Copy THIS to 10x Your Income with SEO

Last updated: Jun 21, 2023

The video is about a business model called website flipping, where websites are built and sold for profit, and the speaker shares his experience and tips on how to make the most money from it.

The video is about a business model called website flipping, where one builds a website, makes it profitable, and then sells it for a large profit. The speaker, Matt Diggity, shares his experience with different methods of making money online, such as affiliate marketing and selling eBooks, and explains why website flipping is the best option. He also provides tips on how to sell websites through marketplaces like Empire Flippers and Fe International, or manually and privately through strategic outreach. The benefits of website flipping include making more money in a shorter amount of time, freeing up time and reducing stress, and de-risking oneself from Google algorithm updates.

  • Matt Diggity has been creating profitable websites since 2009.
  • Website flipping is a better way to make money than building more websites.
  • There are two primary ways to sell websites: marketplace brokerages and manual/private sales.
  • Maximizing profit involves building websites that are easy to sell and increasing their value.
  • Manually email specific businesses that might be interested in your website.
  • Empire Flippers is a free evaluation tool to figure out the value of your site.
  • Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO tool used by SEO professionals.

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  • The speaker, Matt Diggity, has been creating profitable websites since 2009.
  • He shares the best way to make money with blogging and content websites.
  • He has tried various avenues of making money online, including affiliate marketing, display ads, email marketing, selling eBooks and courses.
  • The problem with these methods, especially affiliate marketing, is scaling.
  • He shares his experience with website flipping, a business model where websites are built and sold for profit.
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Why Website Flipping?

  • Building more websites is the obvious way to make more money, but it leads to stress and burnout.
  • Flipping websites solves the problem of having too many moving parts and stress.
  • Selling websites actually makes more money than holding on to them.
  • When you sell a website, you free up your time and de-risk yourself.
  • There are side benefits to website flipping, such as getting your life back and not worrying about Google algorithm updates.
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How to Sell Websites

  • There are two primary ways to sell websites: marketplace brokerages and manual/private sales.
  • Marketplace brokerages include Empire Flippers, Investors Club, and FE International.
  • Empire Flippers is the speaker's favorite and typically sells websites priced under $200,000 within weeks.
  • Investors Club is newer and smaller than Empire Flippers but charges a smaller fee to the seller.
  • FE International is also a good option, according to the speaker's friends.
  • Manual/private sales can be done through strategic outreach or by finding buyers through your network.
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How to Maximize Profit

  • Maximizing profit involves building websites that are easy to sell and increasing their value.
  • Building websites that are easy to sell involves choosing the right niche, having a clear monetization strategy, and having a clean and organized website.
  • Increasing the value of a website involves improving its traffic, revenue, and authority.
  • Improving traffic involves using SEO techniques such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.
  • Improving revenue involves diversifying income streams and optimizing ad placement.
  • Improving authority involves building a strong brand and getting backlinks from high-authority websites.
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Approaching Buyers and Selling on Marketplaces

  • Manually email specific businesses that might be interested in your website.
  • Post your website for sale on various Facebook groups.
  • Benefits of selling on marketplaces like Empire Flippers: increased chances of finding a buyer, larger price for your website if demand goes up, all buyers are pre-verified, and they handle website migration for you.
  • Step-by-step process of selling a business with Empire Flippers.
  • Registering on Empire Flippers.
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Valuation and Maximizing Your Multiple

  • Empire Flippers is a free evaluation tool to figure out the value of your site.
  • Your website is priced as the last 12 month average profit.
  • The multiplier is what you have control over.
  • Maximizing your multiple: sell your website when your numbers are increasing, sell bigger websites, leave room on the table, position your website as a brand, have multiple traffic and revenue sources.
  • Broker fee of 15% is taken from the sale price at the time of closing.
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Vetting Process and Listing Your Website

  • The broker will look at your financials for about 6-8 weeks to verify your earnings and traffic.
  • You'll need to provide a detailed month-to-month profit and loss sheet, screenshots of your affiliate and display ad dashboards, and analytics access.
  • Listing your website on Empire Flippers dashboard.
  • Information about your backlinks and financial details are hidden until someone verifies that they have enough cash to buy your site.
  • Once you start getting interest, people may set up meetings with you to discuss your site.
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Ahrefs and SEO

  • Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO tool used by SEO professionals.
  • Site audits help evaluate the technical SEO health of your website.
  • Competitor research helps with reverse engineering the keyword research, search, and backlink strategies of your competition.
  • Content Explorer helps figure out high search volume, low competition topics to write about.
  • Ahrefs is offering a free version called Ahrefs Webmaster Tools or AWT.
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Private Sales vs Brokerage Sales

  • Private sales involve emailing businesses or posting in Facebook groups to find potential buyers.
  • Private sales allow you to sell websites making less than $500 per month, which most brokerages won't touch.
  • With private sales, you decide how to evaluate your website, typically using the marketplace model of average profit times a multiplier.
  • It's not recommended to sell a website making less than $500 because it's unlikely to be worth more than what you put into it.
  • In a private sale, the vetting process is the buyer's responsibility, but you're responsible for ensuring all affiliate links are updated during migration.
  • The speaker prefers to buy websites privately and sell through marketplaces for maximum multiples.

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