Google Business Profile suspended - Fix it in 2 Simple Steps (2023 edition)

Last updated: Jun 21, 2023

The video provides two simple steps to fix a suspended Google Business Profile, including common mistakes that violate Google's guidelines and how to provide proof of legitimacy for certain scenarios.

The video is about how to fix a suspended Google Business Profile in two simple steps. The video explains that receiving an email about a suspended profile is common and usually due to non-compliance with Google's guidelines. The video goes through an extensive list of common mistakes made by business owners, such as adding keywords to the business name, showing an address on the listing for a service area business, exaggerating the areas covered, claiming multiple profiles for the same business, and using business mailboxes or virtual offices as the business address. The video provides solutions to these issues and emphasizes the importance of providing proof to Google that the business is legitimate and located at the claimed address.

  • Google Business Profiles can be suspended for non-compliance with guidelines.
  • Common mistakes include exaggerating service areas and having multiple profiles at the same address.
  • Step 1 involves checking and correcting the listing, removing non-compliant elements.
  • Step 2 involves providing proof of legitimacy, such as pictures of a permanent space with the business logo displayed.
  • Co-working spaces and virtual offices should not be used as business locations.
  • Submitting a reinstatement request requires providing necessary documents and filling out the form with required information.
  • Trustworthy users should have access to the profile to avoid suspension by association.

Google Business Profile suspended - Fix it in 2 Simple Steps (2023 edition) - YouTube

Google Business Profile suspended - Fix it in 2 Simple Steps (2023 edition) 001

Reasons for Suspension

  • Listing doesn't comply with Google's guidelines.
  • Google won't tell you what the compliance issues are.
  • Common elements business owners get wrong.
  • Exaggerating the areas you cover.
  • Claiming several profiles for the same business.
  • Multiple profiles at the same address.
  • Using business mailboxes or virtual offices as your business location.
  • Using a co-working space as a business address.
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Step 1: Check Your Listing

  • Check if you are correctly representing your business on Google.
  • Remove any keywords from your business name that shouldn't be there.
  • If you are a service area business, remove your physical address and add service areas instead.
  • Don't exaggerate the areas you cover.
  • Remove illegitimate profiles from your account.
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Step 2: Provide Proof of Legitimacy

  • Provide proof to Google that your business is legitimate and located at the address listed.
  • If you have multiple profiles at the same address, provide proof that your business is legitimate and located there.
  • If you are using a co-working space as a business address, provide solid and tangible proof that your business is located there.
  • Ensure you or a member of your staff is able to deal with customers face to face at the co-working location during your stated hours.
  • Provide pictures of an allocated and permanent space with your logo prominently displayed.
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Google Business Profile suspended - Fix it in 2 Simple Steps (2023 edition) - YouTube


  • Fixing a suspended Google Business Profile can be done in two simple steps.
  • Check your listing and remove any non-compliant elements.
  • Provide proof of legitimacy to Google.
  • Don't use business mailboxes, virtual offices, or co-working spaces as your business location.
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Common Mistakes That Violate Google's Guidelines

  • Using a co-working space as your business location can be difficult to justify and may result in suspension.
  • Updating your profile with a new address may cause suspension, so have paperwork ready to justify the old and new addresses.
  • Not having in-person contact with customers can make you ineligible for a local business profile.
  • Businesses in high-risk categories, such as lawyers and locksmiths, are scrutinized more and may be suspended.
  • Making too many edits to your profile at once can trigger suspension.
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Providing Proof of Legitimacy

  • Make sure your website link is set up correctly and doesn't redirect users to another website or social media page.
  • Don't claim to be open 24/7 if you're not, as Google will cross-reference information to verify.
  • Ensure that only trustworthy users have access to your profile to avoid suspension by association.
  • Remove any users who shouldn't have access to your account.
  • If you've fixed any issues, submit your profile for review by a member of the Google Business team.
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Steps to Submit a Reinstatement Request

  • Retrieve your business profile ID by logging into the associated Google account and finding it in the advanced settings.
  • Have a copy of an official business registration document, business license, or tax certificate, as well as a utility bill displaying the same business name and address.
  • Click on the review link in the email you received or find the reinstatement form in the video description.
  • Fill out the form with the required information and submit it for review.
  • Go through the guidelines in detail to ensure you haven't forgotten anything.
Google Business Profile suspended - Fix it in 2 Simple Steps (2023 edition) 010


  • Fixing a suspended Google Business Profile can be done in two simple steps.
  • Common mistakes that violate Google's guidelines include using a co-working space, not having in-person contact with customers, and making too many edits at once.
  • Providing proof of legitimacy and ensuring only trustworthy users have access to your profile can help avoid suspension.
  • Submitting a reinstatement request requires having your business profile ID and necessary documents, and filling out the form with the required information.
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Step One: Identify and Correct Violations

  • If your Google Business Profile has been suspended, identify the reason for the suspension by checking your email or logging into your account.
  • Common violations include using a PO Box or virtual office as your address, having multiple listings for the same business, or having a listing for a business that doesn't exist.
  • Correct any violations by updating your information, removing duplicate listings, or providing proof of legitimacy.
  • Make sure your business complies with Google's guidelines, such as having a physical location and not using fake reviews.
  • Wait for the changes to be approved by Google before moving on to step two.
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Step Two: Submit a Reinstatement Request

  • Gather evidence of your business's legitimacy, such as photos of your storefront or links to official websites where your business is listed.
  • Fill out the reinstatement request form, providing your name, email address, business name and address, phone number, and explanation for why your listing should be reinstated.
  • Include the required documents, such as a copy of your business registration and a utility bill, and any additional evidence of legitimacy.
  • Submit the form and wait for a confirmation email from Google.
  • Be patient while Google reviews your request, and don't submit another review or create a new profile.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Google Business Profile suspended - Fix it in 2 Simple Steps (2023 edition) - YouTube

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