Google SGE First Impressions: 9 Takeaways

Last updated: Jun 21, 2023

The video discusses the changes that Google is bringing to search with the release of early access to Google SGE, which includes generative AI inside that provides answers instead of clicking on websites, and the implications for SEO and website traffic.

The video discusses the changes that Google is bringing to search with the release of early access to Google SGE, which includes generative AI inside that provides answers instead of clicking on websites. The video breaks down the mechanics behind how the AI answers are generated and how they affect SEO and website traffic. The video also discusses observations made during testing, such as the fact that not all queries generate an AI answer and the liability of Google on ymyr queries. Overall, the video provides insights into the impact of Google SGE on search and SEO.

  • Google has released early access to Google SGE, which includes generative AI inside that provides answers instead of clicking on websites.
  • Google SGE has implications for SEO and website traffic.
  • It takes about 8 to 12 seconds for the AI results to pop up when you type a search query in this new version of Google.
  • Light browsers that are not really that deep into the topic will probably pick the AI answer, and that's probably the traffic that will drop from websites.
  • Most of the traffic that will hit their website will be even more targeted.
  • Not all queries generate an AI answer.
  • Google is prioritizing helpful content from specialized sites.
  • Higher clicks on trusted resources lead to higher rankings.
  • Google Shopping is plugged in for product queries, allowing for price comparisons.

Google SGE First Impressions: 9 Takeaways - YouTube

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  • Google has released early access to Google SGE, which includes generative AI inside that provides answers instead of clicking on websites.
  • There are a lot of things that can be observed as we test it ourselves that were not shared in the Google I/O presentation.
  • Google SGE has implications for SEO and website traffic.
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AI Search Mechanics

  • It takes about 8 to 12 seconds for the AI results to pop up when you type a search query in this new version of Google.
  • During these 8 to 12 seconds, there is just a small blinking box that doesn't really take much space on the subs where the primary call to action is clicking on the website link.
  • If you start scrolling down, the AI results are basically hidden, so they won't displace the search results anymore.
  • Google is experimenting with another two-step mechanic where they don't load the AI answers at all when you search a query and you have a generate AI answer button that then generates the AI.
  • Google will cut short the AI answer with a show more button quite often based on the size of your browser and on your screen.
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Implications for Traffic

  • Light browsers that are not really that deep into the topic will probably pick the AI answer, and that's probably the traffic that will drop from websites.
  • The people who are more engaged and want a deeper solution or deeper resource will go for websites.
  • Most of the traffic that will hit their website will be even more targeted.
  • While ad websites will definitely fill the blue by the lower search traffic overall, the sites that sell affiliate products or sell products on their site will probably not fill the drop in conversion as much because most of the traffic that will hit their website will be even more targeted.
  • It really lets the user choose what they want: do you want an answer and then you don't scroll, or do you want a website and then you just scroll subtly a little bit and you don't have AI coming in the way anymore.
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Google SGE First Impressions: 9 Takeaways - YouTube


  • Not all queries generate an AI answer.
  • Google is willing to dip the optos in, including a lot of YMYL queries, but they still cover their tracks a little bit.
  • There are no ads in is better, so it's unclear how it's going to behave when we get as heavy subs.
  • It's going to be quite difficult to react to these things and dodging the queries that have no AAA answers is going to be a little bit difficult.
  • The liability of Google on YMYR queries is a concern, especially because they are answering medical queries and financial queries with AI.
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Google SGE First Impressions: 9 Takeaways

  • Redundancy in AI answers and Fitted Snippets
  • AI answers can be worse than Fitted Snippets
  • AI may steal content without attribution
  • Small Publishers have a chance to rank higher
  • Carousel feature can drive traffic to smaller sites
  • Subs have been heavily redesigned
  • Search results show favicons and feature brands more prominently
  • Google is prioritizing helpful content from specialized sites
  • Google is using the beta to find and fix issues
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Changes in Search Results

  • Click distribution will be more top-heavy due to more space taken by top results.
  • All search results are now infinite scroll.
  • Links to websites are now black instead of blue, blending in more with the SERP.
  • Focus on branding may lead to better CTR for sites with an audience.
  • AI snippets almost never link out, making it difficult to access resources.
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Implications for SEO

  • Higher clicks on trusted resources lead to higher rankings.
  • Focus on branding may lead to better CTR for sites with an audience.
  • AI snippets may lead to less traffic for websites.
  • Evolve SEO strategies as Google rolls out changes.
  • Pressure Google to link inside snippets to sources they're taking info from.
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Generative AI Inside Google SGE

  • Google SGE includes generative AI inside that provides answers instead of clicking on websites.
  • AI snippets almost never link out, making it difficult to access resources.
  • Conversation mode allows for follow-up queries, but results are not granular.
  • AI snippets may lead to less traffic for websites.
  • Evolve SEO strategies as Google rolls out changes.
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Product Queries and Google Shopping

  • Google Shopping is plugged in for product queries, allowing for price comparisons.
  • Comparison table looks like an affiliate site.
  • Google Shopping is not available for all queries.
  • Links to websites are now black instead of blue, blending in more with the SERP.
  • Focus on branding may lead to better CTR for sites with an audience.
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Impressions on Google SGE

  • Google SGE provides an alternative to people instead of going to a website, they can use the generative AI answer to get the answer to their queries.
  • Some of the traffic that used to go to websites will use the generative AI answer instead.
  • Implementing a two-step process where the user can signify if they want an AI answer by either not scrolling or by clicking a generative AI answer button.
  • A lot of people will still choose to go to websites when they are invested in enough in a topic to know that the generative AI answer will not be enough for them.
  • The power of SEO is not as much in the volume of traffic that it can deliver as it is in the intent of the visitors.
  • 100 visits from SEO will always overshadow 100 visits from Twitter or 100 visits for Facebook because of the intent.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Google SGE First Impressions: 9 Takeaways - YouTube

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