This simple tip will change how you do SEO

Last updated: Jun 28, 2023

This video is about the importance of adding a table of contents to your website, as it not only improves the user experience but also increases the amount of time users spend on your site and can provide additional features on search engine results pages.

This video by Vasco's SEO Tips was published on May 6, 2023.
Video length: 04:05.

In this video, Vasco shares a simple on-page SEO tip that can improve the user experience and increase the amount of time users stay on a website.

He explains that adding a table of contents to an article can help Google display additional information in the search results, giving the listing more visibility. Additionally, having a table of contents can make it easier for users to navigate through long articles and find specific information they are looking for.

Vasco emphasizes the importance of focusing on user experience in SEO and suggests adding a table of contents as a simple and effective way to enhance it.

  • Adding a table of contents improves the user experience and makes it easier for users to navigate through long articles.
  • Google pulls up information from the table of contents and displays it in search engine results pages, increasing the visibility of your website.
  • A table of contents can lead to a lower bounce rate, more pages viewed, and increased time spent on your site by users.

This simple tip will change how you do SEO - YouTube

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Importance of Adding a Table of Contents

  • Adding a table of contents to your website improves the user experience.
  • Google pulls up information from the table of contents within an article and displays it in search engine results pages.
  • The more space your listing occupies on the search engine results pages, the better.
  • Clickable table of contents entries provide additional features and make it easier for users to navigate through long articles.
  • Adding a table of contents can increase the amount of time users spend on your site.
This simple tip will change how you do SEO 004

Benefits of Having a Table of Contents

  • A table of contents can lead to a lower bounce rate and more pages viewed by users.
  • Adding a table of contents can increase the time users spend on your site by around 2 times.
  • Having a table of contents can improve the user experience and make it easier for users to find specific information within an article.
  • Adding a table of contents can give you an extra feature in search engine results pages.
  • Focusing on user experience is important in SEO, as Google emphasizes the importance of user optimization.

Watch the video on YouTube:
This simple tip will change how you do SEO - YouTube

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