Everything You Need to Know about Content Marketing

Last updated: Jun 24, 2023

This video is about the importance of content marketing and how to determine the best type of content to produce based on your goals and target audience.

This video by Exposure Ninja was published on Apr 11, 2023.
Video length: 11:00.

This video from Exposure Ninja's YouTube channel titled "Everything You Need to Know about Content Marketing" discusses the importance of content marketing and how businesses can make millions or even billions from it.

The video explains the different types of content that can be produced, such as blogs, videos, podcasts, and social media posts, and emphasizes the need to prioritize content based on goals and target audience. It also mentions the importance of creating valuable content that addresses the pain points of the target audience and provides examples of different types of content that can resonate with them.

The video also touches on the importance of brand guidelines and getting featured in reputable publications through guest posts, sponsor content, and expert comments.

  • Content marketing can be highly profitable for businesses.
  • There are various types of content to choose from.
  • The type of content to prioritize depends on goals and target audience.
  • It's important to produce content that addresses the pain points of the target audience.
  • Test different types of content to see what resonates with the audience.
  • Target different types of content to people at each stage of the buyer journey.
  • Newsjacking and trending topics can be effective strategies for getting featured in publications.

Everything You Need to Know about Content Marketing - YouTube

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Importance of Content Marketing

  • Many businesses are making millions or even billions from their content marketing alone.
  • Content marketing includes various types of content such as blogs, videos, podcasts, ads, ebooks, social media posts, and more.
  • The type of content to prioritize depends on your goals and target audience.
  • For fast traffic and sales, Google ads may be the best option.
  • If you want to build brand visibility, producing TikTok content may be a priority.
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Determining the Best Type of Content

  • Your ideal customers should guide the content you produce.
  • Don't just share random news and announcements, but address the pain points of your target audience.
  • Test different types of content to see what resonates most with your audience and gets the best ROI.
  • Some audiences may prefer funny videos, while others may prefer in-depth case studies or visual content.
  • Simple content can perform just as well as long, detailed content.
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Targeting Different Stages of the Buyer Journey

  • Target different types of content to people at each stage of the buyer journey.
  • For example, get the attention of cold leads through industry publications and warm them up with email marketing.
  • Consider your business, audience, and goals when determining the types of content to produce.
  • Having a clear brand guidelines document will ensure consistency in the content produced by your team.
  • However, when featured in guest posts or sponsor content, match the style of the publication.
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Everything You Need to Know about Content Marketing - YouTube

Getting Featured in Publications

  • Reach out to reputable publications in your industry and offer to write content for them to feature your brand.
  • Offer expert comments to get featured in publications and showcase your expertise.
  • Backlinks are beneficial for SEO, but getting your business featured alongside expert comments can also be valuable.
  • Newsjacking is another strategy to get featured by leveraging current news topics.
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Newsjacking and Trending Topics

  • Newsjacking is the process of using trending stories or topics to secure coverage in major media outlets.
  • You can jump on trends by producing content around the topic and promoting your own products or services.
  • Connect with journalists through the journal request hashtag on Twitter or sites like Harrow or Quoted.
  • You can also reach out to publication editors directly or find contact details on LinkedIn or Twitter.
  • Always follow up after sending a pitch, as journalists are busy and may have forgotten or been busy when you first reached out.
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Implementing Content Ideas

  • Consider if you have the resources in-house to produce the content, including time, knowledge, and expertise.
  • Each content channel requires a special touch, so someone who specializes in blog writing may not be as skilled in email writing.
  • You can repurpose content across different platforms, such as turning a blog into a video script, podcast script, or social media posts.
  • Exposure Ninja follows this approach, creating multiple pieces of content from one blog.
  • Repurposing content saves time and effort compared to creating something new for each platform.
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Content Marketing in Your Business

  • Consider the company's goals, KPIs, and budget when creating a content marketing plan.
  • Use the example of Michelin stars as a content marketing success story to convince leadership teams.
  • Maintain a focus on audience, goals, and high-performing content to generate leads and sales.
  • Content marketing doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming if approached strategically.
  • Check out the ultimate content marketing strategy video for tips on saving time and maximizing results.

Watch the video on YouTube:
Everything You Need to Know about Content Marketing - YouTube

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