I failed at SEO. Here's what happened…

Last updated: Jan 1, 1970

The video is about the speaker's recent SEO failure and how he analyzed his mistakes and the cost it incurred, in order to help others avoid making the same mistakes.

The video is about the speaker's recent SEO failure and how much money it cost him. He explains how he found a website in the education niche that was making $20,000 per month and wanted to invest in it. However, he couldn't afford the $800,000 price tag, so he reached out to other websites in the same niche to make an offer. He eventually acquired a site for $31,000 and started optimizing it for SEO, including redesigning the website, fixing technical issues, optimizing content, and building links. Despite his efforts, the site did not perform as well as he had hoped, and he ended up losing money. He shares his mistakes and what he learned from the experience to help others avoid making the same errors.

  • SEO failures are common, even for experienced individuals.
  • The speaker acquired a website in the education niche for $31,000 and optimized it for SEO.
  • The speaker built over a thousand referring domains through link building efforts.
  • The speaker's lack of due diligence and focus on link building over content quality and user engagement led to the failure of the website.
  • The speaker did not diversify traffic sources and relied too heavily on Google search traffic.

I failed at SEO. Here's what happened… - YouTube

I failed at SEO. Here


  • Everyone fails at SEO, including the speaker.
  • The speaker will analyze his most recent SEO failure and explain where he went wrong.
  • The speaker hopes to help others avoid making the same mistakes.
  • The speaker sold an affiliate website for $589,000 and planned to invest in another website to grow and flip.
  • The speaker found a website in the education niche making $20,000 per month and decided to reach out to similar websites to make an offer.
  • The speaker found a website with a solid link profile and a main keyword ranking on page three, but the website owner wanted an extreme amount of money for the site.
I failed at SEO. Here

Optimizing the Website

  • The speaker acquired the website for $31,000 based on an average monthly profit of $1,003 and a valuation multiple of 30.9.
  • The speaker redesigned the website based on an optimized theme layout.
  • The speaker improved the technical SEO health audit score to 97 by fixing missing alt tags, meta descriptions, and internal links.
  • The speaker optimized the site speed and content for SEO by formatting content correctly, optimizing the H1 title and URL, adjusting word count, and fixing keyword and entity frequency issues.
  • The speaker added an about page with author profiles and contact information to meet Google's quality raider guidelines.
  • The speaker created a content plan to become a topical authority in the education niche by writing review content on all courses in the niche, versus keywords, and informational articles.
I failed at SEO. Here

Building Links

  • The speaker established a base of foundational links with a citation pack from Authority Builders.
  • The speaker started a guest post campaign and built about 10 links per month.
  • The speaker dripped horror links in since day one.
  • Since November 2020, over a thousand referring domains were built.
  • The speaker's content plan and link building efforts did not result in increased traffic or revenue.
I failed at SEO. Here

I failed at SEO. Here's what happened… - YouTube

Analysis and Lessons Learned

  • The speaker's confidence and lack of due diligence led to his SEO failure.
  • The speaker did not fully understand the education niche and did not conduct thorough keyword research.
  • The speaker did not consider the website's user experience and did not focus on conversion rate optimization.
  • The speaker did not diversify his traffic sources and relied too heavily on Google search traffic.
  • The speaker spent too much money on link building and did not focus enough on content quality and user engagement.
I failed at SEO. Here

SEO Failure and Analysis

  • The speaker's SEO failure was due to the site not ranking for the main keyword that the project's profitability hinged on.
  • Despite the increase in traffic and ranking for almost every other keyword, profit never took off.
  • The speaker poured more money into the site, but it remained cursed for that one keyword.
  • The team brainstormed and wrote content on courses to gain topical authority for courses in general.
  • The speaker spent $55,000 on the site, but it failed due to not choosing a niche and domain name that's expandable.
  • Affiliate marketing is like playing roulette, and it's important to have a few projects going at the same time.
I failed at SEO. Here

Lessons Learned and Rules for Success

  • Always choose a niche and domain name that's expandable.
  • Don't hinder success on any one keyword.
  • Affiliate marketing is like playing roulette, and it's important to have a few projects going at the same time.
  • The success rate depends on how well you do your SEO.
  • Stick to the SEO plan that has never failed before.
  • Join the free affiliate SEO masterclass to learn the plan for getting sites to the top of Google consistently.

Watch the video on YouTube:
I failed at SEO. Here's what happened… - YouTube

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