Affiliate Marketing Made Easy (this is the setup I use)

Last updated: Jun 27, 2023

This video is about how to set up an affiliate marketing website using tools like perplexity, chat CPT, web pilot, and aawp, with a focus on selling berberine supplements.

This video by Jesse Cunningham was published on Jun 4, 2023.
Video length: 13:49.

This video is about how to set up an affiliate marketing website using various tools such as Perplexity, Chat CPT, Web Pilot, and AAWP.

The video demonstrates how to find and compare products, specifically berberine supplements, using these tools.

It also shows how to use AAWP to create product boxes and comparison tables for the website.

  • The video is about setting up an affiliate marketing website using tools like perplexity, chat CPT, web pilot, and aawp.
  • The focus is on selling berberine supplements.
  • The goal is to create visually appealing affiliate marketing pages.
  • The video will teach viewers how to use these tools effectively.
  • There are three websites selling berberine supplements.
  • Perplexity AI is used to quickly find the best selling berberine supplements.
  • Web Pilot is a powerful tool used to crawl URLs and extract information.

Affiliate Marketing Made Easy (this is the setup I use) - YouTube

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Section 1: Introduction

  • The video is about setting up an affiliate marketing website using tools like perplexity, chat CPT, web pilot, and aawp.
  • The focus is on selling berberine supplements.
  • The goal is to create visually appealing affiliate marketing pages.
  • The video will teach viewers how to use these tools effectively.
  • The first step is to find a product to sell, in this case, berberine supplements.
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Section 2: Unpacking the Competitors

  • There are three websites selling berberine supplements.
  • The websites have blurbs, rankings, and recommendations.
  • The goal is to create a website that can compete with these competitors.
  • Perplexity AI is used to quickly find the best selling berberine supplements.
  • Perplexity provides citations and Amazon links for the best products.
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Section 3: Using Web Pilot and Chat CPT

  • Web Pilot is a powerful tool used to crawl URLs and extract information.
  • By pasting the Amazon links into Web Pilot, it provides pros, cons, and comparisons for each product.
  • Chat CPT is used in conjunction with Web Pilot to expedite the process.
  • Web Pilot and Chat CPT save time by automatically gathering information from multiple sources.
  • Web Pilot may have some minor issues, but it still handles the task effectively.
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Affiliate Marketing Made Easy (this is the setup I use) - YouTube

Section 4: Using AAWP for Affiliate Marketing

  • AAWP is a tool specifically designed for affiliate marketing.
  • It offers various features such as product boxes, bestseller lists, and comparison tables.
  • AAWP can automatically generate berberine product listings based on keywords.
  • While AAWP is a useful tool, the bestseller list feature may not be necessary for this particular setup.
  • AAWP requires the Amazon ASIN number to generate product boxes.
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Product Description and Unique Words

  • Using unique words on your website is important for a good user experience.
  • Copying and pasting product descriptions from Amazon is not ideal.
  • Use H2 headers for your product names.
  • Include a blurb about the product.
  • Provide pros and cons for the product.
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Customizing the Product Description

  • In the AAWP block, change the title to be slightly different from the H2 header.
  • Delete the copy-pasted description and either write a unique blurb or use Chat GPT to generate one.
  • If the product has a brand, include it in the description.
  • Preview the description to see how it looks on your website.
  • Make sure the description is concise and visually appealing.
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Creating a Table for Product Comparison

  • Create a table using AAWP to compare different products.
  • Customize the table by adding product names, features, and colors.
  • Import the table into your blog post using Gutenberg blocks.
  • Update the table when necessary and copy the code to publish it.
  • Preview the table to ensure it looks professional and organized.
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Benefits of Using AAWP and Tables

  • Using AAWP and tables makes your affiliate marketing website look more professional.
  • Tables provide an easy way for visitors to compare different products.
  • Tables can be customized to match the design of your website.
  • Updating and managing tables is simple with AAWP.
  • Tables help increase conversions and generate affiliate commissions.
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Section 1: Building a Competitive Affiliate Marketing Website

  • Creating a visually appealing website with a table and product descriptions.
  • Linking the website to your Amazon account for easy monetization.
  • Understanding the importance of driving traffic to the website.
  • Offering a master class for detailed guidance on building a competitive website.
  • Analyzing competitors in the niche to gain a competitive advantage.
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Section 2: The Importance of Informational Content in Affiliate Marketing

  • Examining a successful affiliate website with a megalithic article and custom table of contents.
  • Highlighting the significance of headers and different sections in the article.
  • Emphasizing the need to build out the website with informational content.
  • Explaining that informational and affiliate websites are essentially the same, with the difference being the inclusion of products in the latter.
  • Stressing the importance of using LSI keywords and providing valuable information to rank higher in search results.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Affiliate Marketing Made Easy (this is the setup I use) - YouTube

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