Do These 4 SEO Moves to Dominate Google

Last updated: Jul 1, 2023

The video is about how to improve your website's SEO performance by upgrading and updating your content to make it more current and fresh, and how this can help you rank higher on Google.

This video by Nathan Gotch was published on May 23, 2023.
Video length: 38:00.

The video is about four SEO moves that can help a website dominate Google search results.

The speaker uses the example of a random URL that is ranking on page two for the keyword phrase "best barbecue in St Louis" and explains how to improve its performance. The first move is to upgrade and republish the content to make it more current and fresh. The second move is to ensure that the content is up to date by adding a visible date and regularly examining and updating it. The third move is to inspect the element to see if a post is updated, and the fourth move is to rebuild the asset, make it fresh, and republish it to tap into the freshness algorithm.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying on top of content and link building to achieve better search engine rankings.

  • Upgrading and updating content is critical for SEO success.
  • Check if your content is up to date and make necessary changes.
  • Rebuilding assets can help shoot a page back up to number one or two.
  • Stay on top of your content to avoid outdated rankings or images.
  • Outdated content and details can negatively impact SEO performance.
  • Upgrade content before optimizing it and make it relevant and shareable.
  • Regularly update content and prioritize demonstrating expertise to improve trustworthiness.
  • Positive signals for SEO include links and social virality.
  • Adding a person and deep about page, as well as external social profiles, can increase trust.

Do These 4 SEO Moves to Dominate Google - YouTube

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Upgrade and Update Your Content

  • Improving your website's performance on any given page is to upgrade it, make it more current, and fresh.
  • Republish the page so that Google can see that it is a fresh piece of content.
  • Make sure to have a visible date on the page to make it clear to Google that the page is current.
  • Re-examine your content at least annually and ask if there is any way to upgrade or update it to make it current.
  • Add a little extra paragraph or take out outdated rankings or images.
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Check if Your Content is Up to Date

  • Look at the page itself and see if they are using old or incorrect years.
  • Go to and see when was the last time the page was updated.
  • Inspect element to see the date of the last update.
  • Make sure to update every single image to make it a completely fresh piece of content.
  • Upgrade and update content that is five years old or older.
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Rebuild the Asset

  • Rebuild the asset, make it fresh, and better than it was before.
  • Republish the page and Google tends to reward you for that.
  • Link build and do all the necessary things to market it.
  • Tap into the freshness algorithm to get a huge benefit.
  • Rebuilding the asset can help the page shoot back up to number one or two.
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Do These 4 SEO Moves to Dominate Google - YouTube

Stay on Top of Your Content

  • Put it in your procedures and the way you operate to stay on top of your content.
  • Upgrade and update your content to make it current.
  • Make a change even if it's small.
  • Stay on top of your content to avoid outdated rankings or images.
  • Re-examine your content at least annually to make sure it is up to date.
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Outdated Content and Details

  • Outdated images and content can negatively impact your website's SEO performance.
  • Even small details like the date in the footer can signal to Google that your entire website is outdated.
  • Google wants to show the freshest and best results for any keyword.
  • Use the website auditor to search for outdated images and internal links.
  • Updating your logo every year can help keep your website current.
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Upgrade Before You Optimize

  • Upgrading your content before optimizing it is critical for SEO success.
  • Start with the angle and content of your post before moving on to optimization.
  • Google's EAT guidelines emphasize the importance of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.
  • Demonstrate first-hand experience with whatever you're reviewing or discussing in your content.
  • Make your content relevant to the topic and include an author box to establish your qualifications.
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Make Your Content Relevant and Shareable

  • Small details like relevant images and social sharing buttons can make a big difference in your SEO performance.
  • Include images that make your content look appealing and relevant to the topic.
  • Make it easy for readers to share your content on social media by including social sharing buttons.
  • Include an author box to establish your qualifications and expertise.
  • Make sure your content is relevant to the topic and keyword you're targeting.
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Keep Your Content Fresh and Current

  • Regularly updating your content can help keep it fresh and current.
  • Use tools like Google Trends to identify current and trending topics to write about.
  • Update your content with new information and insights to keep it relevant and valuable to readers.
  • Regularly check for outdated images, links, and details on your website.
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for voice search.
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Positive Signals for SEO

  • Links are the number one signal for SEO.
  • Social virality is the next signal that Google looks at.
  • A page with a lot of links but no social presence looks sketchy.
  • Adding social sharing buttons can increase social shares organically.
  • Having both links and social shares is ideal for SEO.
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Importance of Expertise

  • Prioritize demonstrating real experience in content.
  • Make subject matter expertise abundantly clear.
  • Apply to any industry, not just money or life.
  • Improving trust for the website is the goal.
  • Follow EAT guidelines to increase trust for users.
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Improving Website Trustworthiness

  • A little sidebar with a person is a good idea, but the execution needs improvement.
  • Having an Amazon affiliate program disclaimer in the sidebar screams affiliate website.
  • Deep about page with the story behind the website is important.
  • External social profiles for the brand and the person add more trust.
  • Schema markup can also improve trust for the website.
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  • Improving SEO performance requires upgrading and updating content.
  • Positive signals for SEO include links and social virality.
  • Demonstrating expertise and improving trustworthiness are also important.
  • Adding a person and deep about page, as well as external social profiles, can increase trust.
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On-Site Signals for Credibility

  • Markup your website with schema to show Google that your website is trustworthy.
  • Include an author box and editorial guidelines page to add credibility to your content.
  • Create a dedicated about page that talks about the brand as a whole and a section that talks about the author's qualifications.
  • Include an about me page that talks about the author's qualifications and experience.
  • Make it clear that the author is a legitimate person and qualified to write about the topic.
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External Signals for Credibility

  • Do a Google search for the author's name and topic to see if there are any external signals that the author is legitimate.
  • Include schema markup for the author and about page to show Google that the author is a legitimate person.
  • Make it clear that the author is a legitimate person and qualified to write about the topic.
  • Include a dedicated page that talks about the author's qualifications and experience.
  • Make it clear that the author is a legitimate person and qualified to write about the topic.
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On-Page SEO Techniques

  • Use keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions to improve click-through rates.
  • Use header tags to structure your content and make it easier to read.
  • Include internal links to other relevant content on your website.
  • Optimize your images with alt tags and descriptive file names.
  • Include social sharing buttons to encourage readers to share your content.
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Content Upgrades for SEO

  • Update your content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.
  • Include multimedia content like videos and infographics to make your content more engaging.
  • Use long-tail keywords to target specific search queries.
  • Include user-generated content like reviews and comments to add credibility to your content.
  • Use data-driven insights to optimize your content for search engines.
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On-Page SEO Optimization

  • Use Hemingway editor to check the quality of the content.
  • Clean up the content before putting it through Grammarly.
  • Ensure that the content meets the minimum criteria of 95 on Grammarly.
  • Check the content audit inside the website auditor tool to ensure that the keywords are in the appropriate spots.
  • Ensure that the primary keyword is in the title, headings, and first sentence of the content.
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Optimizing for NLP

  • Go to the page audit section and select TF IDF.
  • Model the competitors' success by optimizing the pages in a similar way.
  • Use the website auditor to see the critical keywords based on the competitors' content.
  • Sort the keywords by the number of competitors that mention them.
  • Ensure that the content hits the topics that are relevant to the core topic.
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Updating and Upgrading Content

  • Update the content regularly to keep it fresh and current.
  • Use Google Trends to find the latest topics and keywords related to the content.
  • Use the website auditor to find the pages with the most traffic and update them first.
  • Use the website auditor to find the pages with the highest bounce rate and update them to improve engagement.
  • Use the website auditor to find the pages with the lowest time on page and update them to increase engagement.
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Link Building

  • Use the website auditor to find the pages with the most backlinks and analyze them to find opportunities for link building.
  • Use the website auditor to find the pages with the most referring domains and analyze them to find opportunities for link building.
  • Use the website auditor to find the pages with the most broken links and fix them to improve the user experience.
  • Use the website auditor to find the pages with the most internal links and optimize them to improve the user experience.
  • Use the website auditor to find the pages with the most external links and optimize them to improve the user experience.
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Fill in Content Gaps

  • Double check content to ensure there are no gaps.
  • Add topics that were missed in existing content.
  • Retroactively add more topics into existing content.
  • Build content from the beginning using these topics.
  • Makes content creation process easier and more comprehensive.
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Inject Keywords into Content

  • Use recommended keywords to optimize content.
  • Inject keywords into content live using the content editor.
  • Highlight everything to see where keywords have been mentioned.
  • Optimize content and republish it.
  • Don't just slap keywords in lazily, create unique content around them.
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Build Topical Authority

  • Use the rank tracker to find opportunities to build topical authority.
  • Put keywords into a Google sheet and categorize them.
  • Identify the core idea and build support around it.
  • Sort keywords by relevance score to find the most relevant ones.
  • Use chat GPT to assign a relevance score based on the keyword.
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Improve User Experience

  • Make sure website is mobile-friendly.
  • Ensure website loads quickly.
  • Make website easy to navigate.
  • Use internal linking to guide users to related content.
  • Use multimedia to enhance user experience.
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Dedicated Pages for Specific Keywords

  • Create a dedicated page for specific keywords with different intent.
  • For example, create a page for "best barbecue in St Louis Downtown."
  • Use a specific and relevant title for the page, such as "What is St Louis Barbecue?"
  • Explain why you believe St Louis has good barbecue and compare it to other cities.
  • Build authority at a granular level by becoming an authority on specific topics.
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Opportunities to Build Authority

  • There are many opportunities to build authority around specific topics.
  • Use tools like SEO Power Suite to analyze data and find relevant keywords.
  • Don't avoid keywords with low search volume as Google's search volume numbers aren't always accurate.
  • Create dedicated pages for specific areas or types of barbecue, such as "best barbecue in Valley Park" or "best beef ribs in St Louis."
  • When in doubt, look at Google's search results and create a dedicated page if there are variants in the results.
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Focusing on Specific Keywords

  • Target specific keywords with different intent by creating dedicated pages.
  • For example, create a page for "best beef ribs in St Louis."
  • Focus on specific keywords to become more relevant and authoritative.
  • Look at Google's search results to see if anyone else has targeted the same keyword.
  • Ranking for specific keywords can be easier in a blue ocean market.
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Becoming an Authority on Specific Topics

  • Build authority at a granular level by becoming an authority on specific topics.
  • Focus on specific areas or types of barbecue to become more relevant and authoritative.
  • Use specific and relevant titles for dedicated pages, such as "What is St Louis Barbecue?"
  • Explain why you believe St Louis has good barbecue and compare it to other cities.
  • Ranking for specific keywords can help build authority and relevance.
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Creating Dedicated Pages for Specific Keywords

  • Identify specific keywords that have not been addressed by other pages.
  • Create a dedicated page for each specific keyword.
  • Focus on satisfying the intent of the keyword.
  • Avoid creating pages around the same exact topics.
  • Build topical authority by creating dedicated pages for each subtopic.
  • Use tools like Chat GBT to organize information and prioritize relevance to the core topic.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Do These 4 SEO Moves to Dominate Google - YouTube

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