network.
  • The first ad network check was more profitable than affiliate income and provided motivation to continue.
  • Starting with ads right away can provide a daily boost of energy, even if the income is minimal.
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Section 2: Benefits of Using Ezoic

  • Ezoic allows users to put ads on their site right away when they start getting traffic.
  • Having the ability to monetize with ads from the beginning can provide motivation and income.
  • Even starter sites can benefit from using Ezoic.
  • Not every situation may be suitable for Ezoic, but it can be a good choice for many.
  • Having a homepage link on a large website can provide social validation and exposure.
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Section 3: SEO Tactics and Unlinked Mentions

  • Looking for unlinked mentions of yourself or your brand can be a good SEO tactic.
  • Reaching out to those places that mention you and requesting a link can be beneficial.
  • Providing testimonials to brands you already recommend can lead to homepage links and increased visibility.
  • While not always successful, this tactic can work in some cases.
  • Building relationships with affiliate websites can also lead to opportunities for testimonials and links.
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Section 4: Ad Network Comparisons

  • All ad networks, including Ezoic and Google AdSense, should pay the same amount.
  • The majority of ads on any website come from the Google ad Exchange.
  • There is no reason to expect higher earnings from one ad network over another.
  • Google ad Exchange is the go-to platform for starting an ad company.
  • Ad network comparisons and discussions can be subjective and may not provide definitive answers.
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Ad Networks and Ad Setup

  • Google AdSense and Google Ad Exchange are essentially the same thing.
  • Signing up for Google AdSense gives you access to 95% of all ads that other networks like Ezoic and Thrive Mediavine have.
  • There are some differences in unique ad partnerships, but overall, you should make the same amount of money regardless of the ad network you choose.
  • The amount of money you make depends on the ad setup, number of ads, and programmatic display of ads.
  • Individuals who manually optimize their Google AdSense placements may not be as effective as networks like Mediavine, which already have optimized ad placements.
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Differentiating Factors Between Ad Networks

  • Ad networks like Ezoic may pay more over time due to their machine learning and programmatic placement capabilities.
  • Switching between ad networks does not necessarily guarantee higher paying ads.
  • Other factors to consider include the impact on website speed, setup limitations, and customer service quality.
  • Ad networks have different ad share rates.
  • Ultimately, what you need and want from a company should guide your choice of ad network.
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Section 1: Factors that impact ad revenue

  • Pricing details can affect how much you make from ads.
  • Site speed and tech stack should be optimized for your site.
  • Use third-party tools and independent experts to assess the impact of ads on your site.
  • Each ad network can have different performance on mobile and site speed.
  • Factors like revenue share and customer service can also vary between ad networks.
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Section 2: Considerations for monetizing with ads

  • Understanding the different options for monetization with ads can be overwhelming.
  • It's important to factor in various elements when deciding to monetize with ads.
  • Having a conversation about ad revenue can be helpful, especially for beginners.
  • Monetizing with ads can be a viable alternative to selling products.
  • There are multiple factors that can push you towards success or failure in ad monetization.
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Section 3: Exploring the Amazon influencer program

  • The Amazon influencer program allows you to post videos directly on product pages.
  • If viewers watch a portion of your videos and make a purchase, you can earn a commission.
  • The program is similar to the Amazon Associates program, but specifically for videos.
  • Creating videos for the program can be time-consuming, so outsourcing may be necessary.
  • Hiring videographers on platforms like Upwork can help create a backlog of videos for monetization.
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Section 4: Initial results and future prospects

  • The speaker has created six videos and is making around $40 per month from them.
  • Despite initial losses, the speaker hopes the project will be profitable in the long term.
  • Having a backlog of 30-40 videos gives the speaker optimism for future commissions.
  • Outsourcing video creation allows the speaker to focus on other projects.
  • The speaker's experience with the Amazon influencer program has been positive so far.
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Section 1: Consistent Earnings from YouTube Videos

  • Earnings from YouTube videos can be small, but over time they can add up.
  • Even if a video only makes $10 a month, it can still be profitable.
  • Earnings from YouTube videos are fairly consistent.
  • Some videos bring in the majority of the earnings.
  • Similar to product reviews on a website, YouTube earnings can follow a similar pattern.
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Section 2: Outsourcing Video Creation and Uploading

  • The speaker has outsourced the creation of the videos to a virtual assistant.
  • The virtual assistant is also responsible for uploading and publishing the videos on Amazon.
  • On Amazon, there is more flexibility in the types of videos that can be created.
  • The speaker is creating videos about various topics, such as jewelry, canoes, and skylights.
  • The videos are created using products that the speaker already owns.
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Section 3: Reviewing Products Already Purchased on Amazon

  • The speaker decided to have reviewers review products they already own.
  • Reviewers are paid an hourly rate to review the products.
  • There are no product or shipping costs for the speaker.
  • The speaker is investing a couple of thousand dollars into this project.
  • The success of the project will be determined after a few thousand dollars of investment.
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Section 4: Growing a Newsletter and Video Editing

  • The speaker is focused on growing a newsletter and sending weekly emails.
  • The first video draft from the hired editor was good, but there were some revisions made to improve it.
  • A template was created for future videos to ensure consistent quality.
  • The speaker has been using chat GPT to help with writing emails.
  • Sending one email a week is time-consuming, so the speaker is using automation tools to assist.
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Email Marketing Strategy

  • The YouTuber sends out a weekly email to their subscribers.
  • The open rates for the emails are 50 to 60%.
  • About 40 to 50% of the new subscribers are not opening the emails.
  • To engage the unengaged subscribers, the YouTuber uses Chat GPT to generate 10 subject line ideas for a new email.
  • The YouTuber picks the best subject line, makes some tweaks, and resends the email to the unengaged subscribers.
  • The open rates for the resent emails are 20 to 30%.
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Benefits of Resending Emails

  • Resending emails to unopens can increase the number of active subscribers on the list.
  • The YouTuber's newsletter is being opened by 63 to 68% of the subscribers after using this strategy.
  • Unsubscribes are low, indicating that the strategy is not bothering people.
  • Resending emails with a new subject line can catch the attention of subscribers who missed the original email.
  • The YouTuber's revenue from the influencer program is largely driven by one or two videos.
  • Twitter has been a successful source of subscribers for the YouTuber.
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Weird Niche Site: Sleeping in Airports

  • The YouTuber shares a weird niche site called
  • The website is dedicated to optimizing the experience of sleeping in airports.
  • It provides guides on what to do during layovers, airport lounges, and airport hotels.
  • The site offers tips for saving money on airport hotels by sleeping in the airport.
  • This niche site is an example of a unique and specific topic that can attract a dedicated audience.
  • The niche site idea was shared by the Niche Pursuits Community.
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Site 1: Airport Sleeping

  • The site is ranking for 137,000 keywords and receives over 46,000 organic traffic.
  • It focuses on airport reviews and sleeping in airports.
  • The site is monetized with Ezoic.
  • They crowdsource reviews from travelers to create content.
  • They have content for various airports and cities.
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Site 2: The Brick Fan

  • The site is ranking for 127,000 keywords and has a domain rating of 64.
  • It is a Lego website that covers Lego news and sets.
  • The site is active and has a passionate community.
  • There are 7,240 indexed pages on the site.
  • It is under-monetized and has potential for further monetization.
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Affiliate Program and Monetization Opportunities

  • The Niche Pursuits YouTube channel discusses an affiliate program that pays three percent.
  • With the amount of traffic a site receives, it is possible to negotiate a higher commission rate.
  • There is potential for monetization through buying intent keywords related to Lego, such as "best Lego sets" and "best Lego games."
  • The site mentioned in the video has a large number of pages and opportunities to publish buying guides and rank well for them.
  • By leveraging social media and email marketing, there is potential to generate more revenue from a passionate Lego fan base.
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Website Traffic and Rankings

  • The site mentioned in the video receives around 38,000 organic visitors per month.
  • It has a domain rating (DR) of 64, indicating a decent amount of authority.
  • There may have been a recent drop in traffic, as it was previously receiving around 58,000 visitors per week.
  • Ahrefs data may not always be accurate, but it provides a rough estimate of traffic and rankings.
  • The site ranks number two for the keyword "Lego news," which is its largest keyword.
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Email and Social Media Marketing Opportunities

  • The site has potential for email marketing and social media strategies due to its daily content updates and passionate Lego fan base.
  • Keywords like "Lego rumors" receive around 1,500 searches per month, indicating a strong interest in this niche.
  • The video mentions a marathon-related niche site that also has a dedicated following.
  • There is potential to monetize these niche sites through email marketing and social media engagement.
  • The video teases a marathon-related niche site that will be discussed in a future episode.
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Conclusion and Future Updates

  • The video concludes with a recap of the discussed niche sites and news topics.
  • Next week's episode will cover the new Google "reviews update" and more niche sites.
  • There may be an update on the mysterious faceless YouTube channel that has garnered interest.
  • The hosts express their excitement for future episodes and thank the audience for listening.
  • The episode is sponsored by Search, but no further details are provided.
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  • A digital PR link building campaign was successful in landing 20 links in big publications such as The Sun, Express, Mirror, and Wales Online.
  • The campaign advised people to turn on their heating in the summer to save money in the winter, targeting a boiler client.
  • The campaign used a clever hook to attract attention and generate interest from journalists.
  • The headline "You Should Turn On Your Boiler This Summer" was a link magnet and attracted many journalists to cover the story.
  • The success of the campaign demonstrates the power of a clever hook in making a campaign more compelling to journalists and generating more links.
  • Similar link building PR campaigns can be created for websites by contacting Search Intelligence.

Watch the video on YouTube:
The Ezoic Heist: $9 Million Stolen From Ezoic, Ad Network Comparisons, Weird Niche Sites, & More! - YouTube

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