How I Got +80% Traffic in the Hardest Niche Ever!

Last updated: Jan 1, 1970

The video is about how to increase website traffic in a competitive niche using tactics such as power hubs and a top of the funnel content strategy.

The video is about how to increase website traffic on Google, using tactics that the speaker, Matt Diggity, used to increase traffic by 80% for a client in the finance niche, which is one of the most competitive niches. The video covers topics such as power hubs, a website architecture that puts Google on easy mode, a top-of-the-funnel content strategy, and a variation on the site size explosion link building technique. Matt Diggity explains how he overcame the challenges of ranking for commercial keywords and dealing with the scrutiny of Google in the finance niche. He also discusses the concept of power hubs, which are made up of a single high-priority pillar article and a group of supplemental cluster articles that are linked to each other and the pillar piece. The benefits of using power hubs include improved ranking for pillar and cluster articles, improved navigability for Google and users, and improved topical authority.

  • The video is a step-by-step guide on how to increase website traffic on Google.
  • The tactics used in the video helped increase traffic by 80% for a client in one of the hardest niches on the planet.
  • The video covers power hubs, a top of the funnel content strategy, a variation on the site size explosion link building technique, and more.
  • The client is in the finance niche, one of the most competitive niches.
  • All their main commercial keywords were locked down by super high authority websites.
  • Power hubs are an incredibly powerful website architecture that puts Google on easy mode.
  • Use HRS Content Explorer to find websites that have already linked to sites in your niche.

How I Got +80% Traffic in the Hardest Niche Ever! - YouTube

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  • The video is a step-by-step guide on how to increase website traffic on Google.
  • The tactics used in the video helped increase traffic by 80% for a client in one of the hardest niches on the planet.
  • The video covers power hubs, a top of the funnel content strategy, a variation on the site size explosion link building technique, and more.
  • The video is presented by Matt Diggity, the owner of the search initiative, an international SEO agency managing some of the biggest brands on the internet.
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The Challenge

  • The client is in the finance niche, one of the most competitive niches.
  • All their main commercial keywords were locked down by super high authority websites.
  • The client didn't have a competitive level of authority.
  • The finance niche is considered a your money your life (YMYL) niche, which attracts a high level of scrutiny by Google.
  • YMYL niches require better content, better links, and better everything.
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Power Hubs

  • Power hubs are an incredibly powerful website architecture that puts Google on easy mode.
  • A power hub is made up of a single high priority pillar article and a group of supplemental cluster articles.
  • The cluster articles are typically informational and top of the funnel in nature.
  • The cluster articles are linked to each other as well as the pillar piece and vice versa.
  • Power hubs increase the chance to rank for the pillar and cluster articles.
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How I Got +80% Traffic in the Hardest Niche Ever! - YouTube

Benefits of Power Hubs

  • Power hubs have improved crawlability and internal linking.
  • Power hubs make it easy for Google to navigate and understand the relationship between articles.
  • Power hubs keep users on your site longer by providing a doorway to another article.
  • Power hubs establish expertise in the topic, also known as topical authority.
  • Power hubs target both beginners and advanced users, ensuring everyone on your website has something to read.
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Writing Hub Articles

  • Google your keyword and analyze the top ranking pages to see what's good about them.
  • Include a key takeaway section at the top of your article to give quick answers to the source query.
  • Use H2 headings to build your outline before you start writing your article.
  • Make your content step-by-step and include key points.
  • Optimize your SEO title, H1, URL, and meta description properly.
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Interlinking Strategies in Power Hubs

  • The basic form of the power hub is the pillar page linking out to the cluster pages and vice versa.
  • You can link across left, right, up, down, and ba and link out to articles that aren't part of the Hub.
  • Link relevant pages together and link more to high priority pages.
  • Use the site size explosion technique to build links to your content as your content gets published.
  • Use blog outreach to find your linked prospects and craft a personalized email to convince them to link to you.
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The Site Size Explosion Technique

  • Test content velocity by rolling out a rapid content production plan over 10 test sites.
  • Link to your content as you produce it to give a signal to Google that the internet reacts and links to it.
  • Use blog outreach to find your linked prospects and craft a personalized email to convince them to link to you.
  • Monitor your inbox and repeat the framework to build links to your content.
  • The framework works and can increase traffic by 114% in just 40 days.
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Finding Linked Prospects

  • Use HRS Content Explorer to find websites that have already linked to sites in your niche.
  • Use Ahrefs Link Intersect tool to find websites that are linking to your competition but aren't linking to you.
  • Use the Hunter Google Chrome extension to find the contact details for these sites.
  • Craft a personalized email to convince them to link to you.
  • Monitor your inbox and repeat the framework to build links to your content.
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Section 1: Fixing Orphan Pages

  • An orphan page is a page on your website with zero internal links pointing towards it, making it impossible for Google to find it.
  • Use SEO tools like Sitebulb to find orphan pages by crawling your website and checking the orphan pages report.
  • If you want the orphan page to exist and be crawled, interlink to it from related content.
  • If you don't want an orphan page to be crawled or indexed, add a meta tag line of code to the HTML on your page or use Yoast to noindex the page.
  • If the orphan page is useless, delete it.
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Section 2: Optimizing Main Menu Navigation

  • Your navigation bar is the one element of your website that offers an identical experience for both your users and Google.
  • Optimize your main menu navigation to make both your users and Google happy.
  • Choose from various types of navigation styles, such as horizontal navigation, drop down navigation, vertical navigation, and hamburger navigation.
  • Avoid using generic labels in your main menu and overcrowding your navigation with too many items.
  • Put your most important menu items at the beginning and the end to leverage the recency and primacy effect.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How I Got +80% Traffic in the Hardest Niche Ever! - YouTube

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