5 Fresh Strategies to Dominate Google in 2023

Last updated: Jun 21, 2023

The video discusses five fresh SEO strategies for 2023 that can help websites rank better on Google despite recent updates, including pushing info content, implementing EAT, and using AI tools for longtail keywords.

The video titled '5 Fresh Strategies to Dominate Google in 2023' provides five SEO strategies that can help websites rank better on Google despite recent updates. The first strategy is to push info content hard, as Google is trying to appreciate real experts and added expertise can be achieved through info content. The second strategy is to implement EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) on the website, even if not buying all the products being reviewed. The third strategy is to find keywords that competitors will never find, such as long-tail keywords. The fourth strategy is to focus on user experience and engagement, as Google is prioritizing sites that provide a good user experience. The fifth strategy is to leverage AI content to speed up the creation of long-tail info content.

  • Strategies to rank better on Google despite recent updates
  • Pushing info content, implementing EAT, and using AI tools for longtail keywords
  • Google is trying to push real experts and appreciate expertise
  • Info content can help achieve this and is good for monetization with ads
  • EAT stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness
  • Using AI tools can help with keyword research and content creation
  • Voice search is becoming more popular and can impact SEO
  • AI can be used to write intros and summarize complex information
  • Be cautious of relying solely on keyword tools for keyword research

5 Fresh Strategies to Dominate Google in 2023 - YouTube

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  • Strategies to rank better on Google despite recent updates
  • Pushing info content, implementing EAT, and using AI tools for longtail keywords
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Pushing Info Content

  • Google is trying to push real experts and appreciate expertise
  • Info content can help achieve this and is good for monetization with ads
  • Ads RPMs are going down, but still a good monetization method
  • Competition level for ads keywords is significantly lower than affiliate commercial keywords
  • AI content is a big thing in the industry and can be used for longtail keywords
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Implementing EAT

  • EAT stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness
  • Google is looking for sites that have high EAT
  • Ways to improve EAT include having a clear author bio, linking to authoritative sources, and having a secure website
  • Having positive reviews and ratings can also improve EAT
  • Improving EAT can help with ranking and building trust with users
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5 Fresh Strategies to Dominate Google in 2023 - YouTube

Using AI Tools for Longtail Keywords

  • AI tools can help with keyword research and content creation
  • Chat GPT is a powerful tool for generating content
  • Using AI tools can speed up the content creation process
  • Longtail keywords have less competition and can be easier to rank for
  • Using AI tools for longtail keywords can help improve topical authority and boost rankings
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Optimizing for Voice Search

  • Voice search is becoming more popular and can impact SEO
  • Optimizing for voice search includes using natural language, answering questions, and having a mobile-friendly website
  • Featured snippets can also help with voice search optimization
  • Using schema markup can help search engines understand the content better
  • Optimizing for voice search can help improve user experience and drive more traffic to the site
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Using AI for Info Content

  • AI can be used to write intros and summarize complex information.
  • Research and create bullet points for the AI to use.
  • Copy and paste bullet points into chat GPT for a decent article output.
  • AI can create a good article using your research and facts.
  • Check and edit the output to make it your own.
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Smart Use of AI for Info Content

  • Prepare and research before using AI.
  • Edit and oversee the output to make it your own.
  • Don't rely on AI blindly.
  • Push info content using AI, but do it the smart way.
  • Don't just generate content without reading it.
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Bing's Chat GPT and Open AI

  • Bing has released a free version of chat GPT.
  • Microsoft is a big investor in Open AI.
  • It is questionable how Bing will charge for chat GPT.
  • Microsoft may be financing chat GPT until it launches on Bing.
  • Open AI is a commercial for-profit company that was initially non-profit.
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Potential Future of Open AI

  • Open AI could become a proper search engine.
  • Apple could acquire Open AI and compete with Google.
  • Google pays Apple, so it's not a bad idea for Apple to compete with Google.
  • Open AI's goal was to make AI that is benevolent to humans.
  • Open AI's future is uncertain, but it has potential for growth and development.
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Creating Content with AI

  • Use AI to assist in content creation, not replace it entirely.
  • Read and edit the content generated by AI to ensure quality.
  • Use AI tools to help with longtail keywords and topic research.
  • Implement EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) in content creation.
  • Focus on creating informative content that provides value to the reader.
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Transitioning to Info Content

  • Find keywords that are relevant to your niche and have high search volume.
  • Be cautious of relying solely on keyword tools for keyword research.
  • Consider longtail keywords that may not have high search volume but can still drive targeted traffic.
  • Focus on creating informative content that provides value to the reader.
  • Implement EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) in content creation.
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Using AI Tools for Keyword Research

  • Use AI tools to help with longtail keywords and topic research.
  • Be cautious of relying solely on keyword tools for keyword research.
  • Consider longtail keywords that may not have high search volume but can still drive targeted traffic.
  • Take leaps of faith with keyword research and try similar keywords even if they show no metrics in keyword tools.
  • Create pages that may not get massive amounts of traffic but are high converting and specific.
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Challenges with Keyword Tools

  • Be cautious of relying solely on keyword tools for keyword research.
  • There can be discrepancies in reported search volume and traffic potential between different keyword tools.
  • Take leaps of faith with keyword research and try similar keywords even if they show no metrics in keyword tools.
  • Create pages that may not get massive amounts of traffic but are high converting and specific.
  • Use keyword tools while understanding their limitations and weaknesses.
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Importance of Google Analytics over Keyword Tools

  • Keyword tools provide broad estimates based on various data sources.
  • Sharing organic data instead of analytics is a fallacy of the user.
  • Replacing Google Analytics with Ahrefs graph data is a huge mistake.
  • Using keyword tools is better than shooting in the dark, but it has limits.
  • Trying to go beyond keyword tools and fill the limits is necessary.
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Reverse Engineering Competitors

  • Looking at competitors' articles on zero volume keywords can be an indication to go for those keywords.
  • Using impressions in search console for distant keywords related to a page can be useful.
  • Finding reputable keywords and expanding them into several pages can lead to success.
  • Comparing impressions for each keyword targeted and GSC data versus Ahrefs data can help find outliers.
  • Using GSC to find keywords that get impressions is a good place to start.
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Pushing Info Content

  • Creating content that provides information is important for ranking on Google.
  • Providing value to the user is crucial for success.
  • Creating content that answers questions and solves problems is necessary.
  • Using structured data to provide more information to Google can help with ranking.
  • Creating content that is easy to read and understand is important for user experience.
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Implementing EAT

  • EAT stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.
  • Creating content that demonstrates expertise in a subject is important.
  • Establishing authority in a niche can help with ranking.
  • Building trust with users through transparency and honesty is crucial.
  • Using backlinks from reputable sources can help establish authority and trustworthiness.
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Pushing Info Content

  • Longtail keywords are worth exploring as they may be less competitive but can quickly rank high.
  • Even if some content gets no traffic, it's worth writing about as it can lead to hitting gold.
  • Listening to a 45-minute podcast can help understand the nuances of keyword research.
  • Pushing info content can help websites rank better on Google.
  • Using longtail keywords can help websites rank higher on Google.
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Implementing EAT

  • Commercial content and reviews have been in the crosshairs of Google over the last couple of years.
  • Google's review guidelines can be difficult to implement for small business owners and small affiliates.
  • Dronesgator.com is an example of a site that satisfies Google's review guidelines without going crazy.
  • Using custom graphics to display different things about the drones can provide a lot of value.
  • Creating a YouTube video that showcases the product can be a clever and well-executed way to interact with the content.
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Using AI Tools for Longtail Keywords

  • AI tools can help find longtail keywords that are less competitive.
  • AI tools can help websites rank higher on Google.
  • AI tools can help websites understand user intent and create content that satisfies that intent.
  • AI tools can help websites create content that is more likely to be shared on social media.
  • AI tools can help websites create content that is more likely to be linked to by other websites.
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Optimizing for Voice Search

  • Voice search is becoming more popular, and websites need to optimize for it.
  • Using natural language in content can help websites rank higher on Google for voice search queries.
  • Creating content that answers common questions can help websites rank higher on Google for voice search queries.
  • Using schema markup can help websites provide more information to Google for voice search queries.
  • Optimizing for local search can help websites rank higher on Google for voice search queries.
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Pushing Info Content

  • Creating content that is informative and helpful to users.
  • Using data and research to support the content.
  • Providing unique insights and perspectives on the topic.
  • Using visuals and multimedia to enhance the content.
  • Creating content that is shareable and linkable.
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Implementing EAT

  • Ensuring that the content is written by experts in the field.
  • Providing author bios and credentials to establish expertise.
  • Creating content that is trustworthy and accurate.
  • Providing sources and references to support the content.
  • Creating content that is relevant and useful to the target audience.
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Using AI Tools for Longtail Keywords

  • Using AI tools to identify longtail keywords with low competition.
  • Creating content that targets these keywords.
  • Using natural language and conversational tone in the content.
  • Providing answers to common questions related to the topic.
  • Creating content that is easy to read and understand.
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Building Passive Links

  • Creating linkable content that attracts links passively.
  • Using data and research to support the content.
  • Providing unique insights and perspectives on the topic.
  • Creating content that is relevant and useful to the target audience.
  • Updating the content periodically to maintain its relevance.
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Pushing Info Content

  • Google is moving towards providing more information to users.
  • Creating in-depth, informative content can help websites rank better.
  • Focus on creating content that answers user questions.
  • Use tools like Answer the Public and Google's People Also Ask feature to find common questions related to your topic.
  • Include visuals like images and videos to make the content more engaging.
  • Make sure the content is well-structured and easy to read.
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Implementing EAT

  • EAT stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.
  • Google is placing more emphasis on EAT when ranking websites.
  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field by creating high-quality content and getting backlinks from other authoritative websites.
  • Build trust with your audience by being transparent and providing accurate information.
  • Include author bios and credentials to show expertise.
  • Get reviews and testimonials to show trustworthiness.
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Using AI Tools for Longtail Keywords

  • AI tools like GPT-3 can help generate longtail keywords.
  • Longtail keywords are more specific and have less competition.
  • Use tools like Clearscope and MarketMuse to optimize content for longtail keywords.
  • Include longtail keywords in headings, subheadings, and throughout the content.
  • Use natural language and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Monitor and adjust the content based on performance.
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Creating Statistics Pages

  • Create pages that compile statistics related to your topic.
  • These pages can passively collect links and grow your authority.
  • Include sources for the statistics to establish credibility.
  • Use tools like Exploding Topics to find trendy topics and statistics.
  • Pay for AdWords traffic to get above the number one organic listing and pick up more links.
  • Requires ranking for the statistics keyword and being at least a medium authority site.
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Pushing Info Content

  • Focus on creating informative content that answers user queries.
  • Use tools like Answer the Public and Google's People Also Ask feature to find popular questions related to your niche.
  • Include structured data markup to help search engines understand the content better.
  • Use visuals like images, videos, and infographics to make the content more engaging.
  • Optimize the content for voice search by using natural language and long-tail keywords.
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Implementing EAT

  • Start bringing EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) into your content and website.
  • Provide expert advice and insights related to your niche.
  • Showcase your authority by featuring guest posts from industry experts.
  • Build trust by using original photos and videos, and by featuring customer reviews and testimonials.
  • Use structured data markup to highlight your credentials and awards.
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Using AI Tools for Longtail Keywords

  • Use AI-powered tools like MarketMuse and Clearscope to find long-tail keywords and related topics.
  • Optimize the content for these keywords by using them naturally in the content.
  • Use tools like Surfer SEO to analyze the top-ranking pages for your target keywords and optimize your content accordingly.
  • Use natural language and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Focus on creating high-quality, informative content that satisfies user intent.
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Building Trust and Authenticity

  • Use original photos and videos to showcase your authenticity.
  • Feature customer reviews and testimonials to build trust.
  • Create informative content that answers user queries and showcases your expertise.
  • Use structured data markup to highlight your credentials and awards.
  • Showcase your authority by featuring guest posts from industry experts.
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Strategies to Dominate Google in 2023

  • Pushing info content to rank better on Google.
  • Implementing EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) to improve website credibility.
  • Using AI tools for longtail keywords to optimize content.
  • Creating original insights through surveys and videos to add authenticity to the website.
  • Slowly upgrading the website to match the changing trends without disrupting the business.
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Surviving in the SEO Industry

  • Keeping an eye on the changing trends and implementing them slowly.
  • Adding authenticity to the website through original insights and videos.
  • Improving website credibility through EAT to get better links and connect with people.
  • Having fun while running the website by being involved in the niche.
  • Subscribing to the newsletter on autohacker.com to get updates on blog posts and free training.

Watch the video on YouTube:
5 Fresh Strategies to Dominate Google in 2023 - YouTube

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