AI Is Coming: 6 Ways To Prepare

Last updated: Jun 21, 2023

The video discusses the potential impact of AI on SEO, websites, and small businesses, and offers six ways to prepare for these changes.

The video discusses the impact of AI on SEO, websites, and small businesses. The hosts talk about the recent announcements by Google and OpenAI regarding their AI search engines and the potential risks associated with AI-generated answers. They also provide examples of how AI can make mistakes and give inaccurate information. The hosts aim to provide practical advice on how to prepare for the changes brought about by AI and how to stay ahead of the competition.

  • AI technology is a topic of concern for many people in the industry.
  • Google and Bing have announced AI search engines, but the technology is not completely ready yet.
  • AI technology tends to make things up, which is a risk for websites.
  • AI will change the way we do SEO, making it easier to find relevant content and harder to manipulate search results.
  • Preparing for AI involves creating high-quality content, using structured data, focusing on user experience, and staying up-to-date with the latest AI developments.
  • AI-generated search results may not always be accurate, leading to a drop in website traffic and user trust.
  • Small businesses may struggle to compete with larger businesses that have more resources to invest in AI.
  • Preparing for AI impact involves considering the value of products, the time people are willing to invest in researching them, and the quality of traffic.
  • Small businesses should focus on providing personalized experiences, building a strong brand and reputation, investing in AI tools, and staying up-to-date on AI developments.

AI Is Coming: 6 Ways To Prepare - YouTube

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  • AI is a topic of concern for many people in the industry.
  • Google and Bing have announced AI search engines.
  • AI technology is not completely ready yet.
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AI Answers Tend to Make Stuff Up

  • AI technology tends to make things up, which is a risk for websites.
  • AI can give inaccurate answers to queries.
  • Bing made several mistakes when answering a query about the iPhone 14 Pro, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, and OnePlus 10 Pro.
  • Bing made up a co-processor to the main processor that doesn't exist anywhere.
  • Bing gave the camera specs of the iPhone 13 Pro instead of the iPhone 14 Pro.
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AI Will Change the Way We Do SEO

  • AI will change the way we do SEO.
  • AI will make it easier to find relevant content.
  • AI will make it harder to manipulate search results.
  • AI will make it harder to rank for long-tail keywords.
  • AI will make it easier to rank for short-tail keywords.
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Preparing for AI

  • Focus on creating high-quality content.
  • Use structured data to help search engines understand your content.
  • Focus on user experience and engagement.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest AI developments.
  • Experiment with AI tools and technologies.
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Impact of AI on Search Results

  • AI-generated search results may not always be accurate.
  • Users may find it difficult to trust AI-generated results.
  • Errors in AI-generated results can have serious consequences, especially for high-value purchases or medical queries.
  • AI-generated results may lead to users switching to competitors who they believe are more accurate.
  • Google may need to release AI-generated results as an accessory to traditional search results.
  • Businesses can address this by becoming a trusted source of information and heavily fact-checking their content.
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Impact of AI on Website Traffic

  • AI-generated search results may lead to a drop in website traffic.
  • However, the traffic that does land on a website may have a higher conversion rate.
  • Businesses can optimize their websites for conversion rate optimization (CRO) to make the most of the traffic they do receive.
  • Businesses can also become a trusted source in their niche to increase brand recognition and attract clicks.
  • Brand recognition can help businesses maintain traffic and conversions even if they are not the top search result.
  • Businesses can also qualify traffic by making users consume a big piece of content before making a sales offer.
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Preparing for AI in SEO

  • Businesses can prepare for AI in SEO by focusing on quality content and fact-checking.
  • Businesses can also optimize for CRO to make the most of the traffic they do receive.
  • Businesses can become a trusted source in their niche to increase brand recognition and attract clicks.
  • Businesses can qualify traffic by making users consume a big piece of content before making a sales offer.
  • Businesses can also use analytics to track changes in traffic and conversion rates.
  • Businesses can adapt their SEO strategies as needed to maintain traffic and conversions.
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  • AI-generated search results have the potential to impact website traffic and user trust.
  • Businesses can prepare for AI in SEO by focusing on quality content, optimizing for CRO, and becoming a trusted source in their niche.
  • Businesses can also use analytics to track changes in traffic and conversion rates and adapt their SEO strategies as needed.
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Impact of AI on SEO and Websites

  • AI will impact the value of products and how much time people are willing to invest in researching them.
  • AI may take traffic from feature snippets.
  • Traffic erosion has been happening due to people searching for reviews on YouTube or using Reddit to find discussions about products.
  • Sites that rely on page views to make money, such as those that rely on ads, are at risk.
  • Publishers may spam long-tail queries and increase competition for those keywords.
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Preparing for AI Impact on SEO and Websites

  • Keyword selection will be important, considering how much the featured snippet satisfies the searcher.
  • Creating more AI content will not necessarily solve the problem of traffic loss.
  • Converting people and making purchase decisions will be okay, as the quality of traffic will increase.
  • Complicated technical queries may not be impacted by AI as much as simpler queries.
  • Preparing for AI impact involves considering the value of products, the time people are willing to invest in researching them, and the quality of traffic.
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Impact of AI on Small Businesses

  • Small businesses may struggle to compete with larger businesses that have more resources to invest in AI.
  • AI may make it easier for larger businesses to dominate search results.
  • Small businesses may need to focus on niche markets and providing personalized experiences to compete with larger businesses.
  • Small businesses may need to invest in AI tools to stay competitive.
  • Small businesses may need to focus on building a strong brand and reputation to stand out in search results.
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Preparing Small Businesses for AI Impact

  • Small businesses should focus on providing personalized experiences and building a strong brand and reputation.
  • Small businesses should invest in AI tools to stay competitive.
  • Small businesses should focus on niche markets to compete with larger businesses.
  • Small businesses should consider partnering with larger businesses to access their AI resources.
  • Small businesses should stay up-to-date on AI developments and adapt their strategies accordingly.
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Impact of AI on SEO

  • AI will be better at answering certain queries than humans.
  • SEO strategy should focus on finding queries that AI will struggle to answer.
  • Search intent will still dominate SEO, but AI may replace featured snippets.
  • Unique insights and data will be more likely to be included in AI summarizations.
  • It is difficult to predict which types of sites will be affected by AI changes.
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Attribution in AI Summarizations

  • AI summarizations will likely include attributions to bigger sites like Dr 90.
  • Unique insights and data will be more likely to be included in AI summarizations.
  • Google may not include attributions due to liability concerns.
  • Small sites will need to create unique insights to be included in AI summarizations.
  • It is difficult to predict which types of sites will be affected by AI changes.
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Creating Unique Facts for AI Summarizations

  • AI summarizations will likely include overlapping facts from multiple articles.
  • Unique insights and data will be more likely to be included in AI summarizations.
  • Creating unique facts will make a site more likely to be included in AI summarizations.
  • Less competition for a unique fact will make a site more likely to be included in AI summarizations.
  • AI summarizations will lead to more clicks for sites with unique insights and data.
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Chat and GPT Interface as Default Search Layout

  • The chat and GPT interface is slow and unlikely to be the default search layout.
  • Other search interfaces may be developed that are faster and more efficient.
  • Chat and GPT interfaces may still be used for certain types of queries.
  • It is difficult to predict which types of search interfaces will become popular.
  • SEO strategy should focus on creating content that is compatible with multiple search interfaces.
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Impact of AI on Search Engines and Monetization

  • AI is more expensive for search engines, costing up to 7 times more than a current Google search.
  • For every 10 Google searches that shift over to AI, it could cost up to 11 billion dollars a year in extra costs.
  • AI is harder to monetize, as it shows fewer ads and charges per impression rather than per click.
  • It is unlikely that AI will become the default search engine due to its high cost and difficulty in monetization.
  • Instead, it is more likely that AI will be used as an additional feature, such as the AI answer that types out slowly on Bing.
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Difficulty in Using AI for Small Queries

  • AI is more difficult to use than current feature snippets for small queries.
  • Users are more likely to take the information and not click from feature snippets than from AI.
  • AI is cranky on mobile, as it expands and pushes down content as it types out.
  • Chat is likely to be its own app for Google, rather than integrated into search.
  • There will be intercepts, but it is uncertain how powerful they will be.
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The Dullness Effect and the Risks of AI

  • AI can become dull and repetitive, leading to a decrease in user engagement.
  • There is a risk of AI becoming too powerful and threatening to humanity.
  • Interacting with AI repeatedly can lead to it giving strong and edgy answers, playing on fears about AI.
  • It is uncertain whether AI developers are deliberately trying to get AI to act this way or not.
  • There is a need for caution and regulation in the development and use of AI.
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Preparing for the Impact of AI

  • Stay informed about the latest developments in AI and its impact on SEO and websites.
  • Focus on creating high-quality content that is relevant and useful to users.
  • Use structured data to make it easier for search engines to understand and display your content.
  • Consider using chatbots and other AI tools to improve user experience and engagement.
  • Be prepared to adapt and evolve your SEO and marketing strategies as AI continues to develop and change the digital landscape.
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Impact of AI on Search Engines

  • AI technology is behind the scenes of search engines, picking the right snippet and summarizing content.
  • Google's answer to AI is super fitted snippets.
  • Sharp AI in the hands of many people is difficult because people will try to break it and be offended.
  • There will likely be a traffic drop from SEO due to AI technology.
  • People will have to change the way they look at site building as a quick and easy money maker.
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Preparing for AI in SEO

  • Focus on creating high-quality content that is useful and informative.
  • Use structured data to help search engines understand your content.
  • Optimize for voice search by using natural language and long-tail keywords.
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.
  • Build a strong social media presence to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your site.
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Impact of AI on Websites

  • AI technology can help improve website personalization and user experience.
  • Chatbots can be used to provide customer service and support.
  • AI can be used to analyze user behavior and make data-driven decisions.
  • AI can help with website design and development, such as creating responsive designs and optimizing for mobile devices.
  • AI can help with website security by detecting and preventing cyber attacks.
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Preparing for AI in Small Businesses

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest AI technology and trends.
  • Invest in AI tools and software to help automate tasks and improve efficiency.
  • Train employees on how to use AI technology and integrate it into their workflow.
  • Partner with AI companies and experts to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Focus on building a strong brand and customer loyalty to retain customers in the face of AI technology.
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Impact of AI on SEO and Websites

  • New selection will attribute more weight to certain criteria, changing the balance of search traffic.
  • SEO was so good that people didn't have to focus on building brands, but that will change with decreasing traffic.
  • Content repurposing is important for building brands and can be done using AI.
  • YouTubers and other content creators need to monetize their sites in multiple ways.
  • Google's monopoly on search may be challenged by other companies, requiring optimization for multiple search engines.
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Preparing for Changes in SEO and Websites

  • Focus on building brands instead of just sites.
  • Repurpose content using AI to create multiple formats from one idea.
  • Monetize sites in multiple ways, not just through one traffic source.
  • Optimize for multiple search engines in case Google's monopoly is challenged.
  • Use AI to create content responsibly.
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Impact of AI on Small Businesses

  • Small businesses may struggle to keep up with changes in SEO and website optimization.
  • AI can help small businesses create content and optimize their sites, but it may be difficult to implement.
  • Small businesses need to focus on building brands and monetizing their sites in multiple ways.
  • AI can help small businesses compete with larger companies by automating certain tasks.
  • Small businesses need to stay up-to-date with changes in AI and SEO to remain competitive.
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Preparing for Changes in Small Businesses

  • Focus on building brands and monetizing sites in multiple ways.
  • Use AI to automate certain tasks and stay competitive with larger companies.
  • Stay up-to-date with changes in AI and SEO to remain competitive.
  • Implement AI in a responsible way to create content and optimize sites.
  • Collaborate with other small businesses to share resources and stay competitive.
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AI as an Assistant

  • AI is a live editing process that helps create content.
  • It takes a few hours to make a pretty good article with AI.
  • AI is an assistant to the writer, not the writer itself.
  • AI is like a ghostwriter that helps people write books.
  • AI can repurpose content for other platforms.
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Using AI Responsibly

  • AI is a live editing process that requires oversight.
  • People need to feed AI with facts to ensure it doesn't make stuff up.
  • AI can create pretty good content, but it still needs human input.
  • AI saves time, but people need to use it responsibly.
  • AI can help create more content, but it may get less traffic.
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AI and Content Creation

  • AI can create articles, but it's hard to create articles people want to read.
  • AI can help create non-shit content, which is more challenging than it seems.
  • AI can repurpose content for other platforms, such as social media or video scripts.
  • AI can help create more content, but it still needs to be high-quality.
  • AI can be a useful tool for content creation, but it's not a replacement for human creativity.
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The Future of SEO and Affiliate Marketing

  • SEO, affiliate marketing, and authority sites are not going to die in the next year or five years.
  • They will change significantly, but they have been changing for years already.
  • Creating a brand and being on multiple platforms is a good approach to future-proofing a business.
  • It's important to adapt to changes and use new technologies, such as AI, to stay competitive.
  • Teaching others how to make money online will still be a viable business model, but it may require new strategies.
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Impact of AI on Websites and SEO

  • Search engines will die if there is no content to draw from.
  • AI summarization may replace thin or low-quality affiliate sites.
  • AI-generated content may lead to duplicate content on a conceptual level.
  • Topical authority may require added value on top of AI-generated content.
  • Effort put behind each page may become a differentiating factor.
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Preparing for Changes in AI

  • Use platforms and written content as an anchor and base.
  • Find ways to drive traffic and change AI if necessary.
  • Build mini funnels and micro-initiatives to capture an audience in a niche and monetize it.
  • Stay updated with free updates and changes in the industry.
  • Focus on creating valuable content and adding value on top of AI-generated content.
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The Future of Content and SEO

  • Content may become paid on the internet, leading to paywalls and quoting limitations.
  • Boilerplate content may become a one-click thing, leading to a focus on UI and non-automatable aspects of websites.
  • Effort put behind each page may become a differentiating factor for topical authority.
  • Added value on top of AI-generated content may become necessary for achieving topical authority.
  • Quality threshold may still be necessary for Google to consider content relevant.
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  • AI will have a significant impact on websites and SEO.
  • Preparing for changes in AI and focusing on creating valuable content will be crucial for success.
  • Effort put behind each page may become a differentiating factor for achieving topical authority.
  • The future of content and SEO may involve a focus on non-automatable aspects of websites.
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Impact of AI on SEO and Websites

  • AI can provide quick answers to queries, reducing the need for users to click through to websites.
  • One-click WordPress deployment will not be enough to rank on top of queries.
  • Original data, illustrations, easy scannability, and interface need to be added to content to add value.
  • Low competition articles with music or Mediavine may not be a sustainable business model as AI can provide quick answers.
  • Monetization needs to be elevated by finding something to sell to visitors, capturing them with a lead magnet, or building an email list.
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Preparing for Changes in Niche Selection

  • AI can quickly and easily answer queries, making it difficult to monetize certain niches.
  • It is important to read answers and evaluate their sufficiency before making decisions.
  • Optimizing for video snippets may become a different game as AI will summarize concepts and facts.
  • Optimizing for efficient snippets will require providing unique and original content to the topic.
  • Future snippet game may be different, but it is still important to optimize for it today.
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Preparing Small Businesses for AI

  • Small businesses need to elevate their monetization by finding something to sell to visitors.
  • Building an email list and capturing social followers can help bring traffic back to the website.
  • Qualifying traffic is important as it can lead to more sales.
  • Low competition articles with music or Mediavine may not be a sustainable business model as AI can provide quick answers.
  • Niche selection needs to be evaluated based on how easily AI can answer queries in that niche.
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Preparing for Changes in SEO

  • AI can provide quick answers to queries, reducing the need for users to click through to websites.
  • Original data, illustrations, easy scannability, and interface need to be added to content to add value.
  • Optimizing for video snippets may become a different game as AI will summarize concepts and facts.
  • Optimizing for efficient snippets will require providing unique and original content to the topic.
  • Future snippet game may be different, but it is still important to optimize for it today.
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Impact of AI on Traditional Sites

  • AI is not the only factor that can affect traditional sites.
  • Core updates and focus of Google can also impact traditional sites.
  • Building a brand around reviews is difficult unless you have a niche and a proper editorial team.
  • Building an audience and monetizing it is still the key to success.
  • Details such as content type, traffic, and monetization methods may change with AI.
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Preparing for AI

  • Don't panic and stop everything you're doing.
  • Keep moving forward and adapt your strategy when necessary.
  • Stay informed about AI and its potential impact on your business.
  • Focus on building a strong brand and audience.
  • Experiment with different types of content and monetization methods.
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Building an Authority Site

  • Define an authority site as a site that targets a specific niche, builds an audience, and monetizes that audience.
  • Content type, traffic, and monetization methods may change, but the concept of building an authority site remains the same.
  • Focus on gathering people who care about a topic and presenting it to them in an attractive way.
  • Creating funnels is a great way to monetize an audience.
  • Details such as content type, traffic, and monetization methods may change with AI.
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Constant Change in SEO

  • Change has always been constant in SEO.
  • Reshoot courses and adapt to changes in the industry.
  • Feature snippets, search intent, and other factors have already impacted SEO.
  • Stay informed about changes in the industry and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Building a strong brand and audience is still the key to success.
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Impact of AI on SEO and Small Businesses

  • The way we do content has changed completely due to AI.
  • AI has been happening for a while, but it sounds scarier now that it's called AI.
  • AI is an iterative improvement, not necessarily going to change the status quo on what AI does today.
  • Building a brand and audience around selling them stuff will always be happening, but the modalities will change.
  • Bing is not as good as a search engine, but it's a powerful tool for productivity and content creation.
  • SEO and site publishing have always been changing, and people who follow the market do well.
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Preparing for Changes in AI

  • AI is both a tool that gives and takes.
  • AI is going to help a lot with content creation and tedious tasks.
  • AI might take away from mundane queries, especially sites that rely on page views.
  • It's hard to tell exactly what's going to happen, but we know that AI is going to change.
  • Be honest and optimistic about the changes that AI will bring.
  • Adapt to the market changes and seize the opportunity.

Watch the video on YouTube:
AI Is Coming: 6 Ways To Prepare - YouTube

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