What Actually Works in SEO? Try This

Last updated: Jul 1, 2023

The video provides five actionable SEO tips that are currently working, including splintering content and demonstrating first-hand experience, and also discusses the importance of using AI to improve SEO content.

This video by Nathan Gotch was published on Apr 4, 2023.
Video length: 17:16.

The video titled 'What Actually Works in SEO?

Try This - YouTube' provides five actionable SEO tips that are currently working to help websites rank number one on Google. The first tip is to splinter content by creating dedicated pages for keywords that are currently ranking between positions 51-100. The second tip is to actually experience a product or service before creating a product review, as Google values first-hand experience in content. The third tip is to curate content by compiling a list of resources or tools related to a specific topic. The fourth tip is to use internal linking to boost the ranking of pages on a website. The final tip is to use AI to improve the quality of SEO content.

The video emphasizes the importance of creating unique and valuable content that stands out from competitors.

  • Use SEMrush to find keywords your website is ranking for between positions 51-100.
  • Create a dedicated page for each keyword cluster.
  • Internally link these pages together.
  • Google's EAT guidelines prioritize content that demonstrates first-hand experience.
  • Four ways to demonstrate first-hand experience: do what's difficult, become a human guinea pig, curate content, and use original research.
  • Original research can help you generate unique content.
  • AI can help you improve your content by analyzing user behavior and preferences.
  • Break up long-form content into smaller, more focused pieces.
  • Include personal anecdotes and experiences in your content.

What Actually Works in SEO? Try This - YouTube

What Actually Works in SEO? Try This 001

Splinter Your Content

  • Use SEMrush to find keywords your website is ranking for between positions 51-100.
  • Create a dedicated page for each keyword cluster.
  • Internally link these pages together.
  • Splintered content outperforms the original page 9 out of 10 times.
  • Creating dedicated assets for specific keywords can help you rank number one in Google.
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Actually Experience a Product or Service

  • Google's EAT guidelines prioritize content that demonstrates first-hand experience.
  • Four ways to demonstrate first-hand experience: do what's difficult, become a human guinea pig, curate content, and use original research.
  • Investing time and effort into creating content can make it better and more unique.
  • Unique data and first-hand experience make content stand out and become 100% unique to you.
  • Investing in your content can help you generate unique content compared to your competitors.
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Use Original Research

  • Original research can help you generate unique content.
  • Use surveys, experiments, and data analysis to create original research.
  • Original research can help you become a thought leader in your industry.
  • Original research can help you generate backlinks and social shares.
  • Original research can help you rank higher in Google.
What Actually Works in SEO? Try This 005

What Actually Works in SEO? Try This - YouTube

Use AI to Improve SEO Content

  • AI can help you improve your content by analyzing user behavior and preferences.
  • AI can help you optimize your content for search engines.
  • AI can help you generate content ideas and improve your content's readability.
  • AI can help you personalize your content for different audiences.
  • AI can help you improve your content's engagement and conversion rates.
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Using Other People's Experience to Create Content

  • Committing capital and time to demonstrate first-hand experience is the highest effort content.
  • Rotten Tomatoes curates reviews from experts and regular people to create a reliable scoring mechanism.
  • G2 curates reviews from other verified users.
  • You can also curate other people's experiences to generate great content.
  • Chat GPT can be used to demonstrate experience.
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Leveraging AI to Improve SEO Content

  • Chat GPT can produce killer SEO content but struggles to demonstrate experience out of the box.
  • Get the average word count from a tool like server.
  • Export the NLP keywords from Amazon and copy at least one five four three two and one star reviews.
  • Copy three or more opinions from Reddit.com plus keyword.
  • Get some opinions from YouTubers.
What Actually Works in SEO? Try This 009

Leveraging AI to Scale Link Building

  • Develop guidelines based on articles on Google and put them into chat GPT to summarize the most important points.
  • Copy the query from Haro and put it directly into chat GPT to get a good response based on the guidelines and prompt.
  • After editing, the response can be submitted to Haro for more backlinks.
What Actually Works in SEO? Try This 010

Other SEO Tips

  • Splinter content to create more pages and increase the chances of ranking for more keywords.
  • Use AI to analyze competitors' content and find gaps to fill in your own content.
  • Use AI to optimize content for featured snippets.
  • Use AI to optimize content for voice search.
  • Use AI to optimize content for local search.
What Actually Works in SEO? Try This 011

Creating Link Bait with Chat GPT

  • Look at competitors' websites to find pages that have attracted the most backlinks.
  • Create a prompt in Chat GPT to generate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a tool or software similar to what your competitor has.
  • Adjust the code as needed and ask Chat GPT to fix any issues that arise.
  • Once the code is finalized, add it to WordPress using a plugin and create content to accompany the tool.
  • The end result is a functioning tool that can attract backlinks and improve SEO rankings.
What Actually Works in SEO? Try This 013

Using AI to Score SEO Content

  • Create a prompt in Chat GPT to rate your content based on specific guidelines taken from Google's expectations for high-quality content.
  • Copy a snippet of your content and paste it into the prompt.
  • The AI will score your content based on its relevance, expertise, and trustworthiness.
  • Use this score to improve your content and make it more SEO-friendly.
  • By using AI to score your content, you can ensure that it meets Google's standards and is more likely to rank higher in search results.
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Splintering Content for SEO

  • Break up long-form content into smaller, more focused pieces.
  • Create separate pages or blog posts for each subtopic.
  • Link these pages together to create a cohesive content cluster.
  • By splintering your content, you can target specific keywords and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.
  • This also makes your content more user-friendly and easier to navigate.
What Actually Works in SEO? Try This 015

Demonstrating First-Hand Experience

  • Include personal anecdotes and experiences in your content.
  • Showcase your expertise and authority on the topic.
  • Use real-life examples to illustrate your points.
  • By demonstrating first-hand experience, you can build trust with your audience and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.
  • This also makes your content more engaging and memorable.
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Using AI to Improve SEO Content

  • Chat GBT can rate your content based on Google's guidelines and give it a score out of 10.
  • It provides recommendations on how to improve your content to get a higher score.
  • By implementing the recommendations, you can upgrade your content and ask Chat GBT to regrade it.
  • Using AI to support your content creation efforts can help you make your content better and improve your ranking.
  • Upgrade your content based on the recommendations and repeat the process with the rest of your content.
  • You can also use this process for product reviews by taking points from Google's product reviews guidelines to audit your existing product reviews.

Watch the video on YouTube:
What Actually Works in SEO? Try This - YouTube

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