How I make UNDETECTABLE AI Content (that Google Loves)

Last updated: Jan 1, 1970

The video is about how to create undetectable AI content that Google loves, and the creator tests various techniques to see which ones work best.

The video is about how to create undetectable AI content that Google will love, which can generate enormous amounts of traffic for a website. The creator tests various techniques, such as rewriting content with Quill Bot and using perplexity and burstiness prompts, to see which ones work best in fooling AI detection tools. The results show that some techniques are inconsistent and may not always improve the AI score, but overall, creating undetectable AI content can be a valuable tool for website owners looking to increase traffic and revenue.

  • The video is about creating undetectable AI content that Google loves.
  • The creator tests various techniques to see which ones work best.
  • Undetectable AI content can generate enormous amounts of traffic for a website.
  • There are multiple ways to beat AI detection tools.
  • The creator will test each technique to see which ones work.
  • Google's stance on AI content is that it should appear human and be of high quality.
  • The creator is running tests to see how AI content performs against human content in search results.

How I make UNDETECTABLE AI Content (that Google Loves) - YouTube

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  • The video is about creating undetectable AI content that Google loves.
  • The creator tests various techniques to see which ones work best.
  • Undetectable AI content can generate enormous amounts of traffic for a website.
  • There are multiple ways to beat AI detection tools.
  • The creator will test each technique to see which ones work.
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Baseline Test

  • The creator generates AI content using OpenAI's playground.
  • The content is tested using various AI detection tools.
  • says there's a 98% chance of being AI content.
  • AI cheat is 100% certain the text was written by AI.
  • OpenAI's own detection tool considers the text to be very unlikely AI generated.
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Quill Bot Technique

  • The creator uses Quill Bot to rewrite the content.
  • now says the content is 95% real.
  • AI cheat now says there's a 59% chance of it being human-written.
  • OpenAI's own tool is still confused.
  • Using Quill Bot on other test cases produces inconsistent results.
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How I make UNDETECTABLE AI Content (that Google Loves) - YouTube

Perplexity and Burstiness Technique

  • The creator uses a prompt to pre-train the AI on perplexity and burstiness.
  • now says the content is 78% AI.
  • AI cheat now says there's an 11% chance of it being AI.
  • OpenAI's own tool now says it's likely AI generated.
  • Using the prompt on other test cases produces inconsistent results.
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Passing Detection Software

  • Passing detection software is important.
  • Pre-training prompts tell the tool how to write like a human.
  • Try to sound unique and write in an unpredictable fashion.
  • Perform test cases to see how well the tool performs.
  • Asking the AI directly how to pass the tech gives the most consistent result.
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Testing Techniques

  • Surfer's upcoming AI tool generates SEO optimized content.
  • Surfer's AI performs the best in the tests.
  • The Emoji trick did not perform consistently enough.
  • The comma trick worked on originality but was not consistent enough.
  • Rewriting content technique performed well.
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Google's Stance on AI Content

  • Google has gone back and forth on their stance on AI content.
  • They released an official statement in February saying they'd reward high quality content.
  • Content written primarily for search engines rather than humans is the issue.
  • AI will be allowed but deemed a lower quality article than a unique piece with equivalent other SEO factors.
  • The name of the game is to make AI content appear human.
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Running Tests

  • Running single variable tests to see how AI content performs against human content in the actual search results.
  • Subscribe to not miss the findings.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How I make UNDETECTABLE AI Content (that Google Loves) - YouTube

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