Instant AI Generated Content for SEO | AI Content Generator

Last updated: Jun 28, 2023

The video is about a tool developed by Vasco that allows users to generate trending and high-quality SEO optimized articles based on the latest news and events in a certain topic, with a call to action to their website, and the video serves as a promotional video for this tool.

This video by Vasco's SEO Tips was published on Mar 28, 2023.
Video length: 04:37.

In this video, Vasco introduces a tool that he has developed or is still developing called "Vetted" that allows users to generate trending and newsworthy content that is SEO optimized.

The tool generates unique articles based on the latest news and events in a specific topic, with a call to action to the user's website. Vasco demonstrates how the tool works by inputting his business URL and description, and then generating 10 unique pieces of content that appear to be written by humans.

He showcases a few examples of the generated articles and explains that the tool is still in development but offers a discount coupon for users to try it out.

  • The tool allows users to generate trending and newsworthy content with a call to action to their website.
  • It takes into account the latest news and events on a certain topic to generate unique and high-quality articles.
  • Users input their business URL and description, and the tool filters the internet for newsworthy articles about their niche to write a new article optimized for SEO.

Instant AI Generated Content for SEO | AI Content Generator - YouTube

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Tool for Generating SEO Optimized Articles

  • The tool allows users to generate trending and newsworthy content.
  • Users can instantly get SEO optimized articles with a call to action to their website.
  • The tool takes into account the latest news and events on a certain topic.
  • It generates unique and high-quality articles that can surpass AI content writing tools.
  • The generated articles are based on news articles and include a call to action to the user's site.
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How the Tool Works

  • Users input their business URL and description.
  • The tool filters the internet for newsworthy articles about the user's niche.
  • It writes a new article based on the news articles, optimizing it for SEO.
  • The generated articles include a call to action to the user's site.
  • The tool sends the generated articles to the user's email.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Instant AI Generated Content for SEO | AI Content Generator - YouTube

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