Make Money Blogging in 2023 (ADVANCED Tactics Zero to $50k a Month)

Last updated: Jun 24, 2023

The video is about advanced tactics for monetizing a blog, including using multiple revenue streams, affiliate marketing, and AI, and how to grow from zero to $50k a month.

This video by Adam Enfroy was published on Apr 24, 2023.
Video length: 37:29.

The video is about advanced tactics for making money through blogging in 2023.

The speaker covers the four main phases of monetization, multiple revenue streams, using AI in strategy, and growing from zero to $50k a month. The video focuses on affiliate marketing as an ideal way to make money when starting out with no traffic or audience. The speaker explains how to find good keywords, create content, and use each article as its own mini business.

The video emphasizes the importance of having a good strategy and using multiple revenue streams to make money through blogging.

  • The video covers advanced tactics for monetizing a blog.
  • The four main phases of monetization are discussed.
  • Multiple revenue streams are important for success.
  • The video covers how to use AI in your strategy.
  • Growing from zero to $50k a month is possible with the right strategy.
  • Affiliate marketing is ideal for those with no traffic or audience.
  • Ads are a popular way to monetize a blog.
  • Courses and products can be created and sold to monetize a blog.
  • Sponsorships and collaborations involve partnering with brands or other bloggers.
  • Layout and organize brands in a simple format with affiliate links.
  • Use multiple revenue streams, including affiliate marketing, ads, and sponsored content.
  • Start with a niche and create high-quality content that provides value to readers.
  • Affiliate marketing can make more money per visitor than ad revenue.
  • Google views a blog as an expert on a topic based on how much content is created on that topic.
  • Chat GPT can be used for keyword research, creating topical maps, and writing articles.
  • Affiliate marketing and topical authority are important for monetizing a blog.

Make Money Blogging in 2023 (ADVANCED Tactics Zero to $50k a Month) - YouTube

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  • The video covers advanced tactics for monetizing a blog.
  • The four main phases of monetization are discussed.
  • Multiple revenue streams are important for success.
  • The video covers how to use AI in your strategy.
  • Growing from zero to $50k a month is possible with the right strategy.
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Phase One: Affiliate Marketing

  • Affiliate marketing is ideal for those with no traffic or audience.
  • It involves selling other people's products and making commissions on sales.
  • Good keyword research is essential for success in affiliate marketing.
  • Each post can be treated as its own mini business.
  • Writing informational and transactional posts is important for affiliate marketing success.
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Phase Two: Ads

  • Ads are a popular way to monetize a blog.
  • Google AdSense is a common ad network used by bloggers.
  • Ads can be placed in different areas of a blog for maximum revenue.
  • It's important to balance ads with user experience.
  • Testing different ad placements and formats can help increase revenue.
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Make Money Blogging in 2023 (ADVANCED Tactics Zero to $50k a Month) - YouTube

Phase Three: Courses and Products

  • Courses and products can be created and sold to monetize a blog.
  • Creating a course or product requires expertise in a specific area.
  • Launching a course or product requires a marketing strategy.
  • Upselling and cross-selling can increase revenue from courses and products.
  • Creating a sales funnel can help convert visitors into customers.
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Phase Four: Sponsorships and Collaborations

  • Sponsorships and collaborations involve partnering with brands or other bloggers.
  • It's important to choose partnerships that align with your brand and values.
  • Creating a media kit can help attract potential sponsors.
  • Building relationships with brands and other bloggers is important for long-term success.
  • Transparency and authenticity are important when working with sponsors and collaborators.
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Organizing and Monetizing Brands

  • Layout and organize brands in a simple format with affiliate links.
  • Use headings and target keywords to optimize for SEO.
  • Add affiliate links throughout the content, including in the title and call-to-action button.
  • Join affiliate programs after creating content and getting traffic.
  • Sign up for affiliate programs with a website and email address.
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Affiliate Marketing Tactics

  • Create content for best-of roundup posts to rank in the top five positions of Google.
  • Assume a 30% click-through rate on affiliate links and a 2% purchase rate.
  • Calculate potential earnings based on average order value and commission rate.
  • Each article is its own mini-business, so focus on making money from each top-ranking position.
  • Be aware that recommendations are often based on who makes the most money.
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Multiple Revenue Streams

  • Use multiple revenue streams, including affiliate marketing, ads, and sponsored content.
  • Consider creating and selling digital products, such as courses or ebooks.
  • Use AI tools to optimize revenue streams and improve user experience.
  • Focus on building a loyal audience and providing value to them.
  • Continuously test and optimize revenue streams to maximize earnings.
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Growing from Zero to $50k a Month

  • Start with a niche and create high-quality content that provides value to readers.
  • Focus on SEO and building backlinks to improve search rankings.
  • Use social media and email marketing to drive traffic to your blog.
  • Engage with your audience and build a community around your blog.
  • Continuously learn and improve your skills to stay ahead of the competition.
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Affiliate Marketing

  • Affiliate marketing can make more money per visitor than ad revenue.
  • Ranking for keywords that will make money is important.
  • Less visitors are needed to make good money with affiliate marketing.
  • Dozens of articles are needed to establish topical authority.
  • Multiple subtopics and keyword phrases are necessary for ranking.
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Topical Authority

  • Google views a blog as an expert on a topic based on how much content is created on that topic.
  • Dozens of articles are needed to establish topical authority.
  • Informational and review articles are necessary for topical authority.
  • Examples of topical authority include's coffee beans guide.
  • Chat GPT can be used to create a topical map for a blog.
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Using AI for Content Creation

  • Chat GPT can be used for keyword research, creating topical maps, and writing articles.
  • Content at Scale is a tool that can write articles for you.
  • AI can speed up content creation.
  • Keyword research is important for creating a successful blog.
  • Creating a mix of informational and transactional articles is necessary for success.
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  • Affiliate marketing and topical authority are important for monetizing a blog.
  • Creating dozens of articles on a topic is necessary for establishing topical authority.
  • AI can be used to speed up content creation and improve keyword research.
  • Using a mix of informational and transactional articles is necessary for success.
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Using Multiple Revenue Streams

  • Ranking multiple articles leads to more traffic, clicks, conversions, and commissions.
  • Recurring affiliate commissions are possible with software and other products.
  • Ad revenue is passive but requires significant traffic to make money.
  • Combining multiple revenue streams, such as affiliate income and sponsorships, can increase earnings.
  • Monthly sponsorships are valuable for ranking in the top 10 for product terms.
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Affiliate Marketing

  • Affiliate marketing is a content-driven business that requires adapting to AI tools.
  • Ranking for high-quality traffic equals more revenue.
  • Recurring affiliate commissions are possible with software and other products.
  • Creating more diversified content leads to more money.
  • One affiliate article can make 30 times more money than ad revenue.
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Ad Revenue

  • Ad revenue is passive but requires significant traffic to make money.
  • Revenue per thousand views (RPM) can vary from $2 to $40.
  • High traffic, low search intent pages are best for ad revenue.
  • Food blogs have many ads because of high volume, low intent posts.
  • Ranking for high-quality traffic equals more revenue.
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Double Dipping

  • Combining multiple revenue streams, such as affiliate income and sponsorships, can increase earnings.
  • Monthly sponsorships are valuable for ranking in the top 10 for product terms.
  • Companies are willing to pay for ads on valuable rankings.
  • Google Real Estate is valuable for ranking in the top 10.
  • Brands in a space will want to work with you if you rank for a product term that is a category.
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Sponsorship and Affiliate Marketing

  • Sponsorship involves selling spots in articles to brands for a fee.
  • It removes the affiliate process but can be combined with affiliate links.
  • The cost of a spot in an article depends on the cost per click for the term and the number of clicks and purchases.
  • Combining sponsorship and affiliate marketing can increase revenue potential.
  • Triple dipping involves having three revenue streams in one blog post: affiliate links, sponsorship, and ads.
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Leveraging Your Authority

  • Selling your own product is the next step in monetization.
  • Creating a product that provides 10 to 100 times the value is key.
  • Products can include courses, coaching programs, ebooks, and informational content.
  • Expertise in niche areas can be monetized through products.
  • Products have low overhead and can be sold an infinite number of times.
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Using AI for Monetization

  • AI can be used to optimize ads and increase revenue.
  • AI can also be used to personalize content and increase engagement.
  • AI can help with SEO and increase traffic to the blog.
  • AI can be used to create chatbots and increase customer engagement.
  • AI can help with email marketing and increase conversions.
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Diversifying Revenue Streams

  • Multiple revenue streams can increase revenue potential.
  • Other revenue streams can include sponsored content, consulting, and speaking engagements.
  • Creating a membership site can provide recurring revenue.
  • Creating a podcast can increase brand awareness and provide sponsorship opportunities.
  • Creating a YouTube channel can increase engagement and provide ad revenue.
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Multiple Revenue Streams

  • Google's volatility can affect ad revenue and affiliate income.
  • Creating your own product gives you more control over your business.
  • Kindle eBooks are not recommended due to low profit margins.
  • Video courses are a good option, especially hybrid courses with a community aspect.
  • Examples of successful coaching programs include Ali Abdall's YouTube Academy and Blog Growth Engine.
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Building Your Email List

  • Exit intent pop-ups are the most effective way to collect email opt-ins.
  • A lead magnet, such as a checklist or guide, is necessary to entice subscribers.
  • Warming up your email list with free content builds trust before selling a product.
  • It took the creator of the video about two and a half years to build a list of 40,000 subscribers.
  • Creating a welcome email sequence is a good way to introduce yourself and your content to new subscribers.
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Affiliate Marketing and Ads

  • Affiliate marketing and ads can be used to generate revenue before creating your own product.
  • It's important to choose affiliate products that align with your niche and provide value to your audience.
  • Ads should be placed strategically to avoid overwhelming or annoying your readers.
  • Using AI tools, such as Ezoic, can optimize ad placement and increase revenue.
  • It's important to balance revenue streams with user experience and providing valuable content.
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Creating Your Own Product

  • Creating a coaching program or course is a good way to monetize your blog and provide value to your audience.
  • Hybrid courses with a community aspect are the future of information products.
  • Creating a high-quality coaching program takes time and effort, but can be outsourced and scaled.
  • Building trust with your audience through free content and email marketing is crucial before selling a product.
  • Having a critical mass of subscribers and a product to teach is necessary before launching a coaching program.
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Revenue Diversification

  • Revenue diversification is key to building a stable income from blogging for 10 years, not just 6 months.
  • Diversification in affiliate programs and articles that you're ranking for is important so that you're not reliant on just one post making all your money.
  • Platform diversification is also important, such as having a YouTube channel in addition to your blog.
  • Revenue diversification takes time, but it's a multi-year process.
  • Personal branding is the foundation of revenue diversification.
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Building an Email List

  • Everything goes into one landing page to get people to opt into your email list.
  • You can have an email sequence, training video, or a shorter version of a course to provide value to your subscribers.
  • Provide ongoing coaching and support as a product to sell rather than just a video course.
  • Your course or coaching program has to be great and offer a product-market fit.
  • Stack value so that the price is down, and the value keeps climbing and climbing.
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Consulting as an Optional Phase

  • Consulting can be a great way to start making money quickly.
  • You can charge hundreds per hour or thousands per agreement.
  • Consulting can be a good way to leave your job faster to build a true blogging business.
  • Consulting can be done remotely, and you can charge a lot more than you could at a traditional nine-to-five job.
  • Consulting can be a numbers game, and it depends on the niche.
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Math of Consulting

  • Consulting can be very lucrative, with potential earnings of $360,000 a year from a website selling consulting services in a specific niche.
  • SEO experts can charge up to $5,000 per month per brand for content planning and link building.
  • Consulting can be maxed out at around 20 clients per month.
  • Consulting can be a great way to start building a personal brand and reputation in a specific niche.
  • Consulting can be a great way to start building a network of clients and potential customers.
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Multiple Income Streams and Being Your Own Advocate

  • Create a website and offer consulting services to escalate your blog income faster.
  • Rank for terms related to your consulting services and build a presence on social media platforms.
  • Constantly network through guest posting, building relationships, and working with brands.
  • Multiple income streams are key to making money blogging, including affiliate marketing, ads, consulting, and eventually a course.
  • Be your own advocate and don't get discouraged by imposter syndrome or lack of revenue at first.
  • Choose a strategy that works for you, whether it's writing, video, or consulting, and get started.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Make Money Blogging in 2023 (ADVANCED Tactics Zero to $50k a Month) - YouTube

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