How to Pick the Best Domain Name For Your Website

Last updated: Jun 22, 2023

The video provides tips on how to choose the best domain name for a website, including making it short and memorable, avoiding hyphens and double letters, and finding a balance between branding and keyword optimization.

The video provides tips on how to choose the best domain name for a website. The speaker emphasizes the importance of choosing a short and memorable name, avoiding hyphens and double letters, and considering a blended approach that combines branding and keywords. The video also discusses the pros and cons of using different domain extensions, such as .com, .net, and .co. The speaker advises against using domain names that are too long or complicated, as they can be difficult for users to remember or type in correctly. Overall, the video aims to help viewers make an informed decision when choosing a domain name for their website.

  • Choosing a domain name is an important decision for a business.
  • Short and memorable domain names are easier to remember and share.
  • People have a built-in association with dot coms.
  • Avoid hyphens and double letters in domain names.
  • A blended approach is recommended by using a partial match domain name.

How to Pick the Best Domain Name For Your Website - YouTube

How to Pick the Best Domain Name For Your Website 001

Section 1: Introduction

  • Choosing a domain name is an important decision for a business.
  • Choosing the wrong domain name can hurt a business.
  • There is a lot of contradictory information about choosing a domain name.
  • The video provides a practical checklist of what to do, what to avoid, and what to prioritize.
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Section 2: Make it Short and Memorable

  • The longer and more complicated a domain name is, the harder it is to remember.
  • Using the name of every doctor in a medical practice in a URL is not a good idea.
  • Keep the domain name as short as possible while still being unique and catchy.
  • Avoid using long and complicated domain names.
  • Short and memorable domain names are easier to remember and share.
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Section 3: Dot Com vs. Dot Something Else

  • Many domain names are already taken in the dot com variety.
  • Using a dot net or dot design extension is an option.
  • New top-level domain extensions have emerged in the past decade.
  • People have a built-in association with dot coms.
  • Try to edit the name of the dot com slightly if it is not available.
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How to Pick the Best Domain Name For Your Website - YouTube

Section 4: Avoid Hyphens and Double Letters

  • Hyphenated domains are likely to result in typos.
  • Hyphenated domain names look spammy and untrustworthy.
  • Avoid using double letters and triple letters in domain names.
  • Double letters and triple letters can lead to typos.
  • Try to sidestep using double letters and triple letters if possible.
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Section 5: Classy and Branded vs. Keyword Rich

  • Choosing a branded domain name can hold a business back in search rankings.
  • Exact match domain names give a business an edge in search rankings.
  • A blended approach is recommended by using a partial match domain name.
  • A partial match domain name combines a business name and a top keyword phrase.
  • Find a happy medium between keywords and a version of a business name.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How to Pick the Best Domain Name For Your Website - YouTube

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