The State of AI: Keep Up Or Lose Out

Last updated: Jun 20, 2023

This video by Authority Hacker discusses the results of a survey on how digital marketers use AI, as well as how the hosts personally use AI and the advancements in AI technology.

The video is about the increasing use of AI in digital marketing and how it is changing the industry. The hosts discuss the results of a survey they conducted on how digital marketers use AI, including what tools they use and how often they use them. They also share their own experiences using AI, including a new AI blueprint they have developed for their course. The hosts note that 75.7% of their surveyed audience is already using AI regularly, and the quality of AI output has improved significantly with the introduction of GPT-4.

  • 3812 digital marketers were surveyed on their use of AI.
  • 75.7% of surveyed digital marketers use AI, with a third using it every day.
  • GPT4 is a popular AI tool for content creation and is being used on production sites.
  • 70% of people surveyed cited lack of knowledge or time as the biggest factor in not using AI.
  • AI technology is becoming more advanced and accessible, with tools like Chat GPT being free and easy to use.
  • Understanding AI technology is important for marketers, with 41.9% of people surveyed considering it extremely important.
  • 90% of people surveyed were confident in their ability to keep up with AI technology in the short term, but there may be a bias towards overestimating one's abilities.
  • AI technology has the potential to change the way people work and make tasks like content creation and data analysis easier.
  • AI technology has the potential to change the way people search and behave online.

The State of AI: Keep Up Or Lose Out - YouTube

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  • The hosts surveyed 3812 digital marketers on how they use AI.
  • They will be discussing the results and sharing interesting bits not in the blog post.
  • They will also be sharing how they personally use AI.
  • They have a course called Authority Hacker Pro that teaches how to use AI.
  • The course enrollment is closing in 24 hours.
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Using AI Personally

  • The hosts use GPT4 for testing and production.
  • They have articles on their website written by AI.
  • They teach a workflow using AI in their course.
  • The course uses a mix of chat and GPT, and is optimized for GPT4.
  • The course enrollment is closing in 24 hours.
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Survey Results

  • 75.7% of the surveyed digital marketers use AI.
  • A third of the users use AI every day.
  • Another third use AI multiple times a week.
  • People are finding frequent use cases for AI.
  • The quality of output with GPT4 is making it more usable.
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The State of AI: Keep Up Or Lose Out - YouTube

Quality of AI

  • When the hosts first looked at Jarvis, they thought it was at the level of a "shitty writer."
  • They compared it to buying content off iWriter.
  • Now, with GPT4, the quality of output is much better.
  • They are using GPT4 for testing and production.
  • They have articles on their website written by AI.
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Using AI for Content Creation

  • AI is being used for content creation on sites like Authority Hacker to ensure quality.
  • GPT4 is a talented writer that writes better than most people, but it doesn't always know everything.
  • Knowing what to give to the AI is a skill that people need to progress.
  • Injecting personal experience into AI content is key to creating actual content people want to read and share.
  • AI has reached a point where it can be used on production sites.
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Most Popular AI Tools

  • Chat GPT is the most popular AI tool, with 89.3% of surveyed people using it.
  • Mid-journey and Jasper are the next most popular AI tools.
  • Jasper is still popular due to its text editor interface, but it is the most expensive option.
  • Notion AI is a cheaper alternative to Jasper that does everything Jasper does.
  • Quilbot is an AI spinning tool that is popular for escaping AI content detectors.
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Survey Results on AI Use

  • 70% of people surveyed said lack of knowledge on how to use AI or lack of time to test it was the biggest factor in not using it.
  • Accuracy was a concern for 14% of people, but quality was not a concern for most people.
  • Survey results suggest that AI has improved in quality and people are less concerned about it.
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Advancements in AI Technology

  • GPT4 is an incredible tool that is being used for editing content.
  • A couple of years ago, people were concerned about the quality of AI, but now it has reached a point where it can be used on production sites.
  • AI is being used for more than just content creation, such as chatbots and voice assistants.
  • AI is becoming more accessible and easier to use, with tools like Chat GPT being free and easy to use.
  • AI is still not perfect and requires personal experience and knowledge to create quality content.
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AI Tools and Their Accessibility

  • AI tools like GPT 3.5 and Canva's AI writer and image generator are becoming more accessible to people.
  • Chat EBT is a free or low-cost option compared to previous expensive tools.
  • Microsoft Office is incorporating AI technology to connect to multiple documents, identify photos, and analyze data.
  • Microsoft Office's AI technology will change the way people work and make tasks like content creation and data analysis easier.
  • AI technology is becoming more user-friendly and accessible to people who may not have been able to use it before.
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The Importance of Understanding AI Technology for Marketers

  • 41.9% of people surveyed thought understanding AI technology was extremely important for marketers.
  • 38% thought it was very important, and 14% thought it was moderately important.
  • 90% of people surveyed were confident in their ability to keep up with AI technology in the short term.
  • 50% of people thought AI technology would have a positive impact on their search traffic in the next five years.
  • 30% thought it would be neutral, and only 20% thought it would have a negative impact.
  • People's confidence in being able to keep up with AI technology was high, but there may be a bias towards overestimating one's abilities.
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The Advancements in AI Technology

  • AI technology is becoming more advanced and is changing the way people work.
  • Microsoft Office's AI technology can connect to multiple documents, identify photos, and analyze data.
  • AI technology is becoming more user-friendly and accessible to people who may not have been able to use it before.
  • AI technology is becoming more integrated into everyday tasks like content creation and data analysis.
  • AI technology has the potential to change the way people search and behave online.
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The Confidence in Keeping Up with AI Technology

  • 90% of people surveyed were confident in their ability to keep up with AI technology in the short term.
  • People may overestimate their abilities to keep up with AI technology.
  • AI technology may have a steep learning curve and be more technical than people realize.
  • AI technology is becoming more user-friendly and accessible to people who may not have been able to use it before.
  • AI technology has the potential to change the way people work and make tasks like content creation and data analysis easier.
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The Importance of Keeping Up with AI

  • Advanced users will get outsized benefits compared to average users.
  • It's important to be ahead of the curve, not just keep up.
  • Every generation has had to keep up with new technology to avoid being left behind.
  • Millennials who don't pay attention to AI will struggle to find jobs and understand future technology.
  • AI will run many things in the future, so it's important to stay on top of it.
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How the Hosts Use AI

  • Using AI for link building and sniper outreach messages.
  • Manually researching information about the person they want to contact and feeding it to the AI to create a personalized email.
  • Using AI to generate ideas for podcast titles, thumbnails, and show notes.
  • Using a desktop-based AI transcription program called Mac Whisper to create captions for videos and podcasts.
  • Using AI to create social media posts and for small administrative tasks.
  • Using AI to write a letter of recommendation for someone who worked with them for a number of years.
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Advancements in AI Technology

  • AI is becoming more advanced and can learn from feedback to improve.
  • AI can now transcribe speech with higher accuracy than most human-based services.
  • AI can generate personalized emails and social media posts.
  • AI can create ads and marketing creatives with different angles and ideas.
  • AI can save time on administrative tasks and writing tasks.
  • AI can be used in a variety of industries and fields.
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The Importance of Pushing Beyond Basic AI Use

  • It's important to push beyond basic AI use to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Many people are using AI for basic tasks, so pushing beyond that can give a competitive advantage.
  • Pushing beyond basic AI use can lead to more creative and personalized content.
  • Pushing beyond basic AI use can lead to more efficient and effective use of AI.
  • Pushing beyond basic AI use can lead to more innovative and groundbreaking uses of AI.
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Tools Used for AI

  • GPT-3 for generating ideas and getting unstuck
  • Bing for analyzing competitors' pages and creating outlines
  • GPT for Sheets and Docs for pulling GPT files API inside Google Docs
  • GPT-4 for writing and editing content
  • GPT-4 for writing workouts based on specifications and interviewing for feedback
  • Bing for writing bookmarklets and CSS files based on web page classes
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Limitations of AI Tools

  • Charge GPT Plus is not available to most people
  • Bing limits prompt to 2000 characters
  • Bing limits back and forth to 20
  • AI tools are not a full automated process
  • AI tools require human input and editing
  • AI tools have limitations in terms of creativity and originality
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Advancements in AI Technology

  • GPT-4 is expected to have internet access and be able to connect to the web
  • GPT-4 is expected to have more advanced features and capabilities
  • AI technology is expected to become more accessible and affordable
  • AI technology is expected to become more integrated into various industries and fields
  • AI technology is expected to have a significant impact on the job market and workforce
  • AI technology is expected to raise ethical and social concerns and require regulation and oversight
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Implications for Digital Marketers

  • AI tools can help digital marketers save time and improve efficiency
  • AI tools can help digital marketers generate new ideas and insights
  • AI tools can help digital marketers personalize and optimize content and campaigns
  • AI tools can help digital marketers analyze and interpret data and metrics
  • AI tools can help digital marketers stay competitive and relevant in a rapidly changing landscape
  • AI tools require digital marketers to have a basic understanding of AI technology and its limitations and implications
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Uses of AI in Digital Marketing

  • 85.1% of people use AI to write articles and create content.
  • 50% of people use AI for copywriting, such as sales pages and ad copy.
  • 37.5% of people use AI for keyword research, although the entire process may not be possible yet.
  • 34.7% of people use AI for social media posts, which can be better than what humans create but may lack creativity without proper direction.
  • AI can also be used for link building and email outreach, but it may produce generic content without creative direction.
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The Importance of Creative Direction with AI

  • AI can produce quality content if given clear and specific prompts with creative direction.
  • People who are new to the industry and have not written content themselves may struggle to use AI effectively without understanding what they want to create.
  • There is a danger in using AI just because it is trendy and seems like less work without proper direction and voice.
  • AI Blueprint provides a prompt that interviews the user and includes editor guidelines for AI to follow with creative direction.
  • Finding an angle and voice that sounds authentic and not generic is important to avoid producing content that people are tired of.
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The Advancements in AI Technology

  • AI technology has improved in recent years and can now produce content that is difficult to distinguish from human-written content.
  • AI can also be used for image and video recognition, natural language processing, and chatbots.
  • AI can help with personalization and targeting in digital marketing by analyzing data and predicting customer behavior.
  • AI can also help with automation and efficiency in tasks such as data entry and analysis.
  • AI technology is constantly evolving and improving, and it is important for digital marketers to keep up with the latest advancements.
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The Future of AI in Digital Marketing

  • AI is expected to become more integrated into digital marketing strategies in the future.
  • AI can help with tasks such as content creation, personalization, and automation, allowing marketers to focus on strategy and creativity.
  • AI can also help with customer service and engagement through chatbots and voice assistants.
  • However, there may be concerns about the ethical implications of AI in marketing, such as privacy and bias.
  • It is important for digital marketers to stay informed about the latest developments in AI and to use it responsibly and ethically.
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Quality of AI Content

  • A third of people believe AI content is better than human content, another third believe it's about the same, and the remaining third believe it's not as good.
  • Quality standards and expectations vary among people, which affects their perception of AI content.
  • GPT-4 is better than its predecessor, GPT-3, in stringing words together and conveying ideas clearly.
  • AI content may not be as stylish as human content, but it can get the point across in one of the clearest ways possible.
  • Provided with the right directions, AI can be a valuable tool in creating content.
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Challenges in Working with AI Tools

  • 63% of people reported biases or inaccuracies in AI-generated content as their top challenge in working with AI tools.
  • AI-generated content can be convincing and sound sure of itself, even if it's not accurate.
  • People who already know the topic benefit the most from using AI tools.
  • AI tools require proper direction and guidance to avoid biases and inaccuracies.
  • AI-generated content should be reviewed and edited by humans to ensure accuracy and quality.
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Advancements in AI Technology

  • GPT-4 is better than its predecessor, GPT-3, in stringing words together and conveying ideas clearly.
  • AI tools can help digital marketers create content more efficiently and effectively.
  • AI can help untangle scattered ideas and put them together into a single point that drives the message across.
  • AI-generated content may not be as stylish as human content, but it can get the point across in one of the clearest ways possible.
  • AI technology is constantly evolving and improving, which presents new opportunities and challenges for digital marketers.
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The Future of AI in Digital Marketing

  • The future of AI in digital marketing is hard to predict, but it presents new opportunities and challenges.
  • AI can help digital marketers create content more efficiently and effectively, but it requires proper direction and guidance to avoid biases and inaccuracies.
  • AI-generated content should be reviewed and edited by humans to ensure accuracy and quality.
  • AI technology is constantly evolving and improving, which presents new opportunities and challenges for digital marketers.
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in AI technology is crucial for digital marketers to keep up with the competition.
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Benefits of AI-supported content creation

  • AI saves time in creating content by allowing for quick editing on the fly.
  • Specialists benefit the most from AI-supported content creation in its current state.
  • Outputting lots of good content that can be fact-checked and quickly fixed is possible with AI.
  • Paying people more to edit on the fly will work out better economically than hiring lower quality writers.
  • AI-supported content creation is a change from the past where the economy favored hiring cheaper, lower quality writers.
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Fact-checking AI-generated content

  • 88.1% of people fact-check the content generated by AI.
  • 11.9% of people do not bother fact-checking at all.
  • Blind publishing of AI-generated content can be a problem when outputting large amounts of content quickly.
  • Editorial control is necessary to ensure factual accuracy in AI-generated content.
  • AI needs to build a fact-checking layer to ensure factual accuracy.
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Challenges for Google with AI-generated content

  • AI-generated content can rank with wrong information, which is a challenge for Google.
  • Google needs to sort out the wrong information from the right without penalizing AI content.
  • The lack of factual accuracy needs to be penalized, not the fact that AI created the content.
  • Encouraging people to use AI tools in their Google suite while penalizing it on their search engine would be counterproductive.
  • Individuals also face challenges with AI-generated content, such as not knowing if they have been given AI content by a service provider without disclosure.
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Using AI as a freelancer

  • Using AI is necessary for freelancers to keep up with the industry.
  • Freelancers who do not use AI risk being left behind.
  • Pricing is still based on traditional levels, but the expectation is for AI-supported content creation.
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The Incentive to Use AI

  • There is a short window of time for content agencies and freelance writers to output loads of content for clients who prioritize quantity over quality.
  • Legitimate companies are also aiming for the higher end of the market and exploring ways to improve the speed of their process.
  • Those who do not keep up with AI technology risk being undercut by competitors.
  • Site owners will inevitably be publishing AI content, whether they realize it or not.
  • Using AI can increase output and revenue for content creators.
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The Accuracy of AI Detection Tools

  • 37.4% of digital marketers use AI detection tools, while 62.6% do not.
  • OpenAI's own blog post on their AI classifier shows that it only correctly identifies 26% of AI-written content as likely written by AI, and 9% of results are false positives.
  • Using inaccurate AI detection tools can lead to false accusations and serious consequences.
  • AI detection tools are not foolproof and can produce inaccurate results, as demonstrated by the US Constitution being identified as likely written by AI.
  • AI detection tools may become more prevalent in programs like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, making it difficult to prevent their use.
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The Role of AI in Content Creation

  • AI can be used to create interactive calculators and other tools within content.
  • AI can produce high-quality essays and reviews, but the discussion of the content is still best left to humans.
  • AI can increase the speed and efficiency of content creation, but it should not be relied on exclusively.
  • AI can be used to supplement human creativity and improve the overall quality of content.
  • AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in the content creation industry and those who do not adapt risk being left behind.
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The Future of AI in Content Creation

  • AI technology is constantly advancing and improving, making it an increasingly valuable tool for content creators.
  • AI has the potential to revolutionize the content creation industry and change the way we consume and interact with content.
  • As AI becomes more prevalent, it is important to consider the ethical implications and ensure that it is used responsibly.
  • AI will continue to be a valuable tool for content creators, but it should not replace human creativity and critical thinking.
  • Those who embrace AI and use it to supplement their own skills and abilities will be better positioned to succeed in the content creation industry.
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The Future of Content Production

  • Content production will shift from just writing to creating interactive experiences.
  • Companies will need to add production value to their content to compete for limited traffic.
  • AI will not replace the need for human creativity in content production.
  • Building unique and interactive experiences for each page will become the norm.
  • Use of AI will allow for complex demonstrations and calculators to be built into content.
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The Risk of AI in Jobs

  • 81.6% of people surveyed believe content writers' jobs are at the highest risk of being replaced by AI.
  • Email marketers, social media managers, and graphic designers are also at risk.
  • Only 8.1% of people surveyed were concerned about AI replacing them in their own jobs.
  • 27% of people thought SEO specialists might be at risk.
  • AI may create more jobs than it replaces, as technology has done in the past.
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Disclosure of AI Content

  • 40.5% of people surveyed believe companies should be obliged to reveal the use of AI content.
  • 71% of people surveyed would disclose their use of AI content in their web marketing efforts.
  • There is still a stigma around publishing AI content on websites.
  • Some companies have faced backlash for disclosing their use of AI in content production.
  • Most people would not want to be obliged to disclose their use of AI content.
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The Importance of Keeping Up with AI

  • AI is advancing rapidly and companies need to keep up to stay competitive.
  • AI can be used to improve customer experience and personalize marketing efforts.
  • AI can help with data analysis and decision-making.
  • AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more creative work.
  • Not keeping up with AI could lead to falling behind competitors and losing out on potential revenue.
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Survey Results on AI Use

  • 28.8% of digital marketers surveyed said they wouldn't use AI themselves.
  • There is still stigma around using AI in content creation.
  • Creating content with AI is not just pressing a button, it requires time and energy.
  • Labeling content as AI-generated can have negative connotations and make people think it is auto-generated.
  • AI is already being used in the background for grammar and style suggestions.
  • The industry is still experimenting with AI and discovering what works.
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Authority Hacker Pro and Closing Thoughts

  • Authority Hacker Pro is using AI that has been discovered to work.
  • Authority Hacker Pro is currently on sale and closes at midnight on April 24th.
  • The hosts love talking about AI and want to talk more about it.
  • Listeners are encouraged to subscribe, like, and comment on the podcast.
  • The industry is rapidly evolving and there will be many new workflows and advancements in AI.

Watch the video on YouTube:
The State of AI: Keep Up Or Lose Out - YouTube

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