The Top 10 Tips for New Websites...Rank Higher, Rank Faster

Last updated: Jun 27, 2023

This video is about the top 10 tips for new websites to rank higher and faster in Google search results, with the first tip being to have a fast website and the subsequent tips covering topics such as picking the right niche, choosing an expandable topic, structuring initial content, and placing the most important information upfront.

This video by Jesse Cunningham was published on Jun 2, 2023.
Video length: 09:51.

In this video, Jesse Cunningham discusses the top 10 tips for new websites to rank higher and rank faster in Google search results.

He emphasizes the importance of having a fast website, picking the right niche, and choosing an expandable topic to focus on initially.

He also talks about the significance of structuring the initial content and placing the most important information upfront in each article.

  • A fast website is crucial for driving traffic.
  • Choosing the right niche can lead to more success.
  • Focus on one topic initially and write 30-60 blog posts about it.
  • Organize your initial blog articles like chapters of a book.
  • Use keyword research to determine the order of your articles.

The Top 10 Tips for New Websites...Rank Higher, Rank Faster - YouTube

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Section 1: Tip #10 - Have a fast website

  • A fast website is crucial for driving traffic.
  • Use a lightweight theme like Astra Pro.
  • Check your website's speed using Google's Page Speed Insights.
  • Mobile speed should be above 60 for optimal performance.
  • A slow website can hinder SEO efforts.
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Section 2: Tip #9 - Pick the right niche

  • Choosing the right niche can lead to more success.
  • Less competition and fewer boundaries to break through.
  • Watch a video on 10 good niches to consider.
  • Picking the right niche is essential for SEO.
  • Consider the potential for growth and profitability.
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Section 3: Tip #8 - Pick an expandable topic

  • Focus on one topic initially and write 30-60 blog posts about it.
  • Choose an expandable topic that allows for future growth.
  • Example: Writing about one indoor plant and then moving on to another.
  • Deep dive into a specific topic rather than covering too many subjects.
  • Writing extensively on a topic helps establish authority.
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The Top 10 Tips for New Websites...Rank Higher, Rank Faster - YouTube

Section 4: Tip #7 - Structure initial content

  • Organize your initial blog articles like chapters of a book.
  • Use keyword research to determine the order of your articles.
  • Create a book-like structure and interlink your articles.
  • Interlinking helps with navigation and SEO.
  • Ensure the most important information is easily accessible.
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Section 1: Tips for New Websites to Rank Higher and Faster

  • Tip 1: Have a fast website.
  • Tip 2: Pick the right niche.
  • Tip 3: Choose an expandable topic.
  • Tip 4: Structure initial content with human-written content.
  • Tip 5: Use templates for initial blog articles.
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Section 2: Additional Tips for SEO Success

  • Tip 6: Focus on your workflow and avoid getting distracted by AI.
  • Tip 7: Use AI as a tool and edit it with your SEO skills.
  • Tip 8: Utilize templates to create a consistent structure for articles.
  • Tip 9: Implement SEO persistence by regularly publishing blog posts.
  • Tip 10: Master proper keyword research for SEO success.

Watch the video on YouTube:
The Top 10 Tips for New Websites...Rank Higher, Rank Faster - YouTube

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