My Proven Blueprint for Learning SEO

Last updated: Jul 1, 2023

The video is about a proven blueprint for learning SEO, including the importance of understanding crawling, indexing, and ranking, as well as search intent and keyword research.

This video by Nathan Gotch was published on Mar 13, 2023.
Video length: 14:58.

The video is about a proven blueprint for learning SEO quickly.

The speaker explains the importance of understanding the basic concepts and terminology of SEO, including crawling, indexing, and ranking. They also discuss the importance of keywords and understanding search intent, which can help in creating content that satisfies the searcher's end goal. The speaker provides tips on how to understand search intent and how to classify keywords based on intent using tools like SEMrush.

The video ends with the speaker sharing the one thing that helped them learn SEO faster, which is not taught in school.

  • Base SEO knowledge is crucial for diagnosing SEO performance.
  • Keywords are how searchers find our websites.
  • Understanding search intent helps you deliver the perfect page for the searcher.
  • Popular SEO plugins can help you manage pages you want to keep out of Google's index.
  • Page loading speed is a confirmed Google ranking factor and critical for conversions.
  • Build a moat by investing in unique data and exceptional design to make it difficult for competitors to replicate.
  • Use keyword research tools to find relevant keywords and target specific search queries.

My Proven Blueprint for Learning SEO - YouTube

My Proven Blueprint for Learning SEO 001

Step One: Get Base SEO Knowledge

  • Understanding terminology and basic concepts is crucial for diagnosing SEO performance.
  • The most important pillars of SEO are crawling, indexing, and ranking.
  • Google must be able to crawl your website for it to index your pages and rank them.
  • Use the free detailed Chrome extension to check if your pages are crawlable and indexable.
  • Google Search Console can also show you how well Google is crawling and indexing your site.
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Step Two: Learn Keywords

  • Keywords are how searchers find our websites.
  • Proper keyword research requires understanding search intent.
  • Search intent is what a searcher wants to achieve when using Google.
  • Understanding search intent helps you deliver the perfect page for the searcher.
  • Google will reward you with rankings if you deliver the perfect page.
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Step Three: Understand Search Intent

  • Search intent saves you time and effort by helping you go after keywords that produce a return on investment.
  • The intent of the keyword should dictate your content strategy.
  • Google will show you the types of pages it believes satisfy the intent of the keyword.
  • Use SEMrush to classify keywords based on intent.
  • Search intent changes during the sales cycle, and your website needs to attack each stage of the searcher's journey.
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My Proven Blueprint for Learning SEO - YouTube

Step Four: Use SEO Plugins

  • Popular SEO plugins like Yoast, All in One SEO Pack, and Rank Math can help you manage pages you want to keep out of Google's index.
  • Pages to keep out of Google's index include login pages, checkout pages, and archive pages.
  • You can use the noindex follow directives to keep these pages out of Google's index.
  • WordPress makes it easy to manage these pages with popular SEO plugins.
  • Managing these pages helps prevent duplicate content.
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Technical SEO

  • Page loading speed is a confirmed Google ranking factor and critical for conversions.
  • A one-second website speed improvement can increase conversions for mobile users by up to 27%.
  • Use Google web dev or gt metrics for a quick page speed analysis.
  • Use Google search console or screaming frog to integrate the Google page speed insights API to see your scores across your entire website.
  • Site architecture is based on your internal linking strategy and has three core elements for optimizing.
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Content Strategy

  • Keyword-focused content is any page built around a dedicated keyword phrase.
  • Non-keyword focused content includes link bait and serves as a Purple Cow to stand out among the top 10 in Google.
  • Build a moat by investing in unique data and exceptional design to make it difficult for competitors to replicate.
  • Satisfy the intent of the user by finding a content angle that hasn't been used before.
  • Use case studies to attack a topic from a different angle.
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On-Page SEO

  • Place your exact keyword phrase in your URL, title, meta description, H1, first sentence, and last sentence.
  • Add a variation of your primary keyword in the first H2 tag.
  • Optimize for NLP or natural language processing to take your optimization to another level.
  • Use a tool like Clearscope to analyze the top-ranking pages and optimize your content for related terms and concepts.
  • Use schema markup to help search engines understand your content and improve your click-through rate.
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Search Intent and Keyword Research

  • Understand the three types of search intent: informational, navigational, and transactional.
  • Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to find relevant keywords.
  • Use long-tail keywords to target specific search queries and improve your chances of ranking.
  • Use the skyscraper technique to create content that is better than what is currently ranking.
  • Use Google's autocomplete feature to find related keywords and questions to target in your content.
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SEO Pillars

  • Understanding crawling, indexing, and ranking is important for learning SEO.
  • Search intent and keyword research are also crucial for SEO success.
  • Optimizing for local SEO requires having an address in the target location, securing a Google business profile, getting reviews, and ensuring consistent NAPW information.
  • Link building through high-quality content and traditional techniques like guest posting and interviews is essential for SEO success.
  • Using tools like Surfer and Bright Local's free citation audit tool can help with keyword research and local SEO optimization.
  • Creating value through content that people want to link to is the most scalable and reliable technique for getting high-quality backlinks.
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Just in Time Learning

  • Just in time learning is the opposite of just in case learning, which is how we learn in school.
  • Instead of learning to learn, just in time learning involves seeking out new information only when you've hit a roadblock during your action-taking process.
  • The fastest way to learn SEO is to take action and spend 80% of your time doing the work and 20% studying.
  • Starting a test project, like a niche website, is a great way to get hands-on experience with SEO.
  • Implementing what you learn in the best way possible is the fastest way to learn SEO.
  • Remembering information is easier when you've taken action on it.

Watch the video on YouTube:
My Proven Blueprint for Learning SEO - YouTube

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