Competitive Analysis: How To Hack It In 6 Steps

Last updated: Jun 22, 2023

The video is about how to conduct competitive analysis in six steps for businesses to understand their market and competitors.

The video titled 'Competitive Analysis: How To Hack It In 6 Steps' provides tips on how to conduct a competitive analysis for businesses. The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the market and researching and analyzing marketing strategies and business characteristics of competitors. The video also covers the basics of competitive analysis, such as benchmarking and updating marketing mix, and suggests using tools like analytics and comparative research to gain insights into the competition. The goal is to refine marketing strategies and become the leader in the market.

  • The video explains how to conduct competitive analysis in six steps.
  • Competitive analysis helps businesses understand their market and competitors.
  • It involves analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and identifying opportunities and threats in the market.
  • Steps include setting goals for the business, understanding the competition, analyzing competitors' marketing strategies and products/services, and using tools to analyze competitors.
  • SEO and advertising analysis are important components of competitive analysis.
  • Tools can be used to analyze competitors' content marketing and PR efforts, as well as specific sets of keywords used by competitors.
  • Analytics tools like PacMan Analytics can help businesses analyze their competitors' social media presence and performance.
  • Comparing competitors' social media presence, content, and marketing strategies can help businesses identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop their own unique marketing strategies.
  • Regularly conducting competitive analysis and adjusting marketing plans based on changes in the market and competitors' strategies is important for businesses to stay up-to-date and effective.

Competitive Analysis: How To Hack It In 6 Steps - YouTube

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  • The video is about conducting competitive analysis in six steps.
  • The purpose of competitive analysis is to understand the market and competitors.
  • It is important to understand the situation you are working in and the characteristics of your business.
  • Competitive analysis helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
  • It is important to understand the conventions and poses of researching and analyzing marketing strategy and business.
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Step 1: Set Goals for Business

  • Compare your business to others in the market.
  • Understand what your competitors are doing.
  • Benchmark your situation against the industry and market trends.
  • Know the competition in your specific industry.
  • Update your marketing mix to refine your marketing strategy.
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Step 2: Understand the Competition

  • Keep an eye on the competition.
  • Understand the performance of your competitors.
  • Analyze the work of your competitors.
  • Use both analytical and comparative research tools.
  • Compare your business to the competition to be able to help.
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Competitive Analysis: How To Hack It In 6 Steps - YouTube

Step 3: Analyze Competitor's Marketing Strategy

  • Understand the marketing strategy of your competitors.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
  • Identify the channels your competitors are using.
  • Use graphic analytics to see the sources of media.
  • See how your competitors are using social media.
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Step 4: Analyze Competitor's Products and Services

  • Understand the products and services of your competitors.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors' products and services.
  • Identify the price points of your competitors' products and services.
  • Identify the upcoming products and services of your competitors.
  • Identify the target market of your competitors.
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Section 1: Introduction to Competitive Analysis

  • The video is about conducting competitive analysis in six steps.
  • Competitive analysis helps businesses understand their market and competitors.
  • It involves analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.
  • It also involves identifying opportunities and threats in the market.
  • Competitive analysis helps businesses make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.
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Section 2: Analyzing SEO Efforts of Competitors

  • SEO analysis involves analyzing the organic search traffic of competitors.
  • It helps businesses identify keywords that their competitors are ranking for.
  • It also helps businesses identify opportunities to improve their own SEO efforts.
  • SEO analysis involves checking the organic research score of competitors.
  • It also involves checking the monthly organic traffic of competitors.
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Section 3: Analyzing Advertising Efforts of Competitors

  • Advertising analysis involves analyzing the advertising efforts of competitors.
  • It helps businesses identify the most successful keywords for their competitors.
  • It also helps businesses understand consumer behavior based on search queries.
  • Advertising analysis involves checking the estimated traffic of competitors.
  • It also involves checking the estimated cost per click of competitors.
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Section 4: Using Tools to Analyze Competitors

  • There are various tools available to analyze competitors.
  • These tools help businesses uncover information about their competitors.
  • They help businesses identify their competitors' preferences and strategies.
  • Tools can be used to analyze competitors' content marketing and PR efforts.
  • Tools can also be used to identify specific sets of keywords used by competitors.
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Understanding Your Market and Competitors

  • Conducting competitive analysis helps businesses understand their market and competitors.
  • It involves analyzing competitors' social media presence, content, and marketing strategies.
  • Businesses can use this information to improve their own marketing strategies and stand out in the market.
  • Competitive analysis can also help businesses identify gaps in the market and potential opportunities for growth.
  • It is important to regularly conduct competitive analysis to stay up-to-date with changes in the market and competitors' strategies.
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Using Analytics to Analyze Competitors

  • Analytics tools like PacMan Analytics can help businesses analyze their competitors' social media presence and performance.
  • Businesses can use these tools to track their competitors' followers, engagement, and content performance.
  • They can also use analytics to compare their own performance with their competitors' and identify areas for improvement.
  • Analytics can help businesses understand their competitors' marketing strategies and identify potential opportunities for growth.
  • It is important to use analytics regularly to stay up-to-date with changes in the market and competitors' strategies.
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Comparing Competitors and Identifying Strategies

  • Comparing competitors' social media presence, content, and marketing strategies can help businesses identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Businesses can use this information to develop their own unique marketing strategies and stand out in the market.
  • It is important to identify strategies that align with the business's goals and target audience.
  • Businesses should also regularly review and adjust their strategies based on changes in the market and competitors' strategies.
  • Communication is key to any marketing strategy, and businesses should ensure their strategies are effectively communicated to their audience.
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Staying Up-to-Date with Changes in the Market

  • Regularly conducting competitive analysis and using analytics tools can help businesses stay up-to-date with changes in the market and competitors' strategies.
  • Businesses should also regularly review and adjust their own marketing strategies based on these changes.
  • Communication is key to any marketing strategy, and businesses should ensure their strategies are effectively communicated to their audience.
  • It is important to regularly review and adjust marketing plans to ensure they align with the business's goals and target audience.
  • Businesses should also stay up-to-date with changes in technology and social media platforms to ensure their strategies are effective.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Competitive Analysis: How To Hack It In 6 Steps - YouTube

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